thruout these few days, my life has been changing, if not drastically. like for example, i have been sleepin real l8 and endup not wakin up on time for sku ? like i still havent gotten my allowance ? like sandi doesn't wanna be the guardian anymore ? like i have finally eaten my 30 pratas ? like i have stopped givin a shit about studyin ? like i am clearin my closet ? like i finally how to use the washing machine ? like i got stuck in my own bloody room the whole day today cuz my stupid bangle got stuck in between the door and there was too much friggin friction i couldnt open the door until i finally found a knife to poke the bangle out ? like i have finally started using back pack till my back is sore i have to paste some medication plaster ? like i am gonna get my hair cut ? like how KK and i decide to study but ALWAYS endup catchin movies instead ? well, these little things jus sum up to a big change in me. it is like. i wanna care about my eductaion but half of me iz just procrastinatin, sayin " tomorrow. " when tomorrow comes, " tomorrow. " again. when the third tomorro comes, i will " aiya next week lah. " so you see. when tomorrow actually comes, it is all already too l8 to study. so i guess i just either need a wake up call by some one or i just need some studious people to drag me out of my world and force me to study. becos when i am on my own, the whole studying thang will never, ever, werk out. i am wayyy prepared to fail my accounts and math miserably. but i cannot affored to fail them rest. i HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO pass them. some thieves just stole my food science, history and chemistry text book. i hope the books stink. till when they breathe it in, they lose memory of all theyve learnt. i am gonna borrow books from people and start studying. i have all my faith in humanities, english, chinese, and maybe chemistry. ye. and food science too. but all theze r only gonna happen if i start readin them notes up.
anywayz. ITZ LEFT WITH 1 MONTH and TWO WEEKS TO END OF YEAR HOLIDAYS !!!!! it is official. holiday is startin 1 week after octopussycat month. hehehehehe i r zo zappy ! oh my gooness. 1 month ! could u believ that !???? hehe. so so so gr8. i am so not gonna wait for that 1 wweek, i am flyin RIGHT BACK AFTER THE PAPERS END. i aint gonna give a seed of shit to my results. i juz wanna get back. thats all. but the bloody bad thing is this whole thing goes to say, exams are startin in 1 month too. and i am so-bloody-not prepared. fuck. i gonna study now. bye. i really goin sleep aleady. goodbye blogger for as long as i take.
wiv love,
( i am still werkin' on the hostel post. )

lisa" come. show me pitiful old shoe. "
KK " cannot see. go nearer to the shoe. "
lisa " ok. faster !! the indian woman in front of me lookin like crazy ! "
KK : come take a picture.
- lisa poses. -
KK : waaa ugly to death !
- lisa burst out laughin and *snap* -
lookin like shiet but lovely inside. share the same dream of goin to paris. soon. hopefully.

formal doesnt match me.
lookie lookie @ me fringe ! it's growin ! but this stage is the most painful+irritatin+nerve-wreckin=lisa's most hated one. not long not short. keeps pokin me eyez. i dont want anymore fringes. but patience is virtue, lisa. and when the time me fringe grows long, me is gonna be so happy ! happy happy ! for now, i shall be a gud girl and pin up my fringe.

so . . . .
spectacles or without ?
or both !!!!? v(#___@) v

- lisa poses. -
KK : waaa ugly to death !
- lisa burst out laughin and *snap* -
lookin like shiet but lovely inside. share the same dream of goin to paris. soon. hopefully.

lookie lookie @ me fringe ! it's growin ! but this stage is the most painful+irritatin+nerve-wreckin=lisa's most hated one. not long not short. keeps pokin me eyez. i dont want anymore fringes. but patience is virtue, lisa. and when the time me fringe grows long, me is gonna be so happy ! happy happy ! for now, i shall be a gud girl and pin up my fringe.

spectacles or without ?
The Hans.

juz got outta bed.

so . . tell me if u think we really were studyin :oP

the perfart book. this is what i mean by ENGLISH. they tell the " history. " of english. well not exactly history but how this certain word came about. this is more useful than english classes in skul.
i waz holdin my breath.
this pig serves a purpose of showin lisa shuld get eye lash extension and the other to show the image of me lookin up at the book.

yes lisa is aware that she looks like a hibyehibye and there KK is, lookin so calm yet stern. i have no scissor which goes to explain why my facial mask appear so downright disastoros on me face. it is big ass not that my face is small ass :oP oki doki. me iz gonna sleep now !!! ssee me in skul. i-am-going fo sho !

yes lisa is aware that she looks like a hibyehibye and there KK is, lookin so calm yet stern. i have no scissor which goes to explain why my facial mask appear so downright disastoros on me face. it is big ass not that my face is small ass :oP oki doki. me iz gonna sleep now !!! ssee me in skul. i-am-going fo sho !