hi ya ! i'm squeezing every drip of energy i'm left with here. just got back from escape them park with eileen, eileen's primary school friend lee ting, pinting, pinting's brother jy, me and my brother jaw ! running or brisk walking through short distances due to the rain, clad in perspiration, filled with anticipation, squeezing with hype, oozing with satisfaction blah, we managed to overcome our tiredness with the thrill of the rides. haha, having entered the hunted mansion for twice was enough for me but fake niang niang and the rest were, let's go again ! hehe i was busy taking pictures in there. yes ! which also reminds me, pinting and i shared this lil boatie for that wild wet splash thangie and it was moving at such slow slow speed i got bored of just sitting there so we ended up taking pictures, while the boat was rolling itself, stopping only when it reached the tip of the track or whatever it's called. i wanted to try the first and second ride but it was drizzling so yeh. shiet i'm dragging, i'm drop dead tiredzz. anyways ! is it really true you can't get a job while you're studying !? cos my momsie allowed me to work to fill up my schedule during the next few weeks but my guardian was like, it'll cause a conflict yada yada. cos the ministry of education can track down some absentees shiet so you gotsa go over to study instead of like hiding yourself else where. ridiculous right !? i mean exams are totally over and i can't believe i'll actually be going off to school wasting my fucking time ! this shiet really make me angry sia siak sial siok siol urgh ! i was so happy exams are over so i can finally get a lil decent job and work my fat ass off and get some pounds for a lil shopping but oh mian. it ain't coming true brr. i drag drag drag schoolzzzzz. anyways, latest new, momsie's coming TWO WEEKS WEEKS WEEKS later so i'd be off to school for bloody 2 weeks doing god knows what there wasting my ever so precious time. and then after she's done with her brows, we'd be jetting off to hong kong then to thailand then to myanmar. yipee but two week's like two hundred thousand mbzillion decades. funny sometimes when you want time to fly by, it goes drip by but when you want it to last for eternity, it goes shush and, the.end. like, you're having an appointment with your doctor and you know for sure you gonna get a jab no matter what. you want time to speed off at 99999 km per second but it'd be 99999 after a few decimal points. but when you're having hella good time like, with your loved ones ? and you wanna mingle with them and let the love you guys share linger around but, even before you could hug each other outta your lives, the time's gone and you'd be heading home. oh you get the picture.
lol i don't even know why i'm talking till here. as i was saying, the most enjoyable ride was definitely, the inverter. or something like that. mian ! that was kick ass ! totally craze. fake naing niang and i were like screaming till my stomach ached. it was absolutely funny hearing fake niang niang scream. i was like laughing and laughing but against gravity, my mouth kinda went sen get instead of, smileee. haha fake niang niang's laughter and screamo is funneh. i was busy scratching pinting high up. i was aiming for fake niang niang's something but my hand was one and a half times too short ._.
over all, it was great outing with them !! my throat hurts now. i'm looking forward to the ice skating !! can't wait can't wait hell i can't wait. great meeting jy and lt :)
and i'm procrastinating i'm being a pig and a half lazing when i know perfectly well i'm supposed to start on my diet. i was supposed to go jogging, swimming, gymming ! slap me now please cos i think i'm gonna have a dip tomorrow.
sorry, pictures will be up tomorrow. i'm dying for a good night's rest. enjoy your evening ;)
lol i don't even know why i'm talking till here. as i was saying, the most enjoyable ride was definitely, the inverter. or something like that. mian ! that was kick ass ! totally craze. fake naing niang and i were like screaming till my stomach ached. it was absolutely funny hearing fake niang niang scream. i was like laughing and laughing but against gravity, my mouth kinda went sen get instead of, smileee. haha fake niang niang's laughter and screamo is funneh. i was busy scratching pinting high up. i was aiming for fake niang niang's something but my hand was one and a half times too short ._.
over all, it was great outing with them !! my throat hurts now. i'm looking forward to the ice skating !! can't wait can't wait hell i can't wait. great meeting jy and lt :)
and i'm procrastinating i'm being a pig and a half lazing when i know perfectly well i'm supposed to start on my diet. i was supposed to go jogging, swimming, gymming ! slap me now please cos i think i'm gonna have a dip tomorrow.
sorry, pictures will be up tomorrow. i'm dying for a good night's rest. enjoy your evening ;)

oh yeh. these were edited instantly in less than two minutes while we were in the tube. haha ! it was funneh eileen and ah tingr kept laughing.
from eileen.