6th October, Saturday.
yo. so today, i woke up early in the morning at 9am without the help of a human alarm nor a alarm alarm cos i slept like hell early yesterday. in my uniform, which, is pretty common, really. haha ! got ready and left the housie in the noon and went over to coffee bean to study. which wasn't really studied but drawing ^^
had my usual cinnamon and guardian texted me in the evening saying he's bringing jason to church so i gotsa be back before 6pm. left coffee bean, top up ed my concession card and waited for 77 home. did some sketching in the bus and when i reached home, i ran straight up to my room and changed into something more decent and church - like. re tied my hair, sprayed on a new scent of perfume which is my favourto => wore my love at first sight tee again. i've taken lots of pictures wearing that before. scroll down. and changed to a long pants. stood under the air con and cooled down which didn't help. guardian called and told me to have dinner cos the service's like two hours odd. went down reluctantly cos i was tryna skip dinner to prevent my stomach from bulging. forced down a tiny winy bit of rice and some dishes. went to the washroom to release neccessary liquid, checked my image if there was anything stuck between my teeth. washed my hands, checked my image the last time, went outta the washroom, switched off the light and got outta the living room. slipped in to my mary jane shoes and got in to the car, sat at the back and reached the church of lighthouse.
haha, i can't believe you actually read that whole load of unnecessary information. haha, but i think blogging how your day went en masse is really so much easier. see. just typing what i did at exactly has already contained such a paragraph. so ! serious stuff now ;
the church's a total beau !! i love it so much ! i'm surprised how cool a church could be cos judging from the previous churches i went to, it's absoulutely different. this one is so pretty ! i love the altar ! the stage !! ahaha i sang. it just automatically. of course it was awkward. y'know with my giradian being there and everything but my voice just floated out. i couldn't help it. the songs are all low pitched which made it really easy to sing along. i kept pastering jason, asking him if my voice was nice during certain verses. haha ! " eh, listen listen. nice or not. " he just kept quiet. so did guardian. but jason sang towards the ending cos i kep nudging him to sing along. anyways !! i think i'ma gonna write a song for jesus. and make it my own tune and everything. i wanna be a church singer ! however you call it. cos i think i can sing church songs !! ya'know, christian classicals. either that, or i wanna be a dancer. haha ! BALLET !! okay nevermind. anyways, the healing session today wasn't thaaaaat interesting. it was just healing of people with minor illnesses like headaches, stomaches, soars of back bones, and oh, y'know. simple. i'm looking forward to the whole exorcism thang. but i'm just afraid that i can't sleep at night. nevermind. so it was already 10 odd when we reached home. i was a tiny winy bit of hungry so i asked jason if he wanted to go down to 7-11 with me to get a sandwich. actually, i just wanted to get out cos ending sucha beautiful day with come-back-from-church-le-now-time-to-sleep-already is so wasted dontcha think ? sandwich was sold out so i brought jasone to the food court cheepeng said was drowned and saffocated and flooded and filled and filled with yummy foods. but . . .
my noodle tasted chao-ta-ish ! forgot what it was called. jason had laksa i tried it and it tasted too coconuty. but mine was damn disgusting lor. it tasted burnt. okay personal comments aside, we managed to get a few pictures taken at least => picture of church badly taken cos of the darkness. good picture tomorrow is promised.
The fishball shots.

