grans has been complaining about her hair since the night i got here in BKK but we never really got down to the salon due to our bad time managements so anyhow, today, we've finally managed to get to her wish lol. said her sides are ugly cuz it's way too poofy lol :oP
i on the other hand, is looking v bland cuz no time 2 apply make up completely n look at what i wuz wearing holy cow !!!!
DONT LAUGH !!! ha ha ha ! i was wearing 2 tanks LOL !!! the outer grey by UCB was too big it exposes my muscles so i had to get help for the starry tank lol..
here is my Lilly !!!!!!! ok. i just christened her while tying now lol..
granny bought it for me ^^ i insisted on payin myself but she said no. ANW !!! it looks plain jane now.. m thinking of vampin
it a lil by adding stickers and those jewelicas wadddayafink ?? plain has its attractions too tho..

the effect Lilly produces are really amazing !!!!!!!
take a look ! it doesnt look so good here but it looks real gd in real. i shall scan it in tmr..
waiting for my grans to color her hair. she said her whites will scare ppl off LOL..
my beautiful grans after a hair cut n color !!!!!!
and er.. me. after my hair treatment LOL.. i was too bored of waiting i decided to dote on my hair a lil LOL..
eh !!!!!! i heard u laughing at my " super adorable. " tummy ok !!!!! stop it stop it !!!! HA HA HA ! ok lah. here's me bloated after aunt annie's. i swear i have the oddest stomachs - ever. it bloats v easily. like even after i have a packet of chips my tummy'd start to protrude 10cms -..- but the good thing is once i starve myself, my tummy shrinks 20cms.. so IDK, we have a love-hate relationship i guess..
ANW !!! trust me i'm ! DYING ! to do something different to my hair but im waiting till i get to TW to get it done !!! cuz im scared, yes SCARED, they'll ruin my hair and i cant get a new hair style anymore.. speakin of which, im begining to love my hair color whoo !!
beautiful AYM !
HA HA HA ! look at them oldies eat aunt annie's LOL..
grans looked really adorable while she was eating this childish food ha ha ha..
i treated them to that cuz my she bought me Lilly LOL... tho if u wanna be technical, my mom treated them. HA HA HA !!!
sigh... if only i can start working.. i'll confirm treat them to VIP KFC !!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!! JOKE.
en route home ~
us by Lils !!!!!
and me by sony.
ending w a pic i got today to keep me accompany !!!!!!!! so i wont surf the net all day -..-
i feel stupid these days. i don't read like i used to sigh..
o and yes. u guessed it ! i didn't go swimming this A.M cuz i woke up at 13.30 LOL.. really tho, what can you expect from me eh ? ;o)
NIGHTZ !!!!!