argh the summer heat is killing me merciless !!!!!!
instead of makin use of the heat to do a little sauna, i'm eating the hell out instead !!!!!
control joycy, CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL ~
went to fetch jase today, he's finally managed to get back after 1 day of schedule ^^ now all we need are mommie and jawwie ^^
a hot day calls for a causal wear. up my mane went.. along with my jeans. yes jeans. im donnin a jeans WTF :O

c. my sports tees so useful !!!!!!!! i KNEW i was gonna need em one day - smug. -
went 2 get my visa card B4 fetching jase. my card is damn cool innit !???
i didnt kno we could put our picture so i didn't prepare a flattering one of myself. all i had were the unedited versions from my cam :'''o((((( the best i had was the one with changi airpot so i chose tt lo,,, sigh.........................................

while waitin 4 jase. my pictures are gona be limited from here cuz my make up ran off and left me stranded alone in the nude island >( damn ugly. stupid heat grr,,
and here is our dear jase and johnny dear !!!!
had pizza for lunch. thawat and jase here..

my loves ~
i luv this pic but grans said she looks like a monkey here LOL :oD !!!!!
they were BZ eating while i was there on an amateur mission of photographing the happiness ^^
mr thawat w his lettuce !!!!
sweet johnny w his wings !!!
lil jase n his garlic bread !!!
AYM w her sweet smile !!!
dear grans w her food still in her mouth lol !!! :oD
jase : ew !!!! y is the cucumber so bitter !!???
johnny : - ceases eating and pose for the camera. -
thawat : eh heh heh. i think i shuld grab the spaghetti B4 they do !!!
LOL !!!! true !!!! well, about jase n johnny ANW :oP
TJJJ ( thawat johnny jase joys. ) went over to swensen's to chill our temperatures B4 our lousy thai movie.
im british !!!!!!
jase switched from africa to english too. johnny is NYC cuz he graduated there lol :oP im not big on football but i love england so.. :oP
now u know ehre i get my fabuluz " muscles. " from :oP
dear jons..
jase mid way stretchin LOL ^^
GO ANGIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!!!!!!
us the kids LOL ^^ !!!!!
lucky johnny !!!!! KS is wow as always !!!
ending w an unflattering but blessed pics of us 4 !!!!!
ciao !!!! stay hydrated !