The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Life as I once recognized is all tumbling downhill. 

Strangers who hurt you don't succeed because what truly hurt are when the ones you know who shamelessly throw the feat of betrayal right at your face. Someone you've picked up from the streets, natured, given shelters, grown to love him as a part of family, and magically transformed him into a man he is today. But yet, what do you get for your gracious deeds ???


Once doesn't fill him. He has to do it twice.
 Once we've suffered.. and now we have to embrace ourselves for another blow.
 The hurt inflicted in his first attempt is only beginning to heal slowly when he delivers his fucking second attempt.
 A dog who doesn't recognize his owner. That's what he is.

_l_ Faggot.


Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.

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