HARLOW ! ha ha, today in school, we did some vid recording. the theme is : horror slash haunted classroom. ha ha ! without the good vocals of ooooooh~s , the vidz wouldn't be half as good ! thanks to bao kun ! ha ha ! the killing thing bloody funny !!! okay. and most definitely, the vidz wouldn't be successful without the cool effects. much thanks to shariff's pda ! the effects are not edited wotsoever, it's au natural ! but lastly, the vid will never be complete with absobloodylutely good actors like myself ! HA HA ! obviously i'm just teasing. stayed in school till evening time at 6, busy chatting with shariff ! farah halijah and j'cahyanto as well. whoa we exchanged a few good jokes and horror stories ( ? ) ha ha ! my most favorite :
why are chines es' eyes small and the indians' big ??
cos chinese likes to burn incense sticks so there're these smoke fuming out right, so they have to squint their eyes thus, the small eyes. as for the indians, they have big eyes cos all the girls are wearing hot saris so the eyes go biong and thus, the big eyes. ha ha ! funny when halijah said it. her jokes are funny !!! like the doorbell-turn-nipplebell one !? HA HA HA ! ouh ouh ouh ! :oD this joke for herself, she told me last year and i can still remember vividly cos it's funny arse hell ! it's her horneh joke.
" eh joys you know right. when girls have sex with their boyfriend, they say ouh ouh ouh. but mine is power, mine is VROOM VROOM ! " HA HA HA !! OH MY ! I CAN GO ON LAUGHING FOR EVER.
JC's jokes were more to the testing side. like, a man wanted to paint his one storey house green. he painted the windows green, the doors green, the tables green. guess what's the color of the stairs ?
any wild guesses ??
ha ha. you figure it out yourself ;o)
and then we were later joined by yong xiang or something like that and we played truth or dare. ha ha ! vids may seems boring but live was funny as shit. oh well, ha ha ! pond and porn. what a joke. okay this post is full of my laughter ha ha ha ha ha not funny. so ! i skipped my doc's appointment today at gleneagle's. lazy pok. okay i shall go upload the vidz now. happy good friday in advance to the Christians like koh wei :o) ! just in case i have no time to update in future. oh yeh !! before i leave,
you've made it 14 years ! more to come, singer ! hehe. stay cheery and smile big ! with love.
why are chines es' eyes small and the indians' big ??
cos chinese likes to burn incense sticks so there're these smoke fuming out right, so they have to squint their eyes thus, the small eyes. as for the indians, they have big eyes cos all the girls are wearing hot saris so the eyes go biong and thus, the big eyes. ha ha ! funny when halijah said it. her jokes are funny !!! like the doorbell-turn-nipplebell one !? HA HA HA ! ouh ouh ouh ! :oD this joke for herself, she told me last year and i can still remember vividly cos it's funny arse hell ! it's her horneh joke.
" eh joys you know right. when girls have sex with their boyfriend, they say ouh ouh ouh. but mine is power, mine is VROOM VROOM ! " HA HA HA !! OH MY ! I CAN GO ON LAUGHING FOR EVER.
JC's jokes were more to the testing side. like, a man wanted to paint his one storey house green. he painted the windows green, the doors green, the tables green. guess what's the color of the stairs ?
any wild guesses ??
ha ha. you figure it out yourself ;o)
and then we were later joined by yong xiang or something like that and we played truth or dare. ha ha ! vids may seems boring but live was funny as shit. oh well, ha ha ! pond and porn. what a joke. okay this post is full of my laughter ha ha ha ha ha not funny. so ! i skipped my doc's appointment today at gleneagle's. lazy pok. okay i shall go upload the vidz now. happy good friday in advance to the Christians like koh wei :o) ! just in case i have no time to update in future. oh yeh !! before i leave,
you've made it 14 years ! more to come, singer ! hehe. stay cheery and smile big ! with love.

in this case, shariff was walking home alone when a ghost ( none other than queen. ) appeared infront of him but a passer-by ( bao kun. ) stabbed the ghost till death. but now as i type on, how can a ghost die again whenit was already dead ? ha ha.
this is greato moto ! ghosts : jc and pei ji. school girls : halisa. sound effects : bao kun.
shariff's dare. standing on the pile of cardboards and strike a monkey pose.
yong xiang's dare. climbing into the bin.
lisa dare. singing the ex favorite song.