WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( pardon my french. ahem.)
.. but my left eye is a complete freak show and guess wat !! i dont even know wat caused it *_- !!!!!
im convinced a bloody bug bit me while i was sleepin but all em adults are claiming otherwise -..- they said it's cuz my bod is too heaty ?_?
trust us to be chinese -..-
we keep coming up with funny reasons but i mean hello !!!! how could a bloody swollen eye be linked to my body being too heaty ?? well apparently they say the heat travelled from my tummy\toes and sneakily crept all the way up to my poor eye.. in some cases it goes up to the nose ?_?
frankly ?????????
i'm still stickin to my bug-bit-me theory. it's easier to accept.. plus, that way i don't have to drink funny assortments they're makin me swallow -..- im doin a quick entry cuz this might be my last. i'm leaving BKK to go TW tomorrow at 13 oclock.. YES. W MY BLOODY SWOLLEN EYE HOLY BUG.
ANW, im goin to the doc's now to cure my disease.. wish me luck arigato go go go. i'll be uploadin the subsequent pictures to phuket trip b-low. if not i'm gonna have to work on BOTH phuket and tai wan and that's somethin i dont quite njoy TYVM. so bye bye !!!!!!
finally away from people who have such childish thoughts i swear they'll never grow. pray tell me how old u REALLY are -..- sigh..
my eye still fine in here. taken before my lazy nap t he he..
The Writer.

My latest obsession yo.

Sky Diving !!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
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