the song i walk with every day.
recently i have :
- not touched a single thing related to school or work.
- been feelin' self-guilty for not goin' accordin' to my plans -- that's to make use of this 1 week holiday to catchup on them topics am lost in but i endup playin and havin' fun instead.
- learnt 2 new ways of frying pratas. to flip it in the air without any help of cookin' utensils but with my hands, flip and ta-daah ! it makes a 360 degree flip in the air before hittin' the pan. another is to actually deep fry it so it turns crispy ( this frying method doesn't make you stuffed, at all. )
- been witnessing the sky turn from white to black to white again.
- had no sense of self-control.
- had total freedom cos my rommie is back at her home for the holidays.
- not saved any money.
- RIDDEN A 21st CENTURY BIKE !!! will elabor8 l8r.
- not had my heart broken nor my heart pumpin blood at an unusually fast rate.
- totally lost myself in the world of joy and fun.
- wake up and see the world.. that the exams are just 3 weeks away and not 3 months away.
- seriously pull up my non-existent socks and keep myself afloat in the ocean.
- stop playin a fool.
- study.
- stop playin.
- stay focused.
- concentrate.
- learn to have self control and not let little things excite me.
- get back to the sleep-early-wake-up-early routine.
- quittin' going out. and to use the time i hang out to replace with studyin' instead so this pretty much goes to say i will be havin a super cool " date. " with books e-v-e-r-y- s-i-n-g-l-e-d-a-y of the entire weeks left before i marry the major exams.
- stayin' round in the school's library after school e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y to do self revision so there will be no going back early for me. this is for my own good so i have to abide by this rule pretty strictly.
- locking my old computer away in the closet and not touch it as it is the main object of attraction every time i get back home. once it is out of sight, i can pretty damn study and not get distracted... well so long as there is no food or story books !
- clearing my badly cluttered and flooded desk. so it looks neat and inviting instead of lookin' like a badly over-populated little lane of lon-kang.
- goin' to school even if i get up at 1 in the mornin cos it is sick to be missin' out lessons.
- sleepin early to prevent myself from over sleepin.
- sleepin before or at 12.15 every weekdays.
- only going out on every Saturdays of my week.
- gainin' self control by then.
- to rule not the world, but myself.
- buy that pencil skirt, 2 more hip-to-toe dress, 2 polo tees, a story book and a few exercise books to write notes in.
- take days for days which means to appreciate time.
- quit clickin on the " snooze. " button of the alarm.
- start behaving my age.
- start acting my age.
- start being my age.
- quit hanging around the lousy computer and clickin here and there so late.
- sleep before 12.15 every day and not to ignore the alarm that keeps ringin its artificial life out every mornin to wake the life outta me.
- LEARN TO MAKE PIES !!!! this way, i can save some blings for myself too ! and whats bezt is that i love pies !!! i see the future shining in front of me now and whoa whoa whoa, who knows i might have some special hidden talent at making pies !!!!!!? right !? i mean, who knows where we really are talented in !? whoa i can so imagine every one approving of the Zang Lisa Made Pies and eating them non stop. i might even be asked on a reality programme to share with the world how this talent of mine was first realized ! i will tell them eham..
" talents are hidden. it's everywhere. it can be at the east or the south of you. it just depends on how you discover it. dont ever doubt what you believe becos that is how it got me started and look at me now ! i am a pie maker ! and a successful one at that ! so . . . GET STARTED ! "
ha ha ha !!! sounds very motivating hor !? who knows i might even end up being a motivator ? but i will learn to make pies first, to search for my hidden talent . . well provided my talent at pie making doesn't last 24 hours like that talent in hectic hexic did. - STOP EATING !!!!! ok maybe not stop lah. stop eating makes it sound like i am trying to starve myself to death. i just meant not to eat as and when i like and to control and have some self d... dis-cer-pline. i dont kno how to spell.. if it's a 'c.' or a 's.'
- to start swimming ! not the fake swim. is to do a few laps like how i did when i really wanted to.
- make KK communic8 with me in english starting with MSN. ha ha ha !
- quit stressing over hexic and start playing with doughs.
- cease pickin at my poor innocent pimple.
- clear my documents in the lousy computer and shove them all to the CDs. it is running low on virtual memory again ! what ever that means.
- go out and out and out.
- return my long over-dued books !!!! if not i have to pay the bloody fine that sum up to a large amount again.
- be continued...

this is wot jas and i call as " white monkey. "

goin in !
" and just so you kno, that black thing aint a shirt. it is my bag. ha ha !
found the bike ! this is totally fun. ha ha ! even tho we were up there takin pics and not ridin it the whole time. you shuld try it out ! feels very overseas. it is 12 per 30 minits. we only did an hour each. how much does a bike cost ? the #2 diet day we gonna borrow bikes from people. but anyway ! here it is . . . . !

little K got stuck so i went to pull her bike up. please look at the right hand corner of the bike. that is mine. ha ha ha ! i was already up there ! ok. i pulled too gently so second pic i was strength-on.

totally talks about the life am leadin'.
my eyes are a joke between my friends. ha ha ! dont laugh hor if you are the one who knows this joke.

waitin for taxi to go home but none. this picture looks like KK is ending her life.

waitin for taxi to go home but none. this picture looks like KK is ending her life.
and. . .
good night ! i hav school tomorrow which i am dreading like always !