ha ha ha, ok madness is in me at this very mo.
to janelle pok, i can cook one ok. my one is the au naturel tom-yum. i help you cook when i m back then u see who is the better tom yum'er. the fake paste or the gifted cook zang lisa. hehe !
watched the day the earth stood still last night with jason, thawat and johnny. a little lesson here. johnny and thawat are an item so that is why we are always hanging out. johnny speaks english cos he studies in NYC since he was 8 and is an accountant. i hope he speaks the truth cos he said if there is a chance, he will bring me to NYC next year for concerts. i think he was speakin the truth cos he asked me if i can fly out of singapore after school but anyway. lets not get ur hopes soaring high up in the air, lisa !
ha ha ! oki doki. the reason why i havent been updating punctually and daily is cozzz i have no computers !!!!! my lappie is spoilt like i said so i saved myself the trouble of bringing a useless dead rectangular metallic shit all the way to thailand so thats is why i cant surf the net daily. i have to make my way to the Internet cafe and surf the net here instead and i dont do that daily which explains my lack of entries so anyway, point is, i blog once a week. so all the minor details and outings have been cut out and replaced by bigger events. well anyway, like i said, johnny and thawat seems serious now and i was jokin with them telling them to make me the bridesmaid if they wed.
" i will pull the wedding gown for u, ok ! "
" joys, we'll be wearing suits, not gowns ! "
" oh well, i will throw the flowers then. but either way, i will be a part of the marriage ^__^ "
they 2 are fun to be with so join jason and i, oops. i seriously meant Fag and I, we four are the laughing stock amongst ourselves ! hehehehhe. anyway, TDTESS is pretty good. i lobbbbbbb keanu reeves. my tongue went jiggly slippery slanterry blantery whatevery.
ok anyway. KK called me last night and we talked. guess what, luck !! she's coming to thailand too !!! EXCEPT ! she'll be here on the 24th !!!! and i will be in myanmar on the 19th !!!!!! and it doesnt end here, theres more ! she's goin back on the jan 1st and i, too, am goin back on that date but ! momsie told me to go back on the 30th cos 1st of jan isnt a good date to fly cos the computers are gna be re-newed so she was scared there'd be unpleasant stuff happening to us. so to summarize and cut the load short, i wont be meeting KK even tho we are both in the same old city. well, next year again. anyway. here're the pictures that has little meanings. bye bye !
oh yes !!!
Zang Lisa's feedback on her first time to a pub :
hi all. i love the pubs but the thing is, i cant dance. my first time to the pub and i kno i will be goin there every chance i can but after coming out of the pub at 3 in the morning, my ears were momentarily deaf for a long 9 minits. i am lookin forward to singapore's. bye.
and the length is differnt if u see closely. my hair condition is super bad i had to save it.
met OB at night.

the thin and the fat. ha ha ! stupid fag kept telling me i look like a big chunk of fats compared to OB :oD

Steak Day.
momsie's 3rd attempt.
#1 attempt = too salty.
#2 attempt = too hard.
#3 attempt = perfecto !

looks like cake but this is actually mom frying slash heating up her red wine as the sauce.
ta-daaaah !