I WENT OUT WITH FARAH ARAH GCM TODAY !!! ha ha today's pritty drama momma. we've already made plans for today early in the mornin, i was already gonna bathe when my math tutor had to choose today to come for math lesson !! it was already 12 noon. i was complainin to jason how he said he'd be here at 1145 and it's already 12 but he still hasn't gotten here in a loud angry annoyed voice when -knock knock- jason went to get it and tuition teacher was " i'm here already. " okay as i type now nothin seem special but the tone of his voice was like, i heard ya good ! you watchout ! okay ._.
anywayz ! i bathed after lesson, i was lookin for clothes to wear. ( i'm runnin outta clothes !!!!! ) i messaged goh chap may to tell her i was changin but she didn't reply me ! so then i waited and waited, but i didn't change cos i thot she didn't wanna meet ITE so i messaged her again to confirm that today's outin was cancelled and postphoned to another week. with that, i went to have my lunch, a really big portion ! cos i was too hungry. when i got up, i had missed calls from GCM so i called her back, happily eatin green beans even tho i was close to burstin'. told her we'd meet other days but she was like she's already at the popular wiaitn for me for a long time ! so i told her she didn't reply my mesages = today was off but she told me i didn't reply any of her messages either. so i knew right then that it's my HP 's fault. got off the line and went to get ready. i couldn't wear anythin !!! i ate till so full my stomach bulged bloody big. my stomach's like that, even if i eat regular fries right, it'll look like a big watermalon is growin in my stomach. so i settled with a big piece of cloth. anywayz ! as i was applyin the foundation, my messages popped up the screen like pop corns. it was indeed, my HP's fault. reached JE at 15 odd. so then we went to have lunch, YES. I ATE AGAIN. and went to the ice skatin ring to see them sk8. we really wanted to skate but money lah. all fly already. so when it was time, we went to chonkak togetha ! the movie's not scary. it's just like jalan belakan. well close to it, the story line and all. after movie, we walked around and had the prata suasgae. went over to the train station and ate happily. just when we were 'bout to leave, FARAH DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY FOR MRT !! ha ha ( she forgotton to bring her concession card. ) so we were blamin pur big fat mouths for causin us the unneccessary trouble. hunted for coins everywhere in our bags but to no avail. so then i said,
" surely in this pouch will have one. money always hide inside these kind of places. " so -unzip- and ta-daah !! close to 2$ coins appeared !! ha ha, our laughters and happiness are worth a million. no, more than that actually ! but still, farah didn't have enough for bus fare, and there's no more coins left so i turned back, just nice there's this student so,
" do you have 50 cents ? "
- flashes his LV wallet and all the coin literally spilled out-
just in case he didn't understand our situation,
" okay thanks. we're takin it, cannot return coz we got no money go home. "
" ha ha it's ok. "
so farah dug her bag for a pack of cookies and,
" this is a token of my gratitude, thank you ! " :oD
we reached WM and while we were in the tube, we were countin how much we had. had an extra of 1$ so we were plannin to buy 2 packets of pillows but kept decidin ; from rubber band sweet to ice creams to ker-ro-poke but when we finally reahced WM, we didn't get any food. we went to look for school shoes. fast forward. we went over to tom and stafanie' ( saw zulhelmy there ! ) and we were too engrossed in takin the vid my purse went misin BY FARAH ! ha ! ha ! it's pretty ironic coz - i left my purse in the toilet so farah was, she'd help me take it in case i lost it cos the moeny are the only way to get back home but alas ! my purrze was lost by the cutie herself !!! :oD we went searchin for it round and round but still couldn't find it. halfway findin did i realize that we BOTH couldn't get back home cos my EZ link was inside too. even tho there's like, only 2$ coins, our hearts def were like so heavy coz it seemed so so so precious to us !!! they're hard earned leh ! ha ha ! i forgot to add, the joy we experienced when we remembered f can redeem 1 $ from the card but anyway ! we had no chance of goin back until i remember jaw's stayin in bukit batok currently so called him to borrow a few coins to get back home. met him, talked for a while and went seperate ways. he took the wrong bus !! ha ha, took 984 instead of 77. the numbers are so different right !! okay anyways, i guess thisis all for today !
it's great to meet up with chap may again ! ha ha today darn memorable hor ! :oD your ugly singlet and my AX guy. just think of them and use them to replace the chonkak ! next outin soon !!!!!!!!! aku sayang cinta ! which means, i love you not ! hehehehehehe.