可是那可怕的回憶會跟著消失或離開嗎 ??
這幾天因為和 kan kan 小姐一起住所以都被她感染看chinese電視節目了~
哈哈不過也有它的好處啦 !!
你看我這個 chinese 原本超爛的小懷現在都變得超棒的!!!
anyway, 這些是我超愛的新歌。
所以here is the mandarin version !!!!! fucking good i tell u !!!!!!!! MUST listen ok !!!!
本來我不是 a freak of korean or chinese 啊,,
可是最近不知道幹嘛一直聽 f.cuz 和 mighty mouth .. 蠻好聽的唷 !!
慢慢去 enjoy 吧~
美女, 你幹嘛沒帶電腦去香港啊??
看到了打給我噢! 我要一個人可可憐憐地去睡了拜拜 ~!
stayin w KK has made me explore the world of chinese n a lil bit of korea !!!!!
i have never been a big fan of both worlds but these days
all i watch is channel V and thats where i get all these new favourites,,,
korean songs aint so bad come to think of it !!!!!
trust myself 4 gettin annoyed when there was this period of time where
- every one. -
i knew went gaga over Kpop zzz -..-
ANW these 2 korean songs r bloody hell catchy !!!!!!
damn nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they have a mandarin version for this, F.cuz's Jiggy, thats y i put this up.
i think the korean verzion not so nice... IMHO.
im way 2 old 2 judge who's the most handsome but if u like, my fave is Jin On.
he he he i feel so shy norhxxxxx.
HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!
they all look unique in their own lah but my heart still beats faster for JO. i think im crazy. i dont ever type like This but im doin it for these songs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
here is 大嘴巴. mr bald is damn cute !!!!!!!! but u odnt c much of him in this vid. the second one is when i first noticed him,,,,,,, he he he shy girl girl norhxxxxxxxx
here is the one.
song is not bad. but for the sake of mr bald u must watch !!!!!!! ha ha ha,
/ \ pardon mi if i made any mistakes here !!! t he he. good night !