ha ha ha ! from -
" miss, why your face like that. you no drink enough water miss. sorry but this is your own good. at night when you sleep, you use hot water wash your face. if not, your face * dizguztedz lookz. "
TO !
" waaa miss ! why your face so clean now ?? what you use /? waa, very nice, more beautifool ! i happy see you beautyfool ! why, must be the boy kiss you ! * cheeky grin. "
ha ha ! omgoodness. yeh, i feel that my face's much more cleansed now, well, compared to the past. i use nuffin. the theory of drinking plenty of water, well, what can i say. is true. i drink my 0.5 litres of volvic per day, sometimes, i refill it with the water from the water cooler twice and that's the result of drinking water i get i guess. i obviously aven't been cutting down on my intake of junks. WHO WILL !? it's what we love so we shouldn't torture oursleves with the lack of out favourite food !!! in fact, i've been snacking with hweekoon in class EVERYDAY EVERY PERIODS. ha ha ha ! though it's true if you take in too much junk box at one go gives you ugly break outs but hey hey you you ! you who don't want the acnes ! ( read this with al's girlfriend tune. ) just drink lotsa water and i promise you, you will stay radiant, the wayi barbie dolls do. ;o)
so wot ? wot reviving wot shiet ? WELL ! proud thing to share here. i actually revised for math !!! omgahhhhh. i lost my secondary 3 math textbook so am refrshing my memory of secondary 2's topics back from the book arah lent me well secondary 2 or not, it IS still revising and giving a shiet. so what should i do to pamper myself with is ! TAKE NEO-PRINTS !!! ha ha ! omg i still sound like a prinmary school kid. but hey man ! this is the definition of YOUNG AT HEART.
like what, the last time i took was, let's see . . . during 2006 !? which makes it in the early secondary one days !? see ! this is what you call, uhm donzo wot. and of course, i shall ice skate !!! hehehe, ah niang, if you reading please drop me a text !!! i cannot tag @ your blog ! well, enough about enjoyment. joycy is matured and she shall concentrate on things that's SEVENTEEN. OMG !!! SPEAKING ABOUT SEVENTEEN, I BOUGHT MORE MAGS LAST NIGHT !!! HA HA !

though i still think that the other one, forgot what name and where i placed is wayyyyy more useful. well, where was i again ? aaah yes, talk about things that're seventeen, like buzinezz, meetingz, collegue lunchez, AM I RIGHT NO ? okay i feel like a teacher ._. anyways ! i went out late night mugging ( ha ha ! you think we really mugged meh !? okay maybe f but me, no way. though i did ^.^ @ the endda time. ) with faraharah over @ king albert's !! ha ha ! we met at like, 21 odd ?? and we ended our thang at 00 odd and then we went over to al azhar to have dinner with her parents. ha ha ! i was partially mad last night, calling most of the people from my contacts up. and that includes bao kun, daveyan, aloysius, michael and who not.
mike's was longest i guess. i only texted d afterwards.
" hello. "
" hello, michael ? this is joys. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !! "
" okay it was like 2 days ago ? "
" ya i know. i was very busy the past few days so now. "
" oh okay, i'm very disappointed. . . . . "
" WHY ??? "
" cos you didn't wish me on the day ? "
" ha ha, okay then. happy BELLLLATEDDDD ( stressed on this word a fucken lot. ) valentine's to you !! "
" ha ha, happy valentine's to you too. did you go out ? "
" yupp ! "
" with a group of friends or just one ? "
" one. "
" okay, was it a girl or a boy ? "
" boy ? "
" whattttttt. okay bye. "
" * no mood for jokes. bye. * hang. "
ha ha ! omgwtfbbq. so much for wishing !!!!
okay i was crazy arsed crazy mainly becos, while we were in mac's itself, oh, i don't know. sometimes i'm just over-ly eagerly enthusiastically,
so i started making corny lame crazy mad retarded jokes. my main attraction was farah and only farah but the table of BOYS behind us kaypee-oh ! ed at us. i was asking farah to follow me to the nearest grocerry stall ( forgot what name. ) cos i wanted to get myself a new excercise book to study in, farah didn't bother much about me and told me our ideal idealation ( ha ha ! omg ! what the fork is idealation !? ) was to study and idle around so i just kept on pestering her like an irritating fly but she refused so i stood up and suddenly, i started singing,
" wherever i go ! omg !!! ha ha ha ha ! farah ! rememmeber our song ?? i will follow you, follow you wherever you may go ! there isn't an ocean too deep ! a mountain so high, it can keep, keep me awayyyyy. see !!!! must follow me !! follow me wherever i go ~ " and when i looked up, alas ! horror of horrors ! the group of BOYS were looking with that " omgaaaah, is she all right ? " look and this BOY, was pretening to drink his smelly coke with tightly suppressed lips like indicating to me " oh ! no no ! am totally cool. no ! am not gonna laugh ! no am not ! HA HA HA ! " . . . . . . ..
