hiak ! ha ha ha okay i def dont kno wot that means. hiak all the same ! joycy is a happier girl today.
i got up early this mornin at 8 and got ready for the day. first off, i went over to whitley secondary. moms hadda meet jaw's principal. after waitin, bloody hell mr nonis wanted to meet mom for the parent's' meeting thingo so together with guardian, momsie and i went over to bukit view secondary. damn I GOT THiRD IN CLASS !!!!!!!!! AND THIRD FOR THE LEVEL POSITION AS WELL !!!!
ME SMART NORTZ !! ye i kno youre darn happy for me but heh, itz third from the last so . . . . . :oP
ha ha ha shocked i actually got third eh. if i ever get a third, i think singapore'd stop being so warm. well anywayz, these are my " wondorus. " results.
note : wondorus with the quotations.
for english, i got a lousy 55.9
for chinese, i got a lousier 44.8
for math, i got a lousy 37
for science, i got a lousy 35.3
for history, i got a good 61.2 ! ha ha i am actually happy over these kinda mark. well anyway,
for accounts, i got the perfart score mian. i got 209 could you believe it !? 20.9 ! damn.
for food science, 34.3
for C&ME, i got a B.
so yep i failed 6 subz outta a 8. which, to summarize, 41.3% passage and a total of 289.4 outta a 7 bloody hundred. yep. i am so smart thanks ah.
i couldnt keep a solemn face all the time. the further the situations go, the funnier the situations get. the lousier the gr8, the funnier it is. i dont feel sad i dont regret i dont tear i dont drama momma i accept it all with a laugh coz i kno fo sure am gonna put in bloody load of effort the next samester.
ANYWYAZ ! after meetin them leechers ( hehe. ) momsie and i went over to takasheeeeemayor ( haha. ) to have crystal jade. i ate till i vomit-flooded the whole restaurant ( hoe hoe. ) after lunch, went over to wheenlocks' for moms manicure and hair treatment so jaw and i went to watch indiana jones over @ lido's. well IJ is not a bad show tho like always, iron man is da besxzt. the nice parts are where the adventures begin. like the waterfall, the quick sand, the red ants et cetera et cetera. after movee went to meet mom at wisma's esprit. i got myself yet another short jeans and a cutsie top !!!! mom got the same shorts but a different top. today's expenditure made me a member of esprit edc. i'm not too happy coz i wanna be a member of a hospital :o)
see. this kind of nurze where to find ???? so willing to wipe clean patients' wastes kno. anywayz. can't compliment myself too much if not i will blush kno ;o)
so then after buying a few more clothes, jaw went to meet his friends while me and mom went over to pu tien restaurant for dinner. this time, i truly ate till i vomit flooded the whole of kitchen road. ha ha ha !
my cell phone dropped en route back so it's sufferein a very back body ache now tho i dont pity it cos i dont even fancy it to begin with. M and i climbed the stairs up instead of being lazy by takin the lift. 21 levels multiply by 2 flights of stairs for each level, you get 42 flights of stairs. 42 you multiply again by i think 5 steps per flight of stairs, you ged. uhm, heh heh sorry my math not good. i am sittin here updatin about my life while them adults are beer-ing, claimin rainy days are the bezt days to indulge on beer. crazy folks. well, i gotta get up early again tomorrow so bye my honey !
may i get smarter,
jaw " i'll have a kid at 20 odd so you can take care of my babes, mom. "
moms. " wooo no ! i'm not gonna help you take care of your children at that age ah ! i still wanna do business ! take note, i will only take care of you 2's children when i'm too old to work. "
ha ha this is the mom-spirit ^.^v
all right good night. before i log off,
HIAK !!!!
ha ha okay ._.
i got up early this mornin at 8 and got ready for the day. first off, i went over to whitley secondary. moms hadda meet jaw's principal. after waitin, bloody hell mr nonis wanted to meet mom for the parent's' meeting thingo so together with guardian, momsie and i went over to bukit view secondary. damn I GOT THiRD IN CLASS !!!!!!!!! AND THIRD FOR THE LEVEL POSITION AS WELL !!!!
ME SMART NORTZ !! ye i kno youre darn happy for me but heh, itz third from the last so . . . . . :oP
ha ha ha shocked i actually got third eh. if i ever get a third, i think singapore'd stop being so warm. well anywayz, these are my " wondorus. " results.
note : wondorus with the quotations.
for english, i got a lousy 55.9
for chinese, i got a lousier 44.8
for math, i got a lousy 37
for science, i got a lousy 35.3
for history, i got a good 61.2 ! ha ha i am actually happy over these kinda mark. well anyway,
for accounts, i got the perfart score mian. i got 209 could you believe it !? 20.9 ! damn.
for food science, 34.3
for C&ME, i got a B.
so yep i failed 6 subz outta a 8. which, to summarize, 41.3% passage and a total of 289.4 outta a 7 bloody hundred. yep. i am so smart thanks ah.
i couldnt keep a solemn face all the time. the further the situations go, the funnier the situations get. the lousier the gr8, the funnier it is. i dont feel sad i dont regret i dont tear i dont drama momma i accept it all with a laugh coz i kno fo sure am gonna put in bloody load of effort the next samester.
ANYWYAZ ! after meetin them leechers ( hehe. ) momsie and i went over to takasheeeeemayor ( haha. ) to have crystal jade. i ate till i vomit-flooded the whole restaurant ( hoe hoe. ) after lunch, went over to wheenlocks' for moms manicure and hair treatment so jaw and i went to watch indiana jones over @ lido's. well IJ is not a bad show tho like always, iron man is da besxzt. the nice parts are where the adventures begin. like the waterfall, the quick sand, the red ants et cetera et cetera. after movee went to meet mom at wisma's esprit. i got myself yet another short jeans and a cutsie top !!!! mom got the same shorts but a different top. today's expenditure made me a member of esprit edc. i'm not too happy coz i wanna be a member of a hospital :o)
see. this kind of nurze where to find ???? so willing to wipe clean patients' wastes kno. anywayz. can't compliment myself too much if not i will blush kno ;o)
so then after buying a few more clothes, jaw went to meet his friends while me and mom went over to pu tien restaurant for dinner. this time, i truly ate till i vomit flooded the whole of kitchen road. ha ha ha !
my cell phone dropped en route back so it's sufferein a very back body ache now tho i dont pity it cos i dont even fancy it to begin with. M and i climbed the stairs up instead of being lazy by takin the lift. 21 levels multiply by 2 flights of stairs for each level, you get 42 flights of stairs. 42 you multiply again by i think 5 steps per flight of stairs, you ged. uhm, heh heh sorry my math not good. i am sittin here updatin about my life while them adults are beer-ing, claimin rainy days are the bezt days to indulge on beer. crazy folks. well, i gotta get up early again tomorrow so bye my honey !
may i get smarter,
jaw " i'll have a kid at 20 odd so you can take care of my babes, mom. "
moms. " wooo no ! i'm not gonna help you take care of your children at that age ah ! i still wanna do business ! take note, i will only take care of you 2's children when i'm too old to work. "
ha ha this is the mom-spirit ^.^v
all right good night. before i log off,
HIAK !!!!
ha ha okay ._.