The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ain't Looking Forward.

right. my title says it all. Ain't Looking Forward with the A,L,F caps locked. why oh why i wonder why i can't switch my mood to that of a happy kid getting an ice cream when school starts instead of feeling all dreadful and gloomy cos school's back once again and i feel so tired and sick of it i wanna stay holiday mood for always cos i still do study out and shit. i dread school, geddit ? i aboofoojee dread it. contents of this post will be updated a few days later. and laslty,

to halijah. and shariff too :o)
little halijah promoting love and unity, whatever that is :oD

hali and the smexy bike.

spot the difference in the eyes. aside from my being small !!!@%^$#


we were on timer, boom boom !

one shot

two shot

three shot

four shots,

all i hear is gun shot.

and this is when the fun starts.

halijah, poses, the props, and the bike !


Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.

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