o manz !!
i ave got internet access !!!
im alone w maid @ home e hse is eerily silent 4 once jas has alr flown off 2 thailand this noon guardian's outta e country leavin mi n anna @ home boo hoo hoo i ave 2 walk 2 school under e hot sun till next week
anywayz i m feelin so . . . .. . .. . i donno e word 4 it.
i m friggin positive i can kizz my eng paper bye bye.
i think its friggin tough :o(
it all started out w a bloody drama of my own.
i refused 2 check my stuff 4 any slips of paper early in e mornin s i was caught up in my own lil worl. so when the xaminer announced tt we culd officially lauch our test-of-knowledge @ 13.30, i realized tt i didnt kno my schl code. i grabbed my entry proof which was clipped between my passprt when lo n behol, i felt something inside !!!!!
it felt hard and b4 i knew it, i was alr feelin jittery w anxiety n e stupid fear tt came frm no where. i was scared stiff e xaminers'd think i was peepin @ some sort of answers. i cussed myself 4 not packin my stuff well . . i didnt even kno what that thingamajig tt was stukk inside the passport it culd b some stupid folded worksheet 4 all i kno !!! i didnt dare even peep at it any further in case i get caught for " trying to cheat. "
so i raised my hand high up in e air k mayb nt so high lah maybe just mid air, tryin 2 capture their attentions w all my silent might but alas !! all of e examiners were 2 bz tickin on their attendence board thingamajig by then i was feelin bloody damn scared wtf. i didnt go on doin my eng paper cos u kno, e more u delay, e more u r on the scale of tryna cheat n shit so. i waited n waited n waited n ooooo, 15 min passed by when finally, one xaminer came 2 my rescue.
Examiner Finally :
Yes ??
Distressed Myint :
There's . . there's something stuck in my paper !! -pointin 2 my PP. -
EF :
aaah ? - head bends down 2 table. -
DM :
i think there's something stuck there, - point point. - but i dont know wat cos i don dare 2 check.
EF :
Oh ! ok, here ? - pointed. -
DM :
Ya, i think i think, i dont kno what it is.
so he lifted my passport.
i embraced myself w all my hope not 2 get forfeited frm this paper when
UGH !!!!!!!!!!
there i was hypervantilatin w fear wen all it was was an innocnt object which was in fact my identification card mofo mofo mofo mofo !!!!!! i dont ave 2 elabor8 on e look on my face, least of all, his -.-
aft tt, i no longer had e zest 2 continue writin cos my heart wuz like on fire n shit. culd no longer jam out creative juices bloody hell i stared n stared at e paper, gettin more n more uptight by e whole time so 2 summarize ?????
bye bye english my only hope ~!
ok i goin 2 do math now DID I TELL U I GOT 51 4 MATH !!!!!??????
er. tho tt was w e help of referin 2 e answer sheet 4 questions i was stukk at :oP
nini. bye ~!!
attention attention !!!!!
if u r readin Her Royal Highness's journal,
CALL MI !!!!
i 4got 2 jot down ur ugly no -.-
ave u seen proy n pod n pi Oct ??????
PS, thank u jan bimbo. u saved my life :o)
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
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a lil' somethin'.
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