LOL def long time no say tt n long time no write yo !!!
ok so i've been BZ again, v sadly.. can u believe i only got back home last night at motherforking 23.30 BZily doin all those damned docs. ???????
gosh i wonder how i still stay so " buff. " from all these tiresome work lo.. i still have these lards in my body even after running from this destination to the other lo.. but o wells. let's c. quick short UPD8s in joys's life April 2010.
5) i've lost my phone so the only way u can contact me is thru emailing.. i read my yahoo mails most but only 2 people know tt add so no point, really, to mention it lol foolish :oP i will inform u when i get my 9822 back. i love my number so im applyin the same number. twice.
12) im currently lodging in KK's place till i have decided my next step. im currently on the verge of a major break down ( only jokin duh. every one knows i like 2 ssstttrrreeetttccchhh ( e-yak e-yak. ) my words HA HA HA HA ! no not drama queen thankiu. ) which pretty much amounts 2 about 2-3 months b4 movin on 2 TW or BKK. it's so messy i swear im not gonna UPD8 on ANAYTHING until it's all confirmed.
34) IM REALLY XCITED CUZ I WILL BE SCHOOLING AGAIN !!!!!! u cant believe im already bored outta my dumb wits ok !!! i dont work i dont school im basically just livin my days on boredom !!!!! and freedom ! but this is def not one of the freedoms i enjoy grr.. i like havin my hands on somethin.. i miss writing 習字。。
ok so my point is, im dead xcited 'll be goin 2 school again ( even when they are teaching me the basic of the basics suchas ni hao wo hao da jia hao. )
34.5) dont mind me when i complain of lethargy when i start school lol ^^
1001) i miss home.
thats all. BB.
o yea. kiss goodbye 2 all my pictures now that the phone is gone.
the picts to goin back to BV, the pics to bringing jase out, the picts to meeting KW and most imptly, the pics 2 beautiful me and my beautiful cousins in MM !!!!!!!!
Im a fatigué so BB all. dont mind me. im a noob in french. slowly but surely i will learn to say in sentences. im such a noob brrr :oP
au revoir ~!!!