as a young kid, i've always wanted to be a teacher. everytime i'm free, i'd run to the perimeter of my house, usually the sides and back cos parts of the wall is whit and start scribbling on the wall with chalks and then using a stick to point to what i've jst written on the " board " and then point my stick to my " student " which obviously, was imaginary and say " you ! repeat what i've just taught ! " haha, you getta be that fierce teacher or that kind, sweet lovable teacher, it's your choice. i always do that after school, before school, weekends, weekdays, oh you name it. and when there ain't any spaces left, i'd ask one of the maids in the house to rub them off and get me some new chalks so i could continue having fun being a teacher. but just last december when i went back again to taunggyi, my aunt was like, " so joys. do ya still wanna be a teacher ? " i was all, huh ? since when did i wanted to be one and she'll be there to remind me of my littl awkward moments.
then i changed my ambition. i wanted to be a sales person. i'd go up to the shop next to my house and but two packets of bubble gum ( there're around 30 in each packet. ) and then go in to my house, get a table and chair, find a spot outside my house, and sit there, displaying the goods i just got on the table and start raising my voice with " come people ! come and but my bubble gum ! nicer and cheaper ! faster, later no more already ! " but of course, none paid attention. so i got bored and disapponted of just sitting there shouting but attracting no customers i decided to just leave it but there were kids coming so i shouted to them to take it for free cos i don't need them anymore.
soon, i decided i wanted to be a cook. i'd bring the toys i have and start plucking leaves, stalks, picking pebbles, sands, water, mud blah blah blah and put them in my little set of china i got as a kid and start pounding them hard with big rocks. it looked, squashy, and so it kinda meant it was cooked so then i'd tell my little companion, which at that age, were my toys, barbie dolls, friends and sometimes, the favorito maid that takes care of jaw jasone and me. it was fun selling out my food like we'd pretend to eat them and be like, " mmm ! nice, how much is per bowl ? okay sure, i'd like to have a few more. " haha ya get what i mean ?
then again, i told myslef i'm gonna be a charity doner when i'm older. it was jaw and my last day in myanmar and as we were sitting in the car gazing outta the windows, we saw many kids with that sad lonely look pasted on their faces. it was supposed to be a happy journey right ? so jaw was like, d'ya wanna throw these with me ? i was like throw what ? only to see him pointing to his game cards and at that time, he had lotsa game cards so i was, sure, why not ! so we slid down the windows, and threw the cards out as the car drove on all the way to the air port. the kids looked surprised but soon, hapiness replaced them. they were laughing and chasing after us, or rather, jaw's cards. we were just throwing them, grinning from ear to ear. i then noticd how happy it make some people just by getting something they can't get and so i asked myself why not i give them everything i don't need ? rahter than throwing them out or dumping them in a corner. i made up my mind, i have to be a kind generous doner.
but alas ! my amibitions were replaced by yet another ambition. i wanted to be a veterinarian. having dogs and geese at the other house, i'm open to animals. one day, mischievous jaw and i decided to do a little experiments so we chased this lame dog into our bitch's house. after many attempts, we finally manged to push them both in and locked them up. we then proceeded on peeping through the holes ( it's made da wood, the dog's house. ) and then we saw lame first approaching bitch but bitch was like, keep shunning away. then finally, they started humping. HAHA ! obviously, we didn't know what on the beautiful mother earth were they doing but it seemed kinda, well, kinda, well . . . interesting ? so we continued peeping until we got bored of their positions so we left them alone to have their own sweet time. and yikes ! a few weeks later, i was greeted with five puppies ! i was tremendously deliriously absolutely delighted. i hoped for school to end faster and pester my chauffeur to drive quicker just so i could see the pups and even before the car has completely halted at the garage, i'd be on my feets running to the room with my little new borns. they were adoraby adorable. just, ohh so adorable ^^ they were warm, golden brown and tiny. they were so soft i couldn't help nose butting them affectionately. their eyes were closed after their birth and they just looked oh my !
