yo ! it's 30 hours 1800 minutes 108000 seconds before i can finally get dressed !!!! today damn broke lah. i purposely brought just 10 $ with 5 $ hidden in some " secret compartment. " i was close to passing my target of spending JUST 2 $ when i went over to wm with hweekoon and farah who met kristine half way to buy the faux lashes and i wasted more then half of my money there :o<({[ and then farah and i were so hungry and wanted to eat but each of us only left with 2 cos of the ugly string we bought that cost 1 $ each !!! inever felt 1 meant soooooo much in my life. i told farah at most it'll cost 50 cents ( we got three. ) so we went dumply to the cashier.
lady. " san quai. "
me. " huh ? "
lady. " san quai. "
me. " huh. farah !! 3 dollars leh !!! we go and change brand lah. "
farah. " huuuuuh 3 dollars ???? "
we were so unprepared for the price !!!! if we know we'll buy meh !? i need to save money so so so badly know ! so we shared our money for old chang kee's curry loaf. this is how i spent my day ( rationally. ) i hate mr n for one thing he did to me and that is -- NOT LETTING ME GO TO THE WASHROOM !!! omg. i almost died there you know. my bladder was close to bursting. no. not close to bursting. was already bursting ! i think another 10 seconds more and i can pass out. everyone's faces were a blur to me but the funny characters on the whiteboard were still very sharp in my eyes. had this eng presentation thango and i was writing so quick just to prepare for it when all of a sudden, my heart started skipping ultra fast and i started shivering. my teeth were practically clattering. it was soo cold ! my little knitted pull-over did not warm me up today. it was just freezingly cold. i tried to calm myself down but i needed the lady's so urgently all of a sudden. and at one point, i really felt i could just drop dead flat. lesson learnt - ( highlight this. ) don't ever ta-han when you need to release. i ran from the class to the toilet after english class ended lah. that was how fucking urgent i was. i almost went home after recess cos i was still very much cold in the canteen while ' dining. ' okay nevermind.
for the first time, i'll be blogging about my result yes lisa's life does revolve around school work too. i am so bloody disappointed with my math results. i got a bloody friggin fucken 4. fourfour44444four4 ! out of 5 !!! my foot ah ! out of 20 !!!! and then for poa, i flunked it bad as well and got " PLEASE WAKE UP ! " from mr y. damn what ah. then for food science, i had a little tiny winy pass but my remarks was " please set your priorities right. you're not listening in class ! " -.-
enough about school work. this is about most i can share to ruin my blog with degrading marks. however low i get for the ugly tests, i still have a strong feeling i'll do well, if not too well, for the little common tests coming along the way. my stomach pain. right now as i'm typing on, my heart's like so panicky !! cos jason's having muscle cramp over at his tighs and he can't sleep and i can't help cos he scolded me for giving him wrong tips and i feel so scared. like, i'm sleepy but i dare not sleep cos i know he won't sleep well either. what should i do ???? omgomgomg. i hate this kinda feeling. like witnessing something bad but you can't help and you end up getting really scared cos idk. it's just, me. i have that ugly phobia you may call over that. i also scared of worms !!!! omg ! that one is forever also will scared to death. the stupid idiotic stupid foolish stupid silly daft guys lah !! how stupid can they get to chase me with bloody mother father earthworms. waaaah biang. ever since that day on horh, i became dead scared of worms. and worms = any sorts. so long as they are slimy and they crawl. i hope so much i'd be scared of crocodiles or dragons or lizards or ants or mosquitos or pythons instead :o(
anyways ! moving on ! i'm left with about 29 hours now. ohoh ! as i was thinking about jayden ( about him liking this girl. ) in the bus on the way home this evening, i saw lawrence. my number one prisoner that ran away for my birthday celebration. i asked him why he didn't come to my birthday celebration and he was like, he didn't see us there. cos we were under the hut i forgot to tell him and he called me but couldn't get through and my mobile was lost so yes, my initial thought of spending it with my precious friends turned out to be spending it with secondary school friends. nevermind that. i asked him to v day already. ain't sure if confirmed but no matter what shiet, i have to have to have to have to have to go over to celebrate v'day myself ! COS WHY !? I GOT A NEW TOP FOR VDAY FROM EDC ! hehehehe ^.^ happy like fucksxz. so yeh i have to go out and chill alone. no it's not a lonly valentine NOT ! ha ha ! maybe i should ask one of my good guy friend NOT YOU DON'T DREAM ( WHOEVER THOU ART ! HA HA ! ) and omg ! speaking about guys, i saw ekx today after school and omg ! i can't say no shiet happend to him but well, let's just say, he scarred his face. so i was " oh my ! what happend to him ?? " in my heart and turned to my side to look at him when i walked past him but couldn't care much so i walked ahead. but as i was walking dead ahead, something was like pestering my to turn my head. like totally drawing me to turn my gloriously beautiful head back. so i did ( to ekx of courzzz. ) and he was looking and then miraculously, WE EXCHANGED A SMILE ! ha ha ! omg. okay you won't know why i say miraculously unless you know the full story but anyways ! i was telling goh chap may about how happy i was because of that when " eh girl. can walk faster or not. " boomed through my ears from behind and i turned and saw well, you-know-who. so i was just, sssmmmiiilllleee flatly with him. hehe. okay so ! i wanto sleep now. i feel more calm than just now. that's why i love writing ^^
OH YES !! SPEAKING ABOUT WRITING, I HAVE YET TO HAND IN THE STUPID COMPOSITION !!! i super hate the topic hair raising experiment !!!!! how am i to think of such grotesque topic sia ! for me, it's like so masculine, so difficult to make up a story that's worth hair shooting. i've dragged handing it up cos i'm not gonna write it cos my brain who know i hate these kinda topic refuses to think and refuses to move my fingers to allow me to write. so aiyahlamah. i want go sleep lah. i also never research the food science thangs. research what ah ?
trying to be like the hero from the heros. i have this special talent of mud sliding cos the ceramic floorings in the hospital were so smooth !! and i can just slide back and fro fro and back thats why i decided with this vid.
sean indeed.
i just managed to transfer all these lame arsed vidz from my momsie's cell phone to the compiak. this was taken in chiangmai while we were in the hospital. speaking of countries, QUICKLY UPLOAD MY OVERSEAS PIGZZ !!!!
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
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