kay i will let my pictures speak for me.

in the bus from jan's on the way to orchard tube station to topayo.

ta da da !

ha ha, very comfy lookin aint !? she doesn't even stay here ! it's her spare house :oD i really love her condo. and now im more convinced i wanna live in a condo. i love to swim and i ave always hav this fantasy of swimmin befor i leave school and then another swim when i am back. plus, condominiums are very safe cos theres the security guards 24\7 to guard over you. unlike HDBs and priv8 housing estates. so if u have a condo that u r renting out, pls kindly contact me. most preferably near town, somewhere where bimbi is stayin over @ queesntown or anywhere 'cept for west area. kay im hittin off the point. thing is, bimbi's is real nice and coolin.

the poolie.

after the fake swim with a reflection of my own. ha ha ! bimbo got distracted by the coconuts fallin off the ground half way waddling around the pool she decided to go give it a shot at hackin the coconuts into halves. i swear it took her more than an hour's time to get one coconut cracked !!! so after a string of failures, the Indian Heros came along and it took them less than 5 seconds to crack the nut heads !! ha ha ! bimbi got the hang of it after a few trails, declaring she is the future professional coconut cracker. Indian Heros were too kind they cracked us a total of 9 fucking coconuts to eat !!! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! it made it a total of 18 cos they're in halves. stupid bimbo just sat there trying a tiny piece by piece while i was there wiping em out. i didnt bring camera to the pool so we culdnt take any vidz and picz. by the time we were done eating and stuff it started rainin there was no way we could go crack coco again so. bimbi was ther BZ teaching me to somersault and hand-stand under water till water entered my nose freely and my brains flipped up and down. not to forget my intestines too.

after the big azz swim, we ordered the KFC meal which didnt contain the drinks as it promised. ha ha i tell you ordering this shit is the biggest joke of my life. but shant go into details 'cept it wasnt satisfying.

clearin the crumbs left behind by us. read the caption typed on the pig. my awkward is spelt awkwardly wrongly.

after eatin, i went to straighten my hair with farah's hair straightener.

HA ! HA ! HA ! worry not it's still me yo ! o just had an early halloween feel.
bimbi too.

check out how many shades darker i hav become !

bimbi tourin me around her condo.

borrowin her hair as usual.

the garden !

near the pool.

eatin the cheap ass but hell yummy red bean eyes cream.
went to the mini mart to buy us some snacks. i indirectly stole 4 cans of drink. well you see . . the machine thing was so ancient it was broken. so itchy handedly, i opened the door and ta-daah ! there were 4 cans of drinks laying so i just grabbed them before walkin off. not that we drank it in the end but just for the fun of it. please forgive me.
in caze u r curious how the inside of those coin-slotting-in machine looks like, this is it here. a little metallic and robboty with the drinks trapped inside.

bimbi threw 1 away, ha ha ! she said wintermelon tastes yuckky.
with her hair again of cozzzz :oP

after her second house, we went back to her first house over @ queenstown and there we bought some food home from the supermarket. of cos roti prata was included. ha ah ! thats the egg i tired fryin. which didnt quite turn out fine as xpected but still edible. we got ourselves the small bouncy ball already !! ha ha ha ! it is fun ! and very fun. ye if that makes any sense :oP

i dreamt of the day the health professionals will announce to the world that we human beings need fats to stay alive on the way home. like eatin a good amount of fats to stay healthy instead of vitamins. and the day fats dont make us fat but healthy and trim and fit. which is so not happenin aye. oh well . . .
HERE'S MA DIAMOND !!!!!!!!!!!!

er . . . hehehe the thingy to the left hand is supposed to look like a diamond too but i guess not eh. well, bye !! it is 3.30 on a frinday mornin. byezzzzzz.