and well the whole night was spent being crazy like the old us. okay so my ideal idealation of this post is to remind myself to study and not fool around. be it at home or in shcool, i am to study and only to study hard. waa biang. feel like going over to coffee bean's tomolo to stludee lehx. ha ha ! farah and i are arzed broke cos our daily after school trip = coffee bean's = large cinnamon ice blended with whipped cream = money fly away = regardless, is still enjoyment = which is still, LIFE. so ha ha wots my point ah. aiyah. to study. omg im so happy. it truly is true that not touching a drip drop of rice makes you slim in less than 2 days !!! WHY !? cos i have done it !! obviously i didn't do it with intentions, i may wanna lose the pounds but i don't do it the despicable ways like starving myself no. i was drop dead tired th other night, friday ( ? ) it was and i turned in at like, 19 ? till 8 in the morning !!! HA HA ! when i rose up, whoah, my legs were so slim !!!! i was wearing my secondary one boxer shorts when i go, " ehhh ! how come today my tighs like become bamboos ah ? " and i started massive snap-shot-ing of my legs duh i ain't gonna post it here people gonna think " this woman is clazy ! " okay whatever pimp ! ha ha ! i'm seriously crazy arzed.
anyways !!!!!!! wot do i have to say ? lets see ! of course, i don't feel like going to school, that's forever more wot i'm gonna be wishing for every sunday night. hehe. i hate schools on monday makes me go so blue so 蓝。whoah, this weekend flies by so darn quickly !!! like what did i do ?? nothing !!! omg ! wasted !!! my saturday morning was spent having math tuition and my saturday night was spent over @ kind albert's. my sunday was spent in orchard waaa bloody fast leh. how i hope that school starts at 8.30 in the morning just like the international schools ( is it ? i think so lah. ) i hope i am in international school. maybe i should talk to my momsie about this. meanwhile, stay tuned to my next post of vidz ! i have been waiting to do some vidz but either my friends don't have a fun out going persona like me AHEM AHEM ! YOU KNOW I'M JUST TEASING. or we just don't have the good time to so next post, i will. in fact, i am gonna shcrge my camera straight after this post and vid record in coffee bean's tomorro ! meanwhile, think of a plot for an interesting story.
FRIDAY SAYS HI ! the teddy's called friday ! no more tinky toez or razor blade shiet. just,
FRIDAY. not flyday ah !
ha ha ha ! from -
" miss, why your face like that. you no drink enough water miss. sorry but this is your own good. at night when you sleep, you use hot water wash your face. if not, your face * dizguztedz lookz. "
TO !
" waaa miss ! why your face so clean now ?? what you use /? waa, very nice, more beautifool ! i happy see you beautyfool ! why, must be the boy kiss you ! * cheeky grin. "
ha ha ! omgoodness. yeh, i feel that my face's much more cleansed now, well, compared to the past. i use nuffin. the theory of drinking plenty of water, well, what can i say. is true. i drink my 0.5 litres of volvic per day, sometimes, i refill it with the water from the water cooler twice and that's the result of drinking water i get i guess. i obviously aven't been cutting down on my intake of junks. WHO WILL !? it's what we love so we shouldn't torture oursleves with the lack of out favourite food !!! in fact, i've been snacking with hweekoon in class EVERYDAY EVERY PERIODS. ha ha ha ! though it's true if you take in too much junk box at one go gives you ugly break outs but hey hey you you ! you who don't want the acnes ! ( read this with al's girlfriend tune. ) just drink lotsa water and i promise you, you will stay radiant, the way
so wot ? wot reviving wot shiet ? WELL ! proud thing to share here. i actually revised for math !!! omgahhhhh. i lost my secondary 3 math textbook so am refrshing my memory of secondary 2's topics back from the book arah lent me well secondary 2 or not, it IS still revising and giving a shiet. so what should i do to pamper myself with is ! TAKE NEO-PRINTS !!! ha ha ! omg i still sound like a prinmary school kid. but hey man ! this is the definition of YOUNG AT HEART.
like what, the last time i took was, let's see . . . during 2006 !? which makes it in the early secondary one days !? see ! this is what you call, uhm donzo wot. and of course, i shall ice skate !!! hehehe, ah niang, if you reading please drop me a text !!! i cannot tag @ your blog ! well, enough about enjoyment. joycy is matured and she shall concentrate on things that's SEVENTEEN. OMG !!! SPEAKING ABOUT SEVENTEEN, I BOUGHT MORE MAGS LAST NIGHT !!! HA HA !

