" Felix is as irresistible to women as chocolate but once they fall for him, he breaks their hearts. Phoebe plans to give him a taste of his own medicine. But if you're fanning the flames of love, you'd better make sure you heart doesn't melt first . . . "
yeah. so anyways ! right after this post and maybe a few more minutes of updating my the other photoblog, i shall be off for lunch and start on my mass clearing of my room ! oh yes. what i wanted to blog yesterday but didn't.
i can't help but to notice my neighbor's maid's a fantastic cook. she been passing her new delicacies to my maid and they been letting me taste it and oh my it taste notoriously good. just like the recent receipe. she tried peanut cookies and this cornflakes coated glitterly with honey thang. the peanut cookies tasted so great i actually knocked down the pan i was using while frying my mis-shaped smilies fries. haha. seriously ! so point taken my dears ? the next time you look for a maid, the best yet is to be a master at food. then you'll have daily treats of her latest recipes. and a delicious one at that ! and that's it. i have to kick start my diet regime. in fact, i'm so determined i'm deciding to sleep with my sports tights on so i can remind myself i'm supposed to be making my way down the the park the next day when i get up. yes. and shiet !! i can't help tearing myself off the book ! it's like a hooker ! it's like some fish food attrating fishes that have been starving for most of their lives ! it's awsomely awesome ! best book i've read ! for real :( this was supposed to be a happy post but somehow, the book has a negative effect on me just like some stupid stories i read online a few months back. that was soooooooo sad !!!!! i cried while reading and i felt so so gloomy after reading i went to sleep and the next day, i still couldn't cheer up. yess. it has thaaaaaaaaat kinda effects. i'll give you guys the link sometime. it's in my old blog. okie dokies, so long ~! i gotsa get back to my latestest obsession ^.*
new uniform - some newletter thing for school. photographer ; jeremy.

other designs ;