The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

LONG POST ! UPD8 on eva-ree-thang.


after my last post, the bloody computer just switched itself off. and i cant manage to switch it on ever since. i donno how many days itz been. but im glad that happend ! cos if not of acer's death, i wuld never ever,ever,ever have touched the books sleepin on my desk. i am pretty damn proud of myself these days simply becos i hav been revising for exams ! so far i feel the papers aint too bad. but i always feel that and still fail miserably in the end ( #__# )

but anyway ! i can't eblieve i am late on the examination day ! i seriously can't ! do you kno that lisa has been pratising a very good sleepin-early-wakin-early habit !? well i sleep around 00 oclock daily, and getup at 5.45 in the mornin, have a bath and then leave hostel @ 6.45. okay so for the day afta my haibt, i waz early. but for then the second day, i was too fast in preparing, i was left with 10 or so minits before the time hit 6.45 so since i had nothin else to do, i went to play the game in KK's mobile phone. i was so engrossed i totally forgot about the time ! and of cos, i didn't die, i was so so professional i survived and need i mention i topped the rank ? but anyway !
it was already 7 when i reached the bus stop. so i was late for the paper.

second paper. it waz rainin so heavily i snored till 6.34. no alarms to wake me this time. i bathed yadee deedah, i was late 30 friggin' minits for the paper. i finished it anyhow. tho i dont think it was well-done. just write and write and hand in.

but anyway, KK has left for myanmar. on thursday. there's this new myanmar friend, who's also in singapore, zaw oo, ye. friend. i think can call him a that. but anyway, KK and i saw him in KFC, xchanged hello and hi. ha ha ! i tell u KK and i are the daft-est girls alive !!! so we were happily
orderin when i said,
" u got money right ? mine all finish already. "
she said ye she did when all of a sudden, she went aghast and and said she didnt hav any $$$ too ! so we were both starin @ the cashier staff like (o. o)
and (O.O)

ha ha ha ! so of cos i went out to withdrawl some bloody cash :o) well anyway. things hav been happenin which i wuld love to update on but i just dont feel the feel yet so probly next time aye. one thing fosho is that i am so proud of myself :o)

can u believe zang lisa is studying !?
hehe, i kno too. but anyway.

for today !! i am sucha lucky girl i say ! ha ha ha !!!! holy shit. i can smile upon this memory. so one day, ms queenie ( the hostel head. ) asked me she noticed i dont always take my meals here in the hostel. so i told her itz cos i am always eating out tho i spared
her the reason of me always coming home late :oP so she was :

" is it becos u dont hav anyone to eat with ? "

it was kinda true so i said yep. ha ha ! i was so
str8 cos there's no use fakin here and there and like i said, i dont socialize with the people here becos we're just different. like, why waste ur time socializing with people u will never hang out with right ?

so anyway ! she will def ask the people to have my meal with 'em right. so as i was doin my #17 hourly report, i bumped into anna banana and she was :

" hi joys -! are u havin dinner today ? "
" um. i dont . . ye i am. "
im afraid i appear way too stuck up u see.
" okay gr8 ! let's hav dinner together ! do u wanto ? "
" ok. "
" yay ! meet me at the office at 6. "

i had to curse my too-kind-attitude ah. so i hunted for appropriate clothes. ha ha ha ! i found one that isnt deep cut. it was right in the bottom of the laundry. it's crinkled-wrinkled like fug. i washed it the first time i got here. but i didn't hang it up. but anyway ! i think i looked presentable ^_^ i took picutres ( of myself. ) but dont seem to be able to insert any ports or whatev u call it in the comp here but anyway !

i was late. and when fast forward, i thot anbana was gonna eat with me only. but who knew she sat with so many people !?

wait wait wait. before that, we were
walkin towards the canteen and i culd feel L7's presence ( HA ! HA ! HA ! REMEMBER I AM A PSYCHIC !???? ) behind and true enuff !!!!! okay. very fuuny thing but i dnno how to say.