skip, skip, skip.
Church of Evangelism. The Lighthouse Church.
in seventy-seven.
October 7th, Sunday.
got a missed call from jaw. the next second, the house phone started ringing. i got up into my room and called jaw who told me to call mom. right after he said those words, guardian got into my room and told me jaw called to ask me to call momsie as both momsie and jaw said i never picked up any of their calls. having thought that there was something very urgent or something, i dialed momsie as soon as my fingers allowed me. she greeted me with such relaxed tone i felt happy for no reasons. haha, i asked her when i could go back and if we're going to thailand or myanmar. said she's gotsa come over to singapore once more cos of her brows. haha, so in short, she'll be reaching here at the end of october and we'll be flying off TOGETHER to either one of the countries, depending on the situation in myanmar. speaking of the situation in myanmar, i was just chilling with the gentle breeze with farah the other day during break when she came over and asked if both of us were from myanmar. haha ! told her i was burmese and far was gaporean and y'know what she said !? i can't remember the exact words but i goes something like this.
" i'm really worried about your country. is it all right now ? how is your family there ? "
tell me how nice of her i beg you. she's ji eun from 2e1. so matured right =>
anyways ! suddenly i have this sudden hatred towards this guy and i just feel like shiet. y'know what his latest comment was !? well it goes something like, something like your breasts is so [ i lost his voice ] when he walked past me in the morning some other days. isn't it just a big joke ? sometimes i really wonder why on earth would guys hit on girls i mean it's common, very common, for girls to hit on girls but guys on girls ? hmm. i wonder. reason why he started discriminating or criticizing me or shietsoever ? haha, you'd laugh at this i tell you. well, class was on the way to m'lab for art. i was walking straight ahead when i saw them girls dilly dally-ing cos of him. he supposedly blocked the girls' way like girls go left he'd go left kinda thang with his LEG. and having one of the period-y mood didn't help. i was irritated with the girls for being such a oh i don't know what. so i just walked ahead, and brushed past them and so that guy hadda make way right. so the girls got a way to pass too. i think i made him feel embarrassed or something ? cos he " lost " and oh boy. some guys just would do anything plausible of get attention right. so as i walked past him, he was like " your modelling suck la ! " and ever since that day, there were more ridiculous comments being hurled at me. " you walk so macho ! " " malay malay malay malay " to friends. oh you get the picture. so so so so so. today's update. well i woke up early in the morning at 7 am and wore that dress i got from china this june. that's the last decent piece of clothing i have. but hey, guess what !? i saw a long sleeved top i want oh so bad today at westmall. it cost only 23 $ from dano. sales going on there. went over to red 2 and i saw two tops that i liked a little. my heart still went with dano. checked my purse and there were on money left. i brought 60 $ today, thinking of using around 20 $ but i was left with this.
i really don't know what i bought you know ! i topped up my concession card, went in to supermarket and bought frozen smilies fries and a packet of cheese sausage for cheepeng. was planning to go over to his house. went over to mac's and had 2 sets of meal, brought jason his train tickets, and i didn't spend anything at church ! wait, lemme see. yeah, really nothing. 2 cups of bandong at the station, went over to coffee bean had my usual cinnamon large and vanilla large for jason. that's about it ! oh, a drawing block for jasone, a new lip balm for me, new pair of hair clips as i forgot to bring from home, a packet of flexies ( it's out again !! ) , 2 sets of breaskfast meal from mac's, 2 prata sausage from food fest and that's about it ! i'm really sad my money's just flown away like this. do you know how much effort it takes me to save moneh !? my heart totally went senget. and the more i have to get a job. i wanna work so bad. i think it's gonna be loaded with fun.
" here's your food mam miss sir uncle aunt girl boy blah. " coolios ! okay, so i didn't hear much in church today as i was really sleepy cos of mr cheese who rang me in the morning at late 1 early 2 odd and talked till 3 odd. but this time, it's excusable cos we talked about serious stuff. i was like dozing off listening. however, i remember what pastor ronny said about how jesus's gonna come back again and everything. yeh that's about how much of his words actually knocked into my ears. yesterday's was much interesting. oh today was cute cos they passed this really really small biscuit of the size of about my thumb nail or smaller than that with a small very small cup of red juice which is not red wine, no. haha and we had to say prayers before everyone of us ate. about how jesus shared i think. yeah. i wanna sleep le larrrrr. waking up early tomorrow brr.
eight thiry-ish and ready for church ! unedited. haha get up early for good image.

En Route !
up close.

favourito since i had teeth. it's become my childhood bezzzzz flen !
how good joys is.

up close two.
The mac's shots. { only pic 4th is edited. haha. }

Searching for 81 Tempines.

