WAZZUB YAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
m in a pretty awsum mood 2day so ima gonna give it a quick onez !
e thing is, i culdnt go back 2 BKK 2day >'o(
cuz momsie n thawat r both goin 2 HK tomorrow for 3 days.
so they asked me 2 postpone my flight to next tues-thurs
cuz if i went back 2day, there wuldnt be anyone 2 pick me up frm e airpot..
ANW, my mood now is totally neutral.
im totally moodless,, im not entirely high right now.
but this moodless neutral shitty feel has left me feeling relaxed and happy
cuz right now im about as light as a feather.
not my weight lah zzzz. my mood.
ANW, brot jase 4 a hair cut and a meal.
we watchd IP man 2 !!! wah !!!!!!
damn nice !!!!!!!!!!!!
MUST watch yo !!!! so touchin >;o(
stupid feeling-less jase said i was a wimp for tearing.
but the prob actually lies with him, realli.
these kind of creatures ave no feelings i tell u.
i m just mom theresa i said.
it's good !!!!!
i m gonna give it a second go since i have a few more days left here in SG.
e other one im DYING, ( literally DYING. ) , 2 watch is the runaways.
gahhhh it's takin so long 2 launch.
i like kristen. so ima gonna W8 patiently 4 tt.
i dunno wat else there r on but for shrek im def gonna watch in BKK w johnny.
the imax studio really is somethin i tell u !
the 3D glasses in SG gives me headache.
it's so dark after i put it on.
and for a person who never feels giddy, i do right naw.
after i put on tt wreched googles -..-
but niways. no more about these dark gloomy 3Ds.
the thing is, i m feelin so good i m gonna edit my picts.
so bye bye !!!!!

I LUV THIZ !!!!!!! his hand was doin this weird gurly poze.
i saw a similar one in the editing site so i came up wiv this piece.
kinda cool innit !???
no much pics of mi cuz jase's n ungr8ful lil bum i tell u.
n + i look odd when im in SG so im stayin off camera till my ego heals.
HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!
the eating while frankenstein-ing LOL.
c !!!! look @ wot i told u !!!!!
i wuz feelin e spice when jase ( very. ) unwittingly snapped it zzz.
no angle no nuffin bleh.
here is jason's new hair.
not much of a clear pic cuz he was rushin off 4 his math tuition.
poor students. they still hav 2 deal wiv exam scripts.
but frighteningly frankly, i kinda miss tt feeling sigh...
briging u 2 an abrupt end !!!!!!
these r the books i got 2day !!!
i think i m a psychic. i bot these books wo even havin
e slightest idea circumstances such as now wuld Bfall on me.
now tt im stuck in SG, im just gna lock myself in KK's room
reading these books.
no need go out. v good.
no eed -$$$ no need eat no need +weight no need c the sun.
so humid these days go out scared kena sunburn sia.
also, i 4got my umbrella in the stupid taxi.
so unkind the driver. didnt call me to return. :oD
e fing is i n tt umbrella ave chemistry.
ok yadee deedah endin here so ciaoz !
my songs r up yaw !!!!!!!!
R&S wo songs 4 the past year n a half was totally odd.
mixpod was being a devil by changing the rules zzzz.
ANWz ive got my layZ burmese arse werked on it.
Njoyz !!!!