today's the day i got my first bible :o)
now, i have a mission to complete.
right. i have realized that i am beginning to update my blog very vaguely so here's a super detailed one coming up about me life me life me life ( supposed to read it in a sean kingston way. ) right so . .
i am currently reading much more about Jesus and i think i've made some mistakes in the past so here's when i am really gonna change and know much more about Him. i am beginning to realize that He is The One and im not makin much sense here now am i ? okay thing is, this time, I Myself am interested and is on my own to find out more about Him instead of people tellin me to know more about Him without me really wanting to. see. i type Him instead of just him becos now i know but anyway ! i am gonna set myself into a mini mission for my own and my family's good. ha ha, goodness. sorry if i ask too much questions janelle and koh wei. i hope u 2 will not be pissed :o)
next thing is of cos about the promotion thingy. i failed my exams pretty damn badly. no no, scratch that. i failed it M I S E R A B L Y and after moms met mrs tan, she told her ( mrs tan told mom. ) that i will be d) transferred down to the normal stream. g) retaining in the same sec 3express. to confirm she has already made up her mind, she even suggested i start buying the normal acad books to get ready. that was hoooow sure she was of me droppin. but of cos, i wasnt affected cos like i said, i need the time in the world to clear all the foundations.
so anyway. i only passed my english and chinese. the rest were among the 10-30ish range. but for combined humans, i got a 49 so that's like what, 1 more mark to passing ? so after moderation, i got a 50 for combined humans so that pretty much " helped. " me get promoted up to secondary 4. but then the thing is, it is not yet confirmed cos i have to attend the foundation prog and stay on after school to get some remedial sessions from the teachers and have some combined humans test before confirming if i can REALLY be promoted up . . . or not. well anyway. there's this another guy in class who was amongst the bunches of guys that have a possibility of being either dropped or retained and he's retainin fosho after the parents-meeting-session and it's just, i think he deserves it more than i do cos if you think about it, wait. let us do some comparisons here.
both my math and science were 10-20ish. and as we all know, these 2 are some hella important subz. this guy scored, both the subz, among the 40-48ish range. so if you really think about it, who really deserves to go up to express ? def him ! i mean, who needs combined humans in the workin industry. just name me one who does !! ( excpet being historians which u think i will be meh ? ) right ? i told mr t about it but all they say is the result is all dependant on the number of subz we pass. which is ? really l-a-m-e. they shuld open up their eyes and see which subjects we pass before makin any decisions. well anyway. his identity is protected. im not tryin to be some good momma here by sayin he deserves it more than i do cos hey, i can be the sell-fish bitch yo ! if i dont go up to express, damn ! i have alllllllllll the time to get ready for O level and i have alllllll the time in the world to friggin diet for prom night !! there are many things to look forward to if i am either retained or transferred down ! the only thing is, if i retain, i will be like hitting on the ' replay. ' button.
- the same old subjects,
- the same old words,
- the same old teachings,
- the same old sec 3 camp,
- the same old time-table,
- the same old recipe for food science,
- the same old formulas to remember by,
- the same old programmes.
every thing will be on repeat but the only thing i cant change ? it's that i will never be seventeen again. yep. so . . .
anyway. my hair being straight thing. i decided to have it straightened mainly becos of mrs tan. or rather, becos of her complaints. she complained to my mom that my hair was way too messy so we decided ( mom and i. ) to straighten it cos it will look wayyy neater. plus, the whole new hair cut was supposed to be on the neat side so i wont be caught in unnecessary appearance-offence.
next thing is, about jaw. i have decided to type it down cos after some considerations, this is where i note down the little things happening to me in my life so i thot, why not just write it down cos it's not like what he did was a human-harming kinda thang ? so well. jaw has officially terminated his studies in Singapore and actually, he is already goin back to myanmar tomorro to be specific. ha ha, what a short notice i kno but yep. today's his last day in sunny island singapore. thing is, how is he gonna contact his girlfriend ? ha ha ! i kno i kno. not my friggin biznezz here but he and the girl with him now seem pretty close and stuff so i was just thinkin, y'kno. since this is their last time seeing each other, will they like y'know. do something to remind themselves that they are or were or whichever, together. like y'kno. they kno they will not see each other anymore and since they know they are true to each other, will they like give their every thing to each other ? you kno, EVER-REE-THANG.okay lah. i will shut up. but anyway. he is terminating his studies cos just like me, he flunked his exams. so he will go back to myanmar and after some thorough thinking, he will then decide if he is still interested in studying. if he is, momsie will send him to school again. but destination is yet to be known. also, i will werk hard. i kno i hav been sayin i will i will but then i always endup sayin " next time lah ! " i have to have to have to excel and go over to UK if not i will live my life with regret. so so so. let's see . . . what else do we have to UPD8 about . . .
ooooo yes ! my hair !!! ha ha, okay so. for this year, i am not gonna be dye'ing my hair anymore cos i only have a tiny month to enjoy the holiday ! so if i dye it to some exotic color, i will be dye'ing it back to black for school after 30 days and to think of all the pain and damage my hair is gonna go thru, MY HEART TRULY BLEEDS FOR IT ! P.S : no exaggerations intended. and one more thing ! i will be flyin back alone this time round !!!! ha ha, i donno if this is supposed to be a good thing or wot cos for one, there's no faggie to help me take pictures. i dont even kno if i remember how to find the boardin gate since i havent been in the plane for let's see . . . 7 friggin' months !!!!! remember the june holidays ? i had to be stuck in singapore thinkin i could find some jobs. that is the One Big Mistake i will never get over with man. one whole month wasted here !!!! my my. i shuld get goin. it's well past 00.30 o'clock. good bye. have a good sleep.
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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