i oozed out every ounce of courage i had for this. i was sleepy and the pastor was communicating with us through a projector. how d'ya expect me to stay awake ? the only way was to have a lil of excitement. and at that time, this was the eximentest of the excitment i could get.
yo. so today, i woke up early in the morning at 9am without the help of a human alarm nor a alarm alarm cos i slept like hell early yesterday. in my uniform, which, is pretty common, really. haha ! got ready and left the housie in the noon and went over to coffee bean to study. which wasn't really studied but drawing ^^
had my usual cinnamon and guardian texted me in the evening saying he's bringing jason to church so i gotsa be back before 6pm. left coffee bean, top up ed my concession card and waited for 77 home. did some sketching in the bus and when i reached home, i ran straight up to my room and changed into something more decent and church - like. re tied my hair, sprayed on a new scent of perfume which is my favourto => wore my love at first sight tee again. i've taken lots of pictures wearing that before. scroll down. and changed to a long pants. stood under the air con and cooled down which didn't help. guardian called and told me to have dinner cos the service's like two hours odd. went down reluctantly cos i was tryna skip dinner to prevent my stomach from bulging. forced down a tiny winy bit of rice and some dishes. went to the washroom to release neccessary liquid, checked my image if there was anything stuck between my teeth. washed my hands, checked my image the last time, went outta the washroom, switched off the light and got outta the living room. slipped in to my mary jane shoes and got in to the car, sat at the back and reached the church of lighthouse.
haha, i can't believe you actually read that whole load of unnecessary information. haha, but i think blogging how your day went en masse is really so much easier. see. just typing what i did at exactly has already contained such a paragraph. so ! serious stuff now ;
the church's a total beau !! i love it so much ! i'm surprised how cool a church could be cos judging from the previous churches i went to, it's absoulutely different. this one is so pretty ! i love the altar ! the stage !! ahaha i sang. it just automatically. of course it was awkward. y'know with my giradian being there and everything but my voice just floated out. i couldn't help it. the songs are all low pitched which made it really easy to sing along. i kept pastering jason, asking him if my voice was nice during certain verses. haha ! " eh, listen listen. nice or not. " he just kept quiet. so did guardian. but jason sang towards the ending cos i kep nudging him to sing along. anyways !! i think i'ma gonna write a song for jesus. and make it my own tune and everything. i wanna be a church singer ! however you call it. cos i think i can sing church songs !! ya'know, christian classicals. either that, or i wanna be a dancer. haha ! BALLET !! okay nevermind. anyways, the healing session today wasn't thaaaaat interesting. it was just healing of people with minor illnesses like headaches, stomaches, soars of back bones, and oh, y'know. simple. i'm looking forward to the whole exorcism thang. but i'm just afraid that i can't sleep at night. nevermind. so it was already 10 odd when we reached home. i was a tiny winy bit of hungry so i asked jason if he wanted to go down to 7-11 with me to get a sandwich. actually, i just wanted to get out cos ending sucha beautiful day with come-back-from-church-le-now-time-to-sleep-already is so wasted dontcha think ? sandwich was sold out so i brought jasone to the food court cheepeng said was drowned and saffocated and flooded and filled and filled with yummy foods. but . . .
my noodle tasted chao-ta-ish ! forgot what it was called. jason had laksa i tried it and it tasted too coconuty. but mine was damn disgusting lor. it tasted burnt. okay personal comments aside, we managed to get a few pictures taken at least => picture of church badly taken cos of the darkness. good picture tomorrow is promised.
The fishball shots.

October 7th, Sunday.
got a missed call from jaw. the next second, the house phone started ringing. i got up into my room and called jaw who told me to call mom. right after he said those words, guardian got into my room and told me jaw called to ask me to call momsie as both momsie and jaw said i never picked up any of their calls. having thought that there was something very urgent or something, i dialed momsie as soon as my fingers allowed me. she greeted me with such relaxed tone i felt happy for no reasons. haha, i asked her when i could go back and if we're going to thailand or myanmar. said she's gotsa come over to singapore once more cos of her brows. haha, so in short, she'll be reaching here at the end of october and we'll be flying off TOGETHER to either one of the countries, depending on the situation in myanmar. speaking of the situation in myanmar, i was just chilling with the gentle breeze with farah the other day during break when she came over and asked if both of us were from myanmar. haha ! told her i was burmese and far was gaporean and y'know what she said !? i can't remember the exact words but i goes something like this.
" i'm really worried about your country. is it all right now ? how is your family there ? "
tell me how nice of her i beg you. she's ji eun from 2e1. so matured right =>
anyways ! suddenly i have this sudden hatred towards this guy and i just feel like shiet. y'know what his latest comment was !? well it goes something like, something like your breasts is so [ i lost his voice ] when he walked past me in the morning some other days. isn't it just a big joke ? sometimes i really wonder why on earth would guys hit on girls i mean it's common, very common, for girls to hit on girls but guys on girls ? hmm. i wonder. reason why he started discriminating or criticizing me or shietsoever ? haha, you'd laugh at this i tell you. well, class was on the way to m'lab for art. i was walking straight ahead when i saw them girls dilly dally-ing cos of him. he supposedly blocked the girls' way like girls go left he'd go left kinda thang with his LEG. and having one of the period-y mood didn't help. i was irritated with the girls for being such a oh i don't know what. so i just walked ahead, and brushed past them and so that guy hadda make way right. so the girls got a way to pass too. i think i made him feel embarrassed or something ? cos he " lost " and oh boy. some guys just would do anything plausible of get attention right. so as i walked past him, he was like " your modelling suck la ! " and ever since that day, there were more ridiculous comments being hurled at me. " you walk so macho ! " " malay malay malay malay " to friends. oh you get the picture. so so so so so. today's update. well i woke up early in the morning at 7 am and wore that dress i got from china this june. that's the last decent piece of clothing i have. but hey, guess what !? i saw a long sleeved top i want oh so bad today at westmall. it cost only 23 $ from dano. sales going on there. went over to red 2 and i saw two tops that i liked a little. my heart still went with dano. checked my purse and there were on money left. i brought 60 $ today, thinking of using around 20 $ but i was left with this.

