hehe today wuz a pretty good day. well till the end anyway.
went over to hwa chong hostel, jaw's movin there, and damn ! it's nice as hell ! y'kno if they brought me to that place in the first place, i wouldnt do any complainin but just move there willingly lika puppy cuz the campus is superb ! y'kno when you walk in, the building already looks and feels like a grand place but mine ah.
there's even a music room and you gotta book, like each person can book up to 2hours per booking. there's even a drum set there ! holy shit. there's a big pool, which mine doesnt provide. the only lousy thing is the tele room. their's not as cozy and nice as NUS's. not to be bias, so i'd say both are nice cuz im livin simple ^.^
well anyway, after " inspectin. " HCH, momsie and i went over to the national library which is still a real great place after the last time i been there which was like 3 months back. hehe.
i was just copying the chinese work. whoa ! my handwriting is superb !!! i just gotta show ya. it's liek those ancient script. ha ha ! im complementing myslef way too much eh. so at 19, we left for pu tien restaurant to meetup with mom's ' hunky dad. ' friend. he just got back from japan and already, he looks like a japanese. it's my first time meetin him actually and i dont kno why i put a ' already. ' there :oP
he said my voice is very matured.
i don't kno if thatz good stuff or wotsoev. but uhm. heh heh. i guess i can pretend to call up teachers in future eh ;o)
so anyway. we went to mustafa for the evry first time.
after buying my bloody friggin FAKE mobile memory card, i couldnt look from my phone. we thot it wuz lost so mom tried callin but i couldnt hear. i wuz just thinkin of the new songz i could update into my phone when i felt my buttocks and damn !!! my phone wuz in my butt pocket !!!! ha ha, holy shit !! i donno itz like these few days im beginnin to be lika guy. im startin to place my hands in my butt pockets and yesterday, i even ( mis. ) placed my phone there. i donno. it feels comfy i guess. ha ha. so so so. yesterday, momsie jaw KK and i went over to lido to catch GET SMART. yep finally it's on ! ha ha holy shit the movee is funny as hell !!! y'kno. when you watch some films, it gets funny once every 30 minits or so but this, you can laugh every few minits !!! ha ha. people who need a good laugh should watch this. cos lisa candella strongly recommands it. not that this wuz better than iron man but still :o) shit y'kno i actually dremat that I was iron man !? ha ha ! never mind, no need for elaboration here cos you pretty much kno i wouldnt make a very splendid iron man eh. well anyway. as i wuz sayin, go catch it ! it's totally worth the bucks ! tho we missed a whole load of the first part.
we went in to the theatre late with so may carriers in our hands. it was crowded as hell. so we got to our seat, the frontest of all, but it was all occupied ! so i tried what i was told before.
" uhm, i think youre sittin on our seats ? it's l1-4 ? "
but they were between the lines of " but if we move then only got 2 seats. " and " but ours i also l1-2. "
so i said, " gimme your tickets. mine's l. i think you guys' are i ? "
so i got their tix but theirs was also L ! so i told them it wuz probly a printin error. then i said,
" this is . . .wots that show ? - brain stuck all of a sudden. - "
" get smart ! "
" oh ye !!! we're catchin get smart too !! but how come our seats are like . . "
and we excahnged a friendly laugh. so i looked around the theatre and saw there wuz a 4 empty seats behind so thinkin it wuz ourz, we went there. after fianlly getting or carriers settled on the floor, a group of guys came in to the theatre late and we were on their seats. so off we went, pickin our carriers. so i got out, called in the usher and told him our mess. he went to confront the girls i think, i was at the entrance. so i thot,and thot, and thot, and i thot, wuz ours the wrong time ??
i bent down ( there's small light lights on the ground. ) , got the ticket, and horror of horrors !!!! ours wuz at 16.45 !!! and we were in the 19 o'clock show !!!! i called the usher and told him there wuz a mistake so jaw went out, scolded the bloody sales ladies. i donno the content coz i wuz explainin to the usher. so when i reached the booth to see the manager, they were busy helping us change the seats and in the end,
ha ha ha okay i donno wot on earth a bloody house seat is but it sounds grand right !! ha ha ! it's just like any other seats maybe a little more rock-able. so as i said, it wuz so funny, our fumes died down. okie dokie. here's a pig as promised !
he he. itz like, i cant express wot i feel. meetin with someone you grew up with after losing contact for oh, so-very-long.
thank you, destiny.