and anyway. i met KK and chap chap today. we actually wanted to catch. handsome-guy-movie starring sean faris whom i used to have a crush on 3 years back. but bugis only shows like 3 shows a day !??? there wuz only wanted, deception and strangers. none of which were interested in. there wuz this cool new sandals KK wanted to get from bathing ape but it wuznt comfy for her so. went to the ever so crowded bugis street and we ended up losing all our energy half way walking there. just so you kno, we didn't have anything. we only ate the nachos which wuz real bad !!! i mean, i thot it tasted like those from long john's so i wanted to get 3 but thank goodness KK stopped me, telling me it wuzn't nice, at all. i doubted her but i bought 1 more anyhow. and fuck. it wuz zeriously sucky. i don't kno why so many people are eating it in the theatre. we def support the warm hot dogs instead. ha ha ha ! the hot dogs tell a story. but anyway.
ave finally learnt that places like bugis street is never a great place to shop. we planned to go singing but there wasn't a k-box at bugis so we decided to go over to jurong e's. but since i wuz wearing some big azz guy's extra huge tee, it'd be totally ugly in videoz right. so i got myself a friggin cheap top at only 10 $ it wuz cheap cuz i didn't really had much choice. plus, i thot it looked not too bad but alas ! i didn't like it towards the end. it'z so simple !! and thatz when i started going i couldave ate a meal instead of buying that ugly piece of rag. bloody ugly i tell you. i'm gonna be using it as my swimming outfit. but anyway. we got into the taxi where i sat lika 54321. i think i should stop dressing up as a guy. ha ha ! my legs were like spread fucking big, my body wuz totally wriggled on the seat next to KK. farah hadda meet her parents so she went seperate ways after dropping off at JE. since it wuz only left with KK and i, we decided to juz eat and catch a show instead but damn ! handsome guy show wuz at 21.30 ! went to ask about the kbox thingo and it wquz friggin cheap ! ha ha, i'm startin to realize that my post's startin to be filled out with cheap. but anyway, it's only 25$ ++ per person ! and you get to sing till up to 4am, when the shop closes, provided there are free rooms. to people who love sinigng like KK and i, it wuz heaven but the thang is, we didn't have the time so off we went to get bloated altogether. well anyway. my pose is kinda 54321 now so bye. as my title says, i'm friggin tired.
ciao !
tell me which part is unique ._.
but so far, am livin alone hee.
i am actually not as dazed as i appear to be in this pig.
i kno. i can be so crazy weird.

i am here to give you a greatttt sleep not night mare ah.
i wuz eatin this i dont kno called wot when this twin appeared. when i wuz young, momsie used to say, when i come across food lik theze, physically joined together, it means my kidz gona be twins. ha ha ! come to think of it, itz been for ever since i last came up with these sorta ting.
zuo ting neh gor IMW jiu hao xiang si you jiang who neh jueor. xiao boodeh lor. yin wei tah jiu shi zai yee zhi zai jiang cheese neh ex-ai-ren neh jeour. jiang dah dao bude. rang hou qho zang qilai neh shi hou wo kang jing ta hao xiang shi zai kang who neg jeour yeshi. ke shi ta neh yang zhi shi disappointed na zhong. hui jia neh shi hou ting dao ta geng ta neh peng you men jiang you duang you pang. oh well. who buzai hui xihuang ta lou. zhi zhong ren bu worth it ah. who zengzeng neh shi tai ying jing xia lor.
P.S , if you think my make up is crazily messed up, thatz cuz i did it at home before i took the pics. hehe i din go out with zuch dramatic eys. which are so.unprofessionally.done. :oD

zuo ting neh gor IMW jiu hao xiang si you jiang who neh jueor. xiao boodeh lor. yin wei tah jiu shi zai yee zhi zai jiang cheese neh ex-ai-ren neh jeour. jiang dah dao bude. rang hou qho zang qilai neh shi hou wo kang jing ta hao xiang shi zai kang who neg jeour yeshi. ke shi ta neh yang zhi shi disappointed na zhong. hui jia neh shi hou ting dao ta geng ta neh peng you men jiang you duang you pang. oh well. who buzai hui xihuang ta lou. zhi zhong ren bu worth it ah. who zengzeng neh shi tai ying jing xia lor.
P.S , if you think my make up is crazily messed up, thatz cuz i did it at home before i took the pics. hehe i din go out with zuch dramatic eys. which are so.unprofessionally.done. :oD