" here's your food mam miss sir uncle aunt girl boy blah. " coolios ! okay, so i didn't hear much in church today as i was really sleepy cos of mr cheese who rang me in the morning at late 1 early 2 odd and talked till 3 odd. but this time, it's excusable cos we talked about serious stuff. i was like dozing off listening. however, i remember what pastor ronny said about how jesus's gonna come back again and everything. yeh that's about how much of his words actually knocked into my ears. yesterday's was much interesting. oh today was cute cos they passed this really really small biscuit of the size of about my thumb nail or smaller than that with a small very small cup of red juice which is not red wine, no. haha and we had to say prayers before everyone of us ate. about how jesus shared i think. yeah. i wanna sleep le larrrrr. waking up early tomorrow brr.

up close two.
The mac's shots. { only pic 4th is edited. haha. }

Searching for 81 Tempines.

the stage ?


October 9th, Tuesday.
okay, mathematics was really easy, really. but i just didn't know how to solve it step by step ! i have a vague idea of the formulas to apply but i know i've'd come across such questions during math classes. i think i'm gonna fail. and guess what. after the paper right, farah asked me which questions i chose. told her i chose 10 cos it's the easiest. she then told me we were supposed to choose 3 questions outta 4. but i did only one ! i misread the question. i thought was like choose one out of the 3. and i thought graph question was excluded from the 3 so i did graph and 10. so thankfully, i did 2. each sums up to a total of about 8 marks. i think i totally screwed it up. oh nevermind. so after talking to farah for i think 15 odd minutes, i excused myself outta the school. to westmall !! haha, it was only 10 in the morning when i got into 173 heading towards wm. i couldn't wait till my hands lay on that top man. i didn't know which color to choose outta davy blue, red and black. when i slipped it down my body, i was hella disappointed. it didn't llok thaaaaaaat good. it looks like one of those alab style. y'know. striped. i'm sure to get afew un-asked attention from unwanted people. so i hunted further down the aisle of the shop, flipping evry pieces of clothing randomly since nothing attarcted me. i hunted roughly three to ofur times for at least something. and finally found one that looked pretty appealing. it's kinda in the shade of the pink i loves. it's not like i like it 100 % but i just HAD to get something. i couldn't waste my trip and the anticipation i had just for a bloody shirt right. so i got it nonetheless. oh yeh. i got myself a new cool blue eye-liner which is total coolios ! go get it !!! at guardian's for only 7.90 $. it works wonders.

so i texted stinky lee that i was still getting my THING from wm and that i'd be a little late for lesson as the shops weren't open that early and shiet. as i got off the bus, i felt like falling dead flat. it was scorching hot and i think i could just melt right there and then. i really couldn;t take it. moreover, my stomach was churning and tangling haywire 360 degree north south east west and i just felt like dying. what seemed like never-ending seconds, i finally reached home, very sweet home. went to the washroom and why. i was greeted by
" God's monthly torture towards women for Eve's mistake "
cleared all my doubts on science with stinky and slept right through till night where i woke up and studied. yes, please re-read the last sentence.

hello ! right now, i'm just dragging every second passing by till momsie's here ! isit me is it just the weather's really really warm ? i feel like fainting everytime i have to walk up the darn slope. really. just like today, farah stopped at my bus stop on the way home. her 970 was taking such granny snail like time she decided to take a cab home. i saw my chance coming. HAHA ! so i persuaded her to drop me off my house first then make a u-turn back home. haha which, happened. shiet. i'm draggin tomorrow. why can't singapore just be windy and cool ? OH WHY WHY WHY. and my pretty pink umbrella's under my desk. urgh. i have to look for an extra pair of umbrella. it really gets on my boiling point you know. i have to just say it as much as i like until i feel i'm satisfied. shiet. i can't climb up the slope. not with the bloody hot heat. not with me feeling so dead. not with me not liking the surrounding. okay nevermind. i'm just really draggin everything i do. i just had a late dinner. it's 12.36 and i just ate. steamboat. tsk. my sad sad steamboat. only me eating alone. jason joined me for just a few minutes before he went back up so i had to eat all alone sadly sadly sadly. okay. bye. what a sad entry.
my sad sad " steam boat " and me.