stayed after school for little class decoration. pretty all right the class is but anyways, nathanial came back !!!! and it was really really really really really really nice chatting with him.
" nathanial, what kind of girls do you like ? "
" hmm. "
" like you short skirts. do you like girls with shirt skirts ? "
" no, personally, i don't like girls with their skirts up their butt. i don't like girls who reveal too much. "
" oh ???? REALLY ??? are you the only one or alll guys are like that ? "
" not every guys but for me, i don't want my girlfriend to wear such a short skirt. "
" oh, only you think like that ah. chey i thought is all guys like that. "
" ... yah cos the other guys just want to be horny. y'know like see girls with short skirt then they . . "
" oh . . really ah. "
" yah i mean if your girlfriend wear very shirt skirt then people will think that she's very easy to get right. "
" oh. then do you like girls with long or short hair ? "
" points to the length. "
" oh. eh. you like me or not ??? see my hair is short leh. then my skirt also so long !!! pulls skirt down. "
and much more ! farah nathanialle poodlie and i had a really great time. we went home together and there were many many things we talked about. it's like, evry second'd be spent laughing. ha ha.
and then as we were walking out to catch 173, 173 came while we were still at the path way so
" *GASP !!!!! BUS COME ALREADY !!!!!! RUNNNNN !!!!!!!!! "
i ran like mad turned back to see farah behind me and that poodle at the back walking slowly.
ha ha, okay you wont ged wad i mean. okay anyways, i have a story to share. go get a warm jug ( ha ha ! cos it's damn long !!!! ) of your favorite drink, preferably ovaltine's or cocoa or a glass of warm milk with some famous amoses or cookies or aiya ! food lah. now, slouch ( it's usless to sit up straight when it's torturing you. ) , relax and welcome to the wold of virtuality.
she likes a guy, let's name him G who doesn't like her, let's call her M. she's been liking G on and off since last year, when she was in the lower secondary. she finds G cute, and wants to talk to him but never mastered the courage to. this year, she's in the same class as G and she wants to impress him, wants them to click along and be friends but why oh why didn't she have the guts to ? day by day, she finds herself more drawn towards G. M thinks G's the most wonderful guy she's ever met. and she meant what she said. everytime G smiles, M goes head over heels and she loses her position. she goes crazy with happiness even though deep down, M knows that the to-die-for smile from G isn't meant for her. but still she can't help it. she goes really moody when she sees G talking to other girls and she wonders why can't she be like them other girls who seem to be hanging on to the conersation with G so well ? she starts growing envious of them girls. day by day, she sits at a corner, secretly admiring G from afar, hoping that somehow, G'd walk towards and talk to her. and laugh with her, and just, be with her. but never did it happen but why, why can't she just forget about him ?? then came U. M was caught off guard. why hadn't she noticed U before ? U was adorable. way more adorable than G that was for sure but M just can't forget G because G's whom M fell for. not U. that day she met U. let's date it back to january 2nd when U looked up with a smile and asked M what she wanted and thanked her. no, M did not fall for U instantly but just found him really really adorable. once break came, M quickly went to hunt for her good friend, let's call her L, and told L about the cute encounter with U. L found U really cute too. and from then on, M's set her mind up to like U. however, days passed by, let's estimate it to a 5-days and soon, M finds herself losing interest to U but is drawn more and more into G. no matter how much M convinces herself that U is the one she truly likes, she still can't be convinced because she knew herself that she was just saying that U is the one, to prevent her from being hurt from G who was by then, chatting a pretty big amount of girls up. she knew it too well. she became really depressed when G sees through her and as days passed by, she found herself floating back up. somehow, she'd managed to let go of G without even putting in the effort to. it just went as soon as it came. but there's one more challenge waiting for M. and that is none other than U. because she found herself being dragged back into the affection she's once lost for U. oh, oh why is U looking so much cuter ? she's almost hoped she'd like G back. soon, days past by to a let's say, a 15-days. and with the unwanted help from M's buddies, let's call them XYZ, they chanted U's name, teasing M and before M knew it, she was in love with U. life-takingly in love. everytime a girl goes up to U, M'd tense up and see if U showed an interest to them girls. M loved him, really did. but she just tried too hard to keep it dead. she showed she's not the least interested in U but inside, she was dying for him. now, G remains in the status of just-a-friend for M and she's really happy with it cos all she wanted was not to be hurt by two guys. and now as she sits alone, all she can ever think about, is only U. and she's close to tears whenever her memory found its way back to that torturous day, where U really hurt her, it was like killing her slowly to M. she wanted to cry, she felt really really down but tears just didn't fall. then, came N. her friend who graduated last year. N chat-ed with M and L. they had a really really fun time chatting up with each other and before long, M founded herself being lifted up again. she laughed non-stop while she was with N. and she just felt like talking to N because she felt that everything is not over and that she had the chance to change her emotions and that nothing is gonna stop her and tear her. " SHIT ????? " asked M in astonishment when N told L and her that he was taking a course in the era of nursing when L nudged M which made her look up and there, she saw a shadow, walking towards their direction, pushing a cart along with it. oh what, who was she ? M wondered but as light reflected on it, M realised that the silhouette belonged to U. it kicked M up the stomach that it was U who was walking towards them. U gave a friendly little smile but L and M couldn't care less and continued talking with N. M knew that she was too hurt to be in love. afterall, she wanted a revenge didn't she ?
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
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