whoa like hi and welcome mi back !!!!!?
i tested my luck to c if the internet's on and guess i got my luck w mi !
only thing is, i have got nothin much intrstin to UPD8 on xcpt ive got 4 math tutors ~!!!! -.- bye.
PS, ive got a rockstar bag from KK ( ha ha ha, hello beauty ~ c u soon ! ) for lantern festival present !!!!
u can check the shop out. rather unique. it's located in cine. 3rd or 4th lvl i forgot. the old nike place. shop's called rockstar.
ANW. i goin eat alr. u c. i diet until so pro. eat in school eat outside then come back still must eat. stomach say dont blame her tho.
GOODBYE ~!!! PS, this is such a lousy yr. my entries all so limited -.-
these r the pics ive took last. mbzillion yrs ago . .
jas and i on our way to tuition.
insisted on gettin a gd pic of his new jeans -.-.-.-
ive been lookin like an ogre recently so cnt bare to show my face. will scare u off one.
to KK's place aft tuition.
the reason why i love mopping KK's grounds. ha ha ha ha this thingamajig is so fun i tell u !!!! the most genius and practical invention i have ever laid my silky hands upon. i was still acting smart when jas told me how to function it cos i realli havent seen anythin like this. i thot it was just ol ordinary mop w a special design . . so when i was straining the mop's hair to dry it, KK scolded me for scoldin jas when he tried to teach mi to use it cos the fact is, he knows how. AND I DONT. ANW, no squeezing and straining of ur arm muscles r required fot this. just step on this pedal-like thingy and off u go !!!! the water gets sucked right out of the mop's hair. i'll probly do a vid on this next time. ha ha ha.
swissssh and swoooosh ~~
before sleepin. i cnt smile w teeth alr. if not face will xplode undr pressre.

ta daah. the thingamajig we got. we dont evn kno if wine's its name -.-
c the perfect spot i get to sleep in KK's place. i feel like im floating on air. all the city lights and buildings below mi n all . .
my face looks bloody distorted here but herez the bag !!!!! the style's abit like my red bag but still, isnt it soo intrstn cos ive nerver tried ths color before !!!?? KK the pinky got baby pink for hers. i had to pose like this cos its the only way i can c myself w the bag -.- er ya. i was in my schl u. ha ha ha ha ha.
i tested my luck to c if the internet's on and guess i got my luck w mi !
only thing is, i have got nothin much intrstin to UPD8 on xcpt ive got 4 math tutors ~!!!! -.- bye.
PS, ive got a rockstar bag from KK ( ha ha ha, hello beauty ~ c u soon ! ) for lantern festival present !!!!
u can check the shop out. rather unique. it's located in cine. 3rd or 4th lvl i forgot. the old nike place. shop's called rockstar.
ANW. i goin eat alr. u c. i diet until so pro. eat in school eat outside then come back still must eat. stomach say dont blame her tho.
GOODBYE ~!!! PS, this is such a lousy yr. my entries all so limited -.-
these r the pics ive took last. mbzillion yrs ago . .
jas and i on our way to tuition.
the reason why i love mopping KK's grounds. ha ha ha ha this thingamajig is so fun i tell u !!!! the most genius and practical invention i have ever laid my silky hands upon. i was still acting smart when jas told me how to function it cos i realli havent seen anythin like this. i thot it was just ol ordinary mop w a special design . . so when i was straining the mop's hair to dry it, KK scolded me for scoldin jas when he tried to teach mi to use it cos the fact is, he knows how. AND I DONT. ANW, no squeezing and straining of ur arm muscles r required fot this. just step on this pedal-like thingy and off u go !!!! the water gets sucked right out of the mop's hair. i'll probly do a vid on this next time. ha ha ha.
before sleepin. i cnt smile w teeth alr. if not face will xplode undr pressre.
days whn i felt like a health guru. this used to b my dinner. soup, coffe, digestives and goat milk tablets.
now i eat like er . . .. . . . .. speakin of food, my tummy's buggin mi to hurry so ciaozzzie !