i am officially settled here in NUS hostel. well, minus the bloody bus thingo anyhow. it is still me, all the same, but officially with a different zip code.
right now as i'm updating my blog, i'm facing a really misty sky. it's breezy up here on the twelth level and believe it or not but the fan here is bloody chilly ! i know. how can fans beat air conditioners right ! tho this kinda chill is more like windy. not freezing cold. the bad thang is the fan's so friggin strong my hair looks like popcorn cuz it keeps gettin flown here and there by the wind but anyway !
i am officially broke as well. i've been takin the taxi to and fro from school cuz i juz cant seem to be able to find the bus that'll take me to bukit batok and back to clementi !!! like just now, i actually got to NUH hospital instead of NUS hostel. i'm gonna be takin the tube from today on.
well the frequently asked questions about the hostels.
why did you move to a hostel ?
well reason's simple. when i lived in kismis green, i didn't really haf self descipline. i surfed the net when i wuz supposed to be sleeping and studying. either that, or i slept when i wauz studying. even tho i lived with my guardian, she didn't really care about my studies. she didn't check up on me. she'll go, have you been revising for exams ? to which of cuz, i reply, yes. but the truth is, i never touched my books. so ye. this hostel has rulez which you gotta keep to like there's study time so you have to study. when roll call time's up, you gotta have your attendence ticked and all.
is it nice there ?
well ye it pretty much is. it' like a building filled with boarders so basically, you greet one another when you see them. not like i greet them tho :oP
but anyway. there's gooa breakfast. i've only eaten it once tho hehe. i haven't taken the meals in the hostel before but anyway. i just discovered the music room here. the staff and boarders have a good bonding. all are jolly. there's supper to which i strongly disagree initially cuz people whore losin the kilos are gonna be fed at night but when i saw wot the supper wuz, it was a sandwich, a veggie sandwhich to be specific. and a hot dog bun with the hot dog replaced by cabbages. there's also corn soup. but anyway. it's pretty nice here. quite a lot of freedom as well if you ask me.
and anyway !!!!! i am not gonna be wearin anything for youth day this year. i dont kno. i think i mustafbeen begginin to get matured. ha ha. am gonna wear for racial harmony tho. will be wearin the chinese dress i got from china while on the school trip oh and my phone's gonna be confiscated for 5 bloody weeks. it wuz juz 1 week at first. today's the day they sirpozed to gimme back but " after reading the rules, i have to confiscate your phone for 5 weeks. " crazy fugger. so i asked mr kong to gimme back my SIM card cuz i've got ' important calls to recieve and make. ' HA HA ! so yep. am once again back to the world of electronics !!!!! i'm on in my mobile now BTW. am using another spare phone.
ciao fo now ! gonna have my dinner. see. lisa stayin here, she gotsa go wit the rulez.
okie dokies. here're the pictures for sunday when i went out " studyin. " with KK. ha ha ! i actually wasted my strength carryin the bloody books. KK brought her PC so we were surfing the net thru out the whole time. went to eat and bye !
i am officially settled here in NUS hostel. well, minus the bloody bus thingo anyhow. it is still me, all the same, but officially with a different zip code.
right now as i'm updating my blog, i'm facing a really misty sky. it's breezy up here on the twelth level and believe it or not but the fan here is bloody chilly ! i know. how can fans beat air conditioners right ! tho this kinda chill is more like windy. not freezing cold. the bad thang is the fan's so friggin strong my hair looks like popcorn cuz it keeps gettin flown here and there by the wind but anyway !
i am officially broke as well. i've been takin the taxi to and fro from school cuz i juz cant seem to be able to find the bus that'll take me to bukit batok and back to clementi !!! like just now, i actually got to NUH hospital instead of NUS hostel. i'm gonna be takin the tube from today on.
well the frequently asked questions about the hostels.
why did you move to a hostel ?
well reason's simple. when i lived in kismis green, i didn't really haf self descipline. i surfed the net when i wuz supposed to be sleeping and studying. either that, or i slept when i wauz studying. even tho i lived with my guardian, she didn't really care about my studies. she didn't check up on me. she'll go, have you been revising for exams ? to which of cuz, i reply, yes. but the truth is, i never touched my books. so ye. this hostel has rulez which you gotta keep to like there's study time so you have to study. when roll call time's up, you gotta have your attendence ticked and all.
is it nice there ?
well ye it pretty much is. it' like a building filled with boarders so basically, you greet one another when you see them. not like i greet them tho :oP
but anyway. there's gooa breakfast. i've only eaten it once tho hehe. i haven't taken the meals in the hostel before but anyway. i just discovered the music room here. the staff and boarders have a good bonding. all are jolly. there's supper to which i strongly disagree initially cuz people whore losin the kilos are gonna be fed at night but when i saw wot the supper wuz, it was a sandwich, a veggie sandwhich to be specific. and a hot dog bun with the hot dog replaced by cabbages. there's also corn soup. but anyway. it's pretty nice here. quite a lot of freedom as well if you ask me.
and anyway !!!!! i am not gonna be wearin anything for youth day this year. i dont kno. i think i mustafbeen begginin to get matured. ha ha. am gonna wear for racial harmony tho. will be wearin the chinese dress i got from china while on the school trip oh and my phone's gonna be confiscated for 5 bloody weeks. it wuz juz 1 week at first. today's the day they sirpozed to gimme back but " after reading the rules, i have to confiscate your phone for 5 weeks. " crazy fugger. so i asked mr kong to gimme back my SIM card cuz i've got ' important calls to recieve and make. ' HA HA ! so yep. am once again back to the world of electronics !!!!! i'm on in my mobile now BTW. am using another spare phone.
ciao fo now ! gonna have my dinner. see. lisa stayin here, she gotsa go wit the rulez.
okie dokies. here're the pictures for sunday when i went out " studyin. " with KK. ha ha ! i actually wasted my strength carryin the bloody books. KK brought her PC so we were surfing the net thru out the whole time. went to eat and bye !
zhang yun xing.
" i wuz juz lookin at your strap. very lucky you buy, the design very nice. "
" what strap ???? "
" the pink and the brown one. "
" ha ha ha !!! that brown one is my bra ! i twisted them together. very nice ah ??? "
" oh ! i thot is the design like that on leh !!! "