MY BD WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
yoha aloha !!!!!
it's 3.30am here in BKK but im brimming w energy, ready to give an entry :o)
my life cycle is completely reversed now.. i sleep when the cock coos and wake only when the sun blares.. it all started when i was stayin at KK's lol..
the night before she left for her HK trip, she absent-mindedly told me a horror story grr. and the v night after she left, i was pinching myself awake till it's 7am when the sky is bright and the city is buzzling w life to sleep.. without thinkin too much about ghosts and what not. i'll only wake at 5pm and that's where i got the habbit from :o(
joys needs to re-adjust !!!!!!
ANW, wanted to watch shrek in imax ( the paragon one cuz central world got burnt by the red mob grr. i luv CW !!! it has every thing i like ! namely kinokuniya and the fab imax theatre. ) this evenin but in the end too lazy so went to have MK instead ^^
i dno why but while i was surfin the net this noon, the imaginary taste of thick soup so real came to my mind, agitating my tummy ha ha ha !!! hence we had MK for L8 lunch \ early dinner ( 5pm. the choice is wholly yours ha ha. )
ANW ! shant yabber on. watchin shrek tmr instead. after that it's all work n no play.
these days i don't really feel like going out cuz i luv the feeling of stayin at home but thawat keeps comin up w stupid plans that i absolutely H8 cuz i ! don't ! 1 2 go out.. AT ALL !!!!
hence im givin him one last chance 2 play his game tmr. i'll drag myself out to watch the movie. i luv shrek tho !!!
ANW, thing is. tmr is the last day im gonna play. cuz after tt i'll be starting thai lessons.
sawasdee krup !!!!
chan ce joys han krup ! khun sabai sabai mai krup ?? khun huew mai krup cuz chan huew jad dai leaw !!!!!!
ok. ha ha ha !!!! thats like totally amateur + full of mistakes LOL ^^
BB ! pictures speak ! PS !!!!!!!!
i did my brows myself !!!!!!!! i luv it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
our bowl of happiness + luv + bless-ness for breakfast ^^
en route to robinson's.
me brows is absolutely loved !!!!!!!! first time im darn pleased w my " talent. " HA HA HA !!! cuz they always turn out too skiny \ bare. they look tattooed but they aren't. i got secret one.. HA HA HA !!!!!!
( spam a lot of my self-pics. v fun. )
if only i had the horizontal mode :'o( the taxi was so squeezy grr. thawat was out lo,,
tts y i muzt be rich. so i can buy extra cars for emergencies such as these.
my angles in these shots all look awkward cuz like i said, the taxi was way too small !!! and nope ! that's not an excuse i swear !!!!
<3 grans and AYM !!! short intro here. AYM is carm's mommie. they have the same smile ^^
i look like i can kill here LOL.
while waiting for grans to shop.
now i know where my genes come from !!!!!
it's her !!!!
mommie likes shopping too but she knows what she wants. she's decisive. if she wants only 2 sets, she gets only 2 sets.
but granny, o granny.. i noticed 2day, is my twin !!!!!
she tries all the sets and she likes them all and she buys them all.
there were 4 sets of clothes consisting of jacket, inner-wear ( singlet. ) and pants. and 2 skirts, 2 pairs of jeans, 1pair of cotton leggings ( for the oldies. ) and 1 button blouse -..- i'll get her to do a photography session w me soon to show u. HA HA HA HA !!! but i'll have to say she looks good !!!!!!
shop finish, stomachs spoke to us and down we went to MK !
our bowl of beauty soup !!!!!!!!!
happy grans ! ha ha ha !!! she was like
" i feel like a bride. "
HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA !!!!!!!
beauty !!!!!!
jase n i !
ummmmmm ~!!!!!!! yummy n satisfied !
this position v comfy for a pregnant woman like urs unsincerely ^ there. HE HE HE !
... all i can say is,,,,,JASE'S ANGLES SUCK. BIG ITME.
we were on a motorbike !!!!!!!!!!!!
the pics r shaky cuz i was darn scared i'd fall off \ my arm'll l get banged by vehicles n it'll drop off \ police will catch me for being a traffic disruption -..-
after we got back from esplande ( we both went to the bank -..- he's got a visa too lol.. )
we went over to pointo !!!! i luv tt place cuz of the lion-dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont know what's the technical name for him but he looks like a lion so there goes the lion-dog ^^
tho if u ask me, i'll rather name the lazy-buns. REALLY HE'S DARN LAYZ !!!!!!!! WORSE THAN ME !!!!! all he does is laze around and saliv8 -..-
tho if u ask me, i'll rather name the lazy-buns. REALLY HE'S DARN LAYZ !!!!!!!! WORSE THAN ME !!!!! all he does is laze around and saliv8 -..-
ive been pestering mommie to get it for me for my birthday since last yr but i can't so sadly cuz i dont stay in thailand permanently :'o( arghhhhhhhh.. time like this is when i feel like sayin
" go fug urself, education !!!!! "
ANW !!!! LOOK @ MY DARLING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arghhhhhhhhhh <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!look at his size !!!!!!!!! :O <3
argh u lazy buns !!!!!!
more pics of him tomoro when we return the DVDs ^^
came back and we had durians. LOL IDK why but i keep yearning for durians these days !!!! i used to H8 H8 H8 durians in the past and the most i could eat was one piece. but now,,, oh now. i can eat like 4 pieces no joke !!!! :O i think i really pregnant. got weird temptations. i hope by saying im pregnant i'll REALLY get pregnant without any guys' help.. kinda like laws of attractions, kinda like mary.. cuz im dying for a baby !!!!!!!!!!
:'''''''o((((((( if i dont get a kid now, i'll be too OLD by then !!!! :'''''''o((((((((((
ending off w a super adorable pic of lazy buns !!!!!!!!!!!
HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
u just have to luv him ^^