well these few day i have been feeling real bloated. i seriozly hate, HATE caps lockedly H A T E people who force me to eat. i haven't been shitting daily and my stomach's the size of a watermelon ( no joke. ) and even now, i feel really stuffed. i have told ah-nee not to prepare dinner for me and i hope she will jolly well listen to what i say now.
anyway i've come to a point to learn to realize that the saying " money is not the key to happiness. " is not exactly true ( for me. ) simply because ye i do live a happy and carefree life and whoa that feeling when that piece of eye candy lands in my hands, i feel on top of the sun i feel like i'm walking on water, i feel like i am freezing in fire, i feel like as though i am so so so so happy. but these few day, i am as broke as a broken heart !! i am currently left with a dollar can you actually buy anything, anything at all, with THAT ? i highly doubt so. but anyway, i am happy regardless but i know i can be happIER when i have moneh slurps. i admire people like janene and sean. sigh. if only i was richer i shall have no complaints in life. for real. i mean, look at it this way.
oh no you feel so sad today. you feel restless. you feel all the energy and smiles have been drained out of your system and you so so want to be cheerful so you go to the mall. you spot the perfect piece of dress to dress to kill and a) you have got completely NO money but you so want it. you will feel even more sad right !? but but but. b ! you have more than enough in your purse. you grace yourself into the dress to kill boutique, try on the pieces displayed on every rack, every shelves, EVERYWHERE and then finally, pay for your final pieces. with them shopping bags in your hands with them dresses in them handbags, you plaster a big smile and march out of the shop. SEE WHAT I MEAN. sigh. if only i can work now :o(
but anyway i temporarily forgot about the heat that was roasting me. now i feel a little tiny bit cooler. anywayz ! i went to janelle's on monday. whoa her house rock harder than rocks !! ha ! ha ! it's so pretty i took a few pigs so i shall be uploading later. can't now. computer's like both on and in fire. but anyway, i don't know why i can't upload the vidz. shit !!! i will go upload my overseas pigs now. catch them soon ! zai jien !