ive decided i'd take a pic of me EVERY DAY of my classes. weather im in the bus or class or whatnot to c how i've grown :oP
even if it's my ugly day i'll just upload it to be honest :o)
since i was rushin like a mad cow today, i absent-mindedly forgot to bring my camera ( and textbook and pencil case. ) out so im posting pictures of yesterday's.
dont laugh at ALL of my morning faces in this and future entries as well oki !!!! we must embrace ourselves w love ~~~~~~~
the morning view of this bridge :o) i'll get a better pic tmr !!!
omigood she's so pretty n flawless she doesnt need ANY editings !!!!!!!!!! and i sit opposite her :oP
i always sneak a peek at her lol :oP she's called Niroku, 23 this yr and sorry but this cutie's gettin married next year
w her love of 7 years.. awww ~~~~ shucks broke u guys heart dint i ??? :oP
me me. i've cut my fringe a little shorter now.
i bought the sheers so now im thinning my hair by miself ~ looks ok to me but everyone's askin me if i needed a trip 2 e salon =.=
IT LOOKS OK DOESNT IT ????????? bruises my heart rlly...
seems like my hair cutting talents are only recognized by myself :oP
leave me a msg on what u think of my fringe and hair !!! does it need work ??? :'o(
in the bus en route to the tube station. my fringe rocks here. so many " holes. " but no choice. ive been going fringeless for so long now i cant adjust back as quick as i presumed :o|
( i was havin the odd-eye day. the left is smaller than the right -..- )
me on the bike !!! check out the horns on my helmet !! cute much ????? :oD

IDK wat this pose is really ^^ but i like cuz for once my eyes look ( kinda. ) big :oP ( thanks to forcing it to open wide =.- )