news flash : i didn't bring my camera out for the first time in me life yesterday. ha ha ! how true and how incredible of me !?
anywayz ! yesterday was the boarding school's sports day and it has officially left me 2 shades darker. or maybe even three ! you'll see how dark me is later. after sports day, i laid on the bed without bathing and took pictures for 45 minits before goin to sleep. after closing my eyes for only 15 minuts, my 3 hour long tuition was already waitin' for me downstairs. i dragged my big butt down and ta-han-ed for 3 long hours before rushing up to me room, showered and waited for KK to come pick me up. we only went westmall. ha ha ! cos were always eating at kou fu. i actually ate at this particular shop till the lady already remembered me.
her. " -big smile.- hi xiao jie ! what do you want ? "
lisa : hey ! ha ha, i want 24 with egg and $5 gor tie. "
which is wot i ALWAYS have. and yesterday, she kind-heartedly gave me 2 bowls of soup.
" you also have another friend right ? "
thus, the 2 bowls of soup.
WELL ANYWAY ! the main purpose of goin out yesterday was to have my hair chopped off but when me was is westmall, i was just delayin time. cos i wanted to go back to bukit timah to cut but alas ! when we got to BT, the shops were all closed !!!! so we took 173 to clementi again checked there and yes, all shops were closed too. we acomplished somethin real big yesterday . . . thatz to not touch the taxi cabs ! ha ha ! we took bus allll the way ! how cool right. ha ha, thatz way " cool. " yo.
anywayz ! i am so hungry now but i dont wanna eat. and guezz what !!!! i guess my feelin for level 7 is comin back a little tiny little dot size of an ant. and if you wanna see how he looks,
HERE'S HIM !!!!!!
okay maybe not him exactly, but i was just lookin' thru my friendster friends when i came across alex's and i had to fucking gasp in amazement cos they look just so damn similar ! well in this particular pikture of cos. but yes, of cos ACJC L7 is so much better cos he's a mixed thai while alex s just a pure Caucasian. so anywayz. here's it !

ding ding ding ! he's on the left of coz :oP like i said, level 7 looks better.to me of cos. but yes, L7 is indeed, like a little boy. he's like those kiddy handsome. cute. i don't know. a little bit of cute and handsome i guess. cool too. sigh. i praise him quite alot it's sad.
oki anywayz !
joke of the day.
i was havin the bloody long 3 hour session with nandar. . .
N : what are the 7 basic quantities ?
L : length, cm. mass, kg. time, second. luminous intensity, candela. light, ampere. amount of substance, mole. and . . . . "
N : temperature . . . ?
L : errrrr . . . .uhm. . . - frowning, me was feelin very pissed cos i didnt had any food from mornin to evenin. and she still insisted on a bloody long 3 hour to torment me. -
N : kelvin . . . . ? ? ? ?
L : -brains racing, bloody boling, eyes bluring, -
the day before the aktual sports day. i was stressin on me jersey. my mind was die-heartedly set on gettin' the L but it turned out darn big ! but me still likes ! yo yo yo me iz a kool girl yo ! ha ha ok i suck.
i dont look sportif. i wanted to wear my whole set of outfit that looks crazy sportif but who knew we had to wear the jersey . .

the contrast, look at me hands.
AND THIS IS HOW DARK I AM !!! foot is covered with sox so it's still the same. but for the rest, it's dark like lkjhgfdsa !! see. it's like in between the knee cap and ankle, there's a decomposed leg.

jlisa lackin' sleep. and mornin' face looks bright like a beam of light cos me is facing directly at the wondow :oP
ok i only have a vid of this cluster cos the rest were either too soft or too short plus, these guys had to re-cheer so it gave me the chance to vid them down. anywayz ! it aint completed cos half way vid-recordin, i had to sign some thing and so ye.