The Writer.

The Writer.



My latest obsession yo.

My latest obsession yo.
Sky Diving !!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Can't fight the moon like this.

well before i start off my entry, i'd love to wish you a happy moon cake festival ! since it is moon cake fest, KK and i decided to go somewhere chinese to celebrate this occasion but where on singapore celebrates MCF !? well we didnt hav a clue so we went to CHINAtown cos it's a plce filled with chinese so i probly wuld be crowded and celebrative. celebrative hmm. ha ha ! obviously we culdnt spot any letterns or whatsoever shit that are suppsed to signify MCF so we merely walked around and ate a whole lot. i am so proud of myself. i didnt buy anything. i had 2 dresses to choose from but i answered the sales person with a firm no and thats how i ended up only walkin instead. ha ! ha ! we wanted to go over to bugis's temple which we heard is pretty popular but lazy means lazy lah. we ended up goin to kbox till 19 and thats when we went over to CT. i was late obviously. and i hav an hourly report waiting for me next saturday yo ! i thot i already turned over a new lift . . ha ha ! i kno it's not LIFT lah. but lift sounds so much more. . . . gasping right. okay anyway. i must say celebrating today wasnt like chinese new year when momsie was around. i hunted my old pictures for that day and here they are ! it was at china town too but KK and i didnt walk so far off. it feels different tho KK is still a family. okay whatever lisa. pictures please !
this is the chinatown temple or somethin like that. it was lighted with so many red letterns then but now not so sure tho cos we didnt even walk that far :o)
this is my favorite pose of all time &____$
stardom. ha ha ha ! KK is shunnin away from the flashes of lisa's camera . . . NOT ! she was doin high pitch thus the hand gesture and did you kno that when u hav your arms pullin in and out, that action, it actually helps you sing better ? well, tried by me ! so i guess it werks for me if not you :o)

i took many pictures of me and i look fairly white and thats not becos i am fair on the outside. it's becos of the lighthing and the flash and myabe my foundation. speakin of stupid foundations, mine has totally ran out. i got in in march tho. ha ha !!

lisa dreamin already when KK sings. that soft angelic voice. i am str8.
little singa.

my fringe is growin its way to my chin ! heheeeeeeeehe ! i think it should at least be at my nose by december.
this is based on a true story. ha ha ha ! after listenin to her story, i just did it and im not sure if my english is right there. i dont kno how to phrase it right. but the thing is htat she thot her feelings had all faded but then why does she still care about him ? damn. wuldn't " why do i still care . . ? " do ? how dumb .___.
i love money. which isnt't shamless. becos come to think of it, everyone loves money. and it makes u happy. really. tell me of a time you didnt have money to buy that thing you wanted so much but you were still a happy person hoppin your way home ? never, i tell you. money seriously is someting EVERYONE need. without money, the world will be crushed. um. hehe. i cant really tink of a fact there :oP and if u dont like $$ then it's your problem lahhh.


little KK was feelin nostalgic ( not sure if my spellin is right. ) she was musing about her ex. hav u ever thot that music somehow will lead you back to memories ? i dont kno . . cos everyitme i blast my ears with songs, my mind gets drifted either to the pasts or the future but of cos future hasnt really happend so it pretty much means i am dreamin of the future :oP anyway i realized i hav been talkin about myself only. ha ! ha ! one trait i realized KK and i share is the trait of imagining. it is like she always imagines herself with good legs and slim figure walkin down the street with her dad while i imagine myself tanned and radiant walking in to a mall with vibe. ha ha ha ! and many more !! it is just really nice to day dream alittle yes ?
many more head shots of her under the light but i cant really make them into a collage cos of the bloody screen :o i cant see no shit. it gets really annoyin' @ times like these.
i sang so many songs i never did ! happy ending, and al the oldies. shania twain's, celine d's, hilary's, robyn's, backstreet boy's, natalie i's, chris d's, fergie's, boys like girls's, the last GN's and what not.
i was thinkin what i really love when i thot of this. yes not money for a change. HA ! HA ! i do love $$$ but i am not OBSESSED over it lah.
i was thinkin . . . is this how you smile :oR (---- the smile. ha ha ! donno what am talkin about.

china town.
you gonna lauf ur intestines out if i tell u what i bought in the shop.

jlisa. " u kno wot i feel ike drinkin most now ??? "
KK " what ? "
jlisa. " coconut juice. "
. . walk a litle more restlessly . .


jlisa. " what. "
and thats how we ended up there :oP

we culdnt find any latterns or decos to take pictures with.
this isnt what i was refering to BTW.
it was midnight.
on the way home while resting both our butts and legs.
ha ha ! this was at the escalator.

UPD8 !!
HA ! HA ! HA ! HA ! THIS IS SO FUNNY ! KK sent me a MCF card.


Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

Life is beautiful ~!!!!!!

a lil' somethin'.

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