so every night before i went to bed, i'd pray to god to let them grow and open their eyes soon and miraculously ! they did after a few days ! i was even more happy. the next day, i brought my friends home to pay a visit to my pups and we couldn't help cuddling the little cuties, they were too much of a hassle to resist. but between happiness, there're bound to be sadness somewhere right. so one day when i got back from school, i was informed by maqiou ( the maid that takes care of us. ) that one of my pups has died and is thrown away because momo ( that's my dog. ) stepped on it. i was all right, nevermind, there're still four left anyway but of course, my heart teared a little but hey, what can i do right ? and a few months later, my little puppies grew ! they were soooooooooo cute !!!!! hahaha, they had this really short tails wagging every second and their limbs were so short. haha, i didn't know what to name them so after much decision, we named them monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday but one of them died remember and i did't know which. they were too similar. so then again, happiness + sadness = what you always get to be complete so one fine day, when i got back, i saw one of my pups really sick and i didn't know what was on so maquio told me it has been having diarrhoea for days i couldn't get close to it cos maquio won't allow me. she was afraid i would get sick too, just in case. so day by day, in my heart, i knew it was never gonna make it and true enough, it trully didn't so it was too, gone. i lost interest in the other three cos i just didn't feel connected to them. i can't remember clearly but i think diarrhoea was my favorite. so the other three i don't know what happened to them. but momo was still mine. she was mine, my favourite, all along. we play often at home and she fetches everything i throw to her directions and i even ride on her ! :D she never barks at strangers and people who shooed her away will get one of my stone cold stares and of course, my hatred. and aside of everything, my momsie was pretty well off so not many people dared be rude to the jjjs, haha, jaw jasone joys. momo was so much of my love i brought her to school not in school, but in the car. moms car's like you can slide open the top of the car roof and dad's like you can slide open the mid of the car so i'll always be poking my head out of the space and bury my head into momo's just in case she was cold and seeing her face never failed to make me giggle with affection cos she was all against the wind and everything. and when i reach the morning chinese school, i'd be like huggies to momo before i leave and i'b be keeping on and on, reminding chauffeur to drive slower just in case mo fall off and to bring her to fetch me after morning school. i really loved her, so so so much i'll bring my food to her, play with her, cuddle her. i don't know what breed she was but she's golden and is kinda big ? hehe i suck at breeds. so yeh i really loved her but during one of the years when i was in singapore, momsie called me and told me that she has given momo to some relatives. i teared, but what could i do ? i was so far away from her and fuck. i'm tearing now shiet. okay nevermind so yeh. i'm so far and even if mos did come back, no one would love her like i did right ? so off my heart flew away to wherever momo was. and she was what i always used as my password. haha ! but worry not cos i don't for now, i only use hers for some really nonsensical web sites. okies. so actually moms called me last year and told me she just bought a dog for me in yangon, before i went back and i was again, happy doh doh. but when i got back, doggie wasn't there no more and mommy told me she gave it away cos it kept attacking the poor plants at home and then again, i was greeted with a much nicer dog house with no dog inside and soon, i found myself torn apart from the world of dogs. yeh. oh wells. isn't it true how i always say no matter how happy you are, there is and there will be definitely something that will bug you. just like how school's out now but i'm broke !!!!!!! bugger.
then finally, i wanted to do modelling. i wanted my life to revolve around paparazzis and bling blings. i want to be remembered when i die. i don't want my whole life to be just, " oh yeh. i was myint myint maw 'a qual mike joyce han wang guo huai. " but the one thing missing is, what did you do ? were you even remembered ? what if people of future generations ask each other and say like, " what do you think of joyce ? " and they'd be like a) oh my earthworms ( i have a phobia of worms. any sort. it's scary and trust me, it can make me go mad, like mad mad. no figure of speech but just pure simple mad. ) !! she was such a goddess ! did yer know she was such a pimpster !? she was such a glamorous, such a .... it's sad i wasn't born earlier ! or b) who's thaaaaaaaaaaaaat ? never heard of her. hey yer know that enrique guy ? man i heard he was big ! he yada yada yada, but you get the picture right ? and modelling is so much fun, it's cool i loves. it's just like, you get a new look every weeks if not month and you hang out with model friends. you get the latest designs from louis vuitton's or prada's or burberry's or vasace's or moschino's or play girl's or v'secret's or y'know, just eveything ! i also wanna be a singer or an actress. i can't sing nor act but i still wanna be one. it's just, my dreams. i think i can act, the least, but as for singing, forget it, it's a complete different thing, it's like, i can raise the dead with my voice and that's in a bad way ! %D
but i feel all bimbo when adults ask me like, so waddaya wanna be when you're old ? and i'll be, a supermodel and they'll go, *blank followed by ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh. so i been using doctor-ing. but over the past few years, i've grown quite fond of doctor-ing. and still am. i'd pretend to faint or die or just some really rare diseases and force my friends to be my patients, making them lay on the mat i just made with pillows haha ! and till today, i still wanna be a docta. but as you know, both my mathematics and science is like, biak. like the 2Hs. HOPELESS AND HELPLESS ! haha. so i still wanna be a model and i'm dieting but i say it, but i don't do it ! it's annoying. very very annoying. so yeh. that's my ambition, what about yours ? ;) tell me, i'm dying to know, really.
oh ! and one last thing. hahahaha ! IF YOU EVER BECOME A DIRECTOR OR A TOP MODELLING AGENCY, PLEASE, DO, DO CALL ME. I'D FLY FROM RIGHT ACROSS THE GLOBE IN LESS THAN 48 HOURS ! haha, i'm so desperate !!! >.<'' but really, if you do one day, email me ah. it's myint-photograpy. haha simply and eazeh to remember. i'm myint, and i like photography. ahaha, simple ? i check my mails there so drop me one when you've gotta btich at me, holler at me, or anything ! haha hopefully i'll still be checking my mails there when i'm oldie. and it's at hotmail's. and i reply there. and no, it's not my msn address. so i'll see you soon my future endeavors ?

haha ! so you can imagine how badly i looked huh ! even joshua was like, joys i thought you were gonna be a butch. ._.

and, current. not too long not too short. haha.