The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

HOW COOL. very.


this is actually zang lisa #1 time wastin money over CDs since she always steal the tracks she wants off limewire :oP
well i heard some of the tracks from the radio the other time and i i m m e d i a t e l y fell in love with it. it's all filled with love songs and it floOoOOoOooOds me with this lovey lovey feel every time i hear it either i must be needing some love myself or i am just a very lovely girl by nature which is so gonna make you puke if i am a real psychic.

oh well, today i had little accounts paper. a total of 4 questions to be done within the time span of 2 hours but the future accountant finished it within an hour becos she is really way too smart she actually got a 7 for the first paper :oP i am also givin up on my science paper which pretty much xplains why i am here typing away instead of trapping myself in my room memorizing formulas. i actually read up food science from 20 oclock till 21.30 last night. and say if i fail again, i am never ever, ever gonna study again. if lah.

anywayzzzzz. my stomach is sik once again. i stuffed myself with so much food today. met little bimbotice queen over @ jurong east for a KFC meal before hittin the library to study. study. study. ye, study. after that had a pancake and i had a chicken pie when i got back. i bought 2 but i really cant eat anymore. tomorrow i shall begin dieting. if not i am really gonna suffer from MALNUTRITION. see. i am even beginning to use food science term how cool can i get. ha ha ha ! i have to attend the bloody course cos the teachers said it is a compulsory thang. momsie is coming on monday to have a talk with the principal cos i am always late and absent for skool for i think 1 month. added all up i can hit a month's time. shit. feel like shitting. i go surf net. be back to blog soon. ciaozzz. oh yes ! my lousy phone is back !! :o)


Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.

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