though i still think that the other one, forgot what name and where i placed is wayyyyy more useful. well, where was i again ? aaah yes, talk about things that're seventeen, like buzinezz, meetingz, collegue lunchez, AM I RIGHT NO ? okay i feel like a teacher ._. anyways ! i went out late night mugging ( ha ha ! you think we really mugged meh !? okay maybe f but me, no way. though i did ^.^ @ the endda time. ) with faraharah over @ king albert's !! ha ha ! we met at like, 21 odd ?? and we ended our thang at 00 odd and then we went over to al azhar to have dinner with her parents. ha ha ! i was partially mad last night, calling most of the people from my contacts up. and that includes bao kun, daveyan, aloysius, michael and who not.
mike's was longest i guess. i only texted d afterwards.
" hello. "
" hello, michael ? this is joys. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !! "
" okay it was like 2 days ago ? "
" ya i know. i was very busy the past few days so now. "
" oh okay, i'm very disappointed. . . . . "
" WHY ??? "
" cos you didn't wish me on the day ? "
" ha ha, okay then. happy BELLLLATEDDDD ( stressed on this word a fucken lot. ) valentine's to you !! "
" ha ha, happy valentine's to you too. did you go out ? "
" yupp ! "
" with a group of friends or just one ? "
" one. "
" okay, was it a girl or a boy ? "
" boy ? "
" whattttttt. okay bye. "
" * no mood for jokes. bye. * hang. "
ha ha ! omgwtfbbq. so much for wishing !!!!
okay i was crazy arsed crazy mainly becos, while we were in mac's itself, oh, i don't know. sometimes i'm just over-ly eagerly enthusiastically,
so i started making corny lame crazy mad retarded jokes. my main attraction was farah and only farah but the table of BOYS behind us kaypee-oh ! ed at us. i was asking farah to follow me to the nearest grocerry stall ( forgot what name. ) cos i wanted to get myself a new excercise book to study in, farah didn't bother much about me and told me our ideal idealation ( ha ha ! omg ! what the fork is idealation !? ) was to study and idle around so i just kept on pestering her like an irritating fly but she refused so i stood up and suddenly, i started singing,
" wherever i go ! omg !!! ha ha ha ha ! farah ! rememmeber our song ?? i will follow you, follow you wherever you may go ! there isn't an ocean too deep ! a mountain so high, it can keep, keep me awayyyyy. see !!!! must follow me !! follow me wherever i go ~ " and when i looked up, alas ! horror of horrors ! the group of BOYS were looking with that " omgaaaah, is she all right ? " look and this BOY, was pretening to drink his smelly coke with tightly suppressed lips like indicating to me " oh ! no no ! am totally cool. no ! am not gonna laugh ! no am not ! HA HA HA ! " . . . . . . ..
and well the whole night was spent being crazy like the old us. okay so my ideal idealation of this post is to remind myself to study and not fool around. be it at home or in shcool, i am to study and only to study hard. waa biang. feel like going over to coffee bean's tomolo to stludee lehx. ha ha ! farah and i are arzed broke cos our daily after school trip = coffee bean's = large cinnamon ice blended with whipped cream = money fly away = regardless, is still enjoyment = which is still, LIFE. so ha ha wots my point ah. aiyah. to study. omg im so happy. it truly is true that not touching a drip drop of rice makes you slim in less than 2 days !!! WHY !? cos i have done it !! obviously i didn't do it with intentions, i may wanna lose the pounds but i don't do it the despicable ways like starving myself no. i was drop dead tired th other night, friday ( ? ) it was and i turned in at like, 19 ? till 8 in the morning !!! HA HA ! when i rose up, whoah, my legs were so slim !!!! i was wearing my secondary one boxer shorts when i go, " ehhh ! how come today my tighs like become bamboos ah ? " and i started massive snap-shot-ing of my legs duh i ain't gonna post it here people gonna think " this woman is clazy ! " okay whatever pimp ! ha ha ! i'm seriously crazy arzed.
anyways !!!!!!! wot do i have to say ? lets see ! of course, i don't feel like going to school, that's forever more wot i'm gonna be wishing for every sunday night. hehe. i hate schools on monday makes me go so blue so 蓝。whoah, this weekend flies by so darn quickly !!! like what did i do ?? nothing !!! omg ! wasted !!! my saturday morning was spent having math tuition and my saturday night was spent over @ kind albert's. my sunday was spent in orchard waaa bloody fast leh. how i hope that school starts at 8.30 in the morning just like the international schools ( is it ? i think so lah. ) i hope i am in international school. maybe i should talk to my momsie about this. meanwhile, stay tuned to my next post of vidz ! i have been waiting to do some vidz but either my friends don't have a fun out going persona like me AHEM AHEM ! YOU KNOW I'M JUST TEASING. or we just don't have the good time to so next post, i will. in fact, i am gonna shcrge my camera straight after this post and vid record in coffee bean's tomorro ! meanwhile, think of a plot for an interesting story.
FRIDAY SAYS HI ! the teddy's called friday ! no more tinky toez or razor blade shiet. just,
FRIDAY. not flyday ah !
out out out we go !