ta jui shi jia ba yi si neh zang zai lao niang ne
pang bing zuo xie she mo seng ying ye siao bu de. ke shi beng ne shi
lao niang yi die ye bu ke kang ta ah ...

so after collectin my tray, anna led me the way, how wuld i kno where she want to sit right but who knew !!! she said
" okay ! let's sit with ----didnt hear.--- "
so i saw one girl eatin alone so i thot was her, i almost sat down lor, the girl was facing L7's group. ha ha ! when i was followin anna, L7 tamen kang kang kang. but anna didn't stop at the girl's seat ! she walked forward ! so i looked forward to see who !?



i hav mentioned
him once.

omgoodness gracious !
i almost fell over !!
he was the raise eyebrow and drop it thing. ha ha !
" hello ! this is joys. "
" hey .. "
" hey .. "
" and he is sha. "
i think it's shaikh. or somethin like that. i hav no more heart thumbing cos his english is way too indian. and plus, we didnt talk cos my fuckin voice was quiverin culd u beleive my voice was actually quivering !!!? ^%$#@#%^*(*

i think i shuld still stick to bein a girl with no person she likes. ha ha ! which is zoboring times a zillion. oh ! ha ha ! okay. so when A and i were walkin to S, L7's grp was lookin and when they saw us sittin, they were " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. "

HA ! HA ! HA ! i always hav this feel that i will see L7 in the air port. i donno why. i just feel it.

and ha ! ha ! there's another thai guy who isn't mixed but has a cute thai look, and looks very xtre-meeee-ly young, seen each other a couple of times. so i was doin my #11th or #10th hourly report, i was waitin for the lift, but i was dreamin off, and when the lift finally " came. " , i just walked in str8, wifout lookin in, i was still building some big a$$ zand
ca$tle$ in my head when someone came out. we were like so bloody close it gave me the fright of my life i backed off with a distorted face saying a
loud woobly " oooooooooooo .. !! " with my palms over my heart and he was " sorry. " so i looked up and saw the familiar face. surprsing his voice is
preety deep. and calm. and soothing. ha ha ha ! i can be a describtor. no such word again :oD

oki. i donno if u are still readin but typin this post makes me very happy to release some of my thots :o) i am listenin to the radio now, and whoa
am i noob or am i nOOb ?? there are so many nice songz !!!! ever since i moved here, i hav never heard any new songs and limewire is blardy banned here so i $eriously culndt catchup with the latest hits. but anyway ! i spent my day drawin today. ha ha ! doodling shuld be the term :oP oki. i am so happy !!!!


after that i will be cruising thru the clouds.
heheheheheheh !!

lawrence i think u angry with me. so sorry about it. really. anyway, can u email me when u r goin back ? i am goin either 15th or 21th this month. to yangon. either that or taunggyi. but i will be goin to both places. UPD8 me ! and smile ! :o)

i am happy happy happy. so bye bye bye. my legs bloody numb lor. oh ye ! ha ha ! i think there's this strange but real special connection with me and . . .




ha ! ha ! ha ! did i getcha at that !? :o)
i spent my whole friday over at WM's. ha ha ! i finished 2 books and a quatre. hehe. okay lah. i go now. i try UPD8 more. byeeeeeeee. please don't forget me :'''''''''''''o( HA HA !

and i love this song !!!! been hearin it a couple of times and it is still nice like sexy can i. ha ha !
somethin like -

. . . to walk away
but this crush aint goin away away eee-ye ye yeh ee ye.
goin away yee yeeyeyeyye
why do i keep runnin' . . .
to KOH WEI :
hello ! you can go over to yahoo and then search for " web counter. " i forgot which site i am using. i think is somthing. OH !!! mine is counter static ! you go try. very good.

P.S - to those who leave a msg, i am only replyin to comments. there's the comment button at the bottom of every posts. sorry abt being hostile but tag is really small ! i talk so much it looks very me$$y. but i still read ur tags worry not :o) oki doki. have a gr8 night !
with love !


Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.

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