yo yo yo yo yo !
i am gonna be buying a pair of jeans soon so u can see zang lisa in jeans very soon ( tho not very flaterring. ) ! ha ha, it has been how many million years since i last wore one already !!? okay anyway i need 170 $ for it but this is really gonna be worth every cent cos i look okay with it, ha ha ! okay so anyway ! me met KK today, went over to vivo's. our initial plan of not eating the whole day got runied after my trip to the bloody washroom. it gave off this weird smell that reminded me of thailand and it made me hungry instantly so we went piggin out at the 火锅店 again. this one tiny meal wipes out all the strict diets we have been tortured merciless the past few days.
one meal VS million ( torturing. ) held-back temptations.
but anyway. after that we went over to bukit timah plaza and had two bowls of ice creams. ha ha, i tell you. when our mouths come in contact with food, there is no stopping. it only goes on and on and on and on and on on on instead. we weill be goin to K-box tomorrow to sing.
lisa. " huh, go sing ah. "
KK. " ye ! this is to prepare my future profession ! "
ha ! ha !
oki doki i am loggin off now. see i blog so friggin early cos i dont wanna sleep late. this whole sleepin late thing is makin me look very pimple-paradize. i am returnin KK her computer on monday so yep. good bye for now ! enjoy the sunday :o)
with ah-nee whom's askin how koh wei is.

tee shirtish girls.
- snap. -