aint i a mornin' person !? ha ha ha ! it is only 10 odd yo ! the good part of me slept at 00.15 last night. but anyway. i just met aunt s which pretty much goes to xplain why i need to get up before so many of the people do. i doubt half of the clementi's population is even up and about. oki. so. there might be a tiny problem now about me goin back home early cos of mrs tan ! i bumped into her in the office yesterday and she told me i H A V E to attend the bloody foundation programme which stretches till the november 7th. NOVEMBER 7TH WHO AM I KIDDIN' !! about a quarter of my holiday will just fly away !!!! so i told aunt s and she said she's gonna help me talk to the teachers out of it cos the tix will most probly be ready by next weekend. i will be flyin with jason. just wait little fag. i will make you take picutres all the way ah i tell you. okay so. KK just UPD8ed me about her life. she can't get a car ! cos her dad said if she were to get a car, she will be driving around little singapore half the time instead of studying. ha ! ha ! but she will get a house instead. which is what i am SO lookin' forward to ! a nice warm cosy home to wander around . . to cook. to bake. to shout. to have fun. ha ha ! coolio molio foolio ! okay that was just made up right on the spot. every time in this stupid computer room i feel pretty shy cos im the only one typing and the bloody keys are so lousy there's this typing sound with every keys i punch. (x______x)
oki ! thats about it. yesterday, i went out with koh wei right after the papers ended :oD we didn't go anywhere far xcpet for westmall cos by the time we were done, the time sped itself up to around 16 odd. tien wei joined us a while later. and then they both left so i went shoppin on my own ! finally i geto greet a new shirt in my closet hello. it ain't special. just a simple top cos i really couldnt get anything else. and if i dont get anythin, that would make me feel down so. okay lah. that's about all. i don wanna type. too loud even when my fingers just touch it. bye.


ha ha ha, my blow-u-a-kiss looks more like please-drop-me-a-penny.

the best i could tho i look like an octopus :oP
it says :