. . . . A TEACHER !
ha ha, this is how crazy matured i looked. i took like darn little pictures. and i said i waz goin to the esplan8 right ! ha ha ! but guess wot ! i didn't ! KK and i decided our legs didn't do us much favour so we settled ourselves to westmall's icy cold theatre #1 instead. there weren't much choices so we decided to watch the x files.
me. " hi. can i have 2 tickets to the x files at 5pm ? "
man dazzled by queen. " - looks lovingly and finally manages an . . .. -
aaaah ? "
me " the x files ? the cross files ? y'kno, the files ? "
snaps alive " oh !! what time ? "
queen. " 5. - then remembered. - is there an effect if i show you this ? - flashes the concession card. - "
and so ! the tix became 6 $ instead. lesson learnt : make use of your student identity.
and ha ha ha ! i waz juz teasing about him in love with me :oP
the (X) files is pretty good tho the ending doesn't go very well. if you're watchin, please don't squeeze your eyes shut when the show begins coz that's how the story starts. caz if you close your eyes, you won't ged the story. it's like a crime investigation show.
after watchin, i got really bloody good amount of head turns and i was so tired of it. head turns doesn't mean it's good ! i waz pretty damn sure they were wonderin . . . why on earth would i be out wearin a chinese dress . . ? ? ? and i had to curse BVS for officially celebratin racial harmony on a friday. brrr. not to mention it felt funny i had to flash out my blue printed concession when people thot i was an office girl. oh yes !!! there's this really really really pretty girl i saw in sku ! i think i'm in love with her ! ha ha ! not my own self lah. HA ! HA ! she's olivia from sec 4. but i don't know her. neither does she know me. i was like talking to the cleaner wen i turned and saw her. whoa she looks real pretty ! i was like kept lookin at her with a smile. and my eyes were still stuck on her even when she disappeared into the art room. ha ha ! don't worry. i am still str8. i still like guys and i just love to compliment on really beautiful things.
anyway ! in the mornin, i waz like in the clementi toilet adjusting the dress when 1 woman walked in.
convo took place in mandarin but being the mini interpreter i am ( ha ha ! ) ,
she. " hi are you in the line ? "
me. " oh no. im just adjusting my dress actually. "
she. " waaa your office allow you to wear so nice one ah ? "
me. " ha ha ! no lah ! my sku got programme. "
she. " oh, very nice dress ! is it tailor made ? "
me. " nope. i got it from china ^.^ "
she. " you're from china ??? "
( HA HA HA ! )
me. " ha ha ! no lah ! i bought it when i was there. "
she. " oh ! very pretty ! "
and after that, one of the cubicles door opened so she got in.
i went to check how much $$$ i had in my bank and the amount increased !!!!!!
. . . . . . to a $ 4.03 . . . . . .
i was damn sad i tell you. but still quite happy coz i had $10 cash in hand i don't kno how i got it tho. but i'm pretty certain they're from KK. so i forced myself to walk to the train and finally reached westmall. 3 indians made me laugh. in the heart. so i waited, and waited, and waited but no taxis appeared until finally. ha ha ! i think he gate opener is quite pissed with queenie. the gate was closed but i had to wave at him from the window to ask him open the g8 for me so the taxi can pass thru. ha ha ! the driver was,
" where do you want to stop ? "
"there - pointed to the flag pole area. - ayeeee no . . there - pointed to the toilet area after seeing so many people in the canteen. - "
" ha ha ha ! okay sure ! "
so me went to the toilet before goin to the 4th level toilet again. omgoodness i stayed in the toilet damn long. guys are just so darn fake sometimes.
jonathan c kept " good morning miss joyce. " ha ha cuz he thot i was a teacher !!!! jia yi even told me " joyce somebody thot you were a teacher leh !! " ha ha, i am very happy today. i received so much compliments and i know i am so self obssessed i have to type it out right. but this is for my future references :oD
well anyway ! fast forward to night time ! i went home to KK's. i don't know why but becos she was takin a taxi and i just felt like riding :o) stayed there for so long talked and she lent me her bag so i could put some clothes back. called the taxi when it got late but i had no money so KK gave me $50 to go home. yep. this is my today :o) i love my days i love my life :o) i really, really, really do :o)
forgot say ! koh wei looked gorgeous today !!!!! ha ha ! and i looked gorgoues too :o) i am just tryng to cheer myself up ! ha ha ha ! she looks really fucking good leh i am inspired to wear a sari next year. but i know wot am gonna wear next year ^^ i think i have to get some tailor made myanmar traditional costumes. ha ha ! i am damn dope i told KK traditional is gu-dong in chinese when it was chuan-tong. ha ha. well. what can i say. everyone makes mistakes ey :o)