i cant sleep so i thot of doin a quick UPD8 ;o)
ANW !! i'll be updating this site of mine less frequently cos my days in bangcock are so full of colors i c no time to go online !!!! i want to do an UPD8 daily but once i reach home, i'll be in granny's room chattin w her, then off to mom's room to try on her la mer products ( im beginnin 2 love la mer . . . hope i can get em for my birthday . . ) ( hint hint. ) after tt i'll go shower, pack my room n by the time i finish, it's alr 1 in e mornin n i cant come online cos i'll be on bed playin games on e phone !! ( Sally's Spa. ) but for today, i feel a lil generos so i've decided to give this site a little xtra ooze of love :oP
so yes, first things first,
my acupuncture sessions have been goin well !!!!!
mom n aunt were like :
" is it just 心理作用 or has joys realli grown taller !??? "
HA HA !! i dont kno how 2 transl8 tt in2 english :oP
the doc said tt i have to go for 15 sessions, each session lasting to about an hour n a half . . jason's been goin for tt too cos he's low on his immune system -..-
tt pig has been using 2 much of e internet -..- thawat's also goin thr for low immune system -..- only i, m goin thru tt treatment to help me grow taller :oP
well to those who aint sure wadahell acupunture is, it's this :

ANW, compared 2 mom jas n thawat,
im a lucky brat cuz look @ wot they've got !!!

so this acu session's held in e doc's office. it's not xactly a clinic, neither is it a home. it's like an office w foldable n uncomfy beds aligned along the walls ( 2 lvls. ) n there're karaoke sets for the doc n visitors to sing. all we, the patients, have to do is lay on e bed n try doze of, which i, def cant. i aint e sort to fall deep asleep in unfermiliar places unless im dead beat. so this is my lovely mom n brother sleepin like logs while i sit there n complete my word search ( set 4 now. )
ANW, my mom's condition has improved. she's happier now n she's laughing. she's also reading " secrets. " n thank heavens she says she likes it. she reads it pretty much daily if not once in a fortnight but as long s she reads, it aint no biggee aye ?
so next, went over to emporium yst. i did meni n pedi but today, it's totally gone. i cant take care of the nails -..- n wats more is tt they're only painted. if there were acrylics pasted, i think i'll take it for like an hr b4 it's all gone -..-
look @ mi hopeless nails. ha ha ha, e lengths n shapes are goners >..<

they gave me " square." but IMHO, i h8 it -..-
im not a square person. i like round. call me outd8ed but i love rounds. they compliment my fingers. this square shapes make my fingers look fatter grrrrr.

they gave me " square." but IMHO, i h8 it -..-
im not a square person. i like round. call me outd8ed but i love rounds. they compliment my fingers. this square shapes make my fingers look fatter grrrrr.

i had 2 wear aunt's slipper due 2 e pedi -..-
aft tt we had lunch @ greyhound's.
then off to paragon to buy some gold for donno who.
taken outside paragon. ha ha ha mom says 2 get back thr 2 take proper picts w proper hair n attire again lol . .