hey ho ! i just got back from j u n i e 's birthday celebration. happy 15th to you !! cheer up and be strong ah ! live life to its fullest and girls look gorgeous when they smile ! it's your birthday today, forget all the things and rock out to the new age ! sorry my gift really ugly, i'll get you something else on monday. i already know what to buy to suit you !!! hehehe.
so so ! after math tuition, which i thought was a simple 1 hour, i updated the vidz to kw and i's day out. i just noticed that the last few vidz are muted !? i go re-upload them later. our faced looks piak. effects a little lousy. what to do. lousy handphone. ha ha !! omg ! today, i was replacing my " OMGOD ! " with " oh dear ! " cos it's offensive to the christians right ? so sorry. i had absolutely no idea. so i'll purposely throw my purse down and practice my " oh dear ! " in public. ha ha ha ! practice too much. when reached bukit batok station, we were walking down the stairs, when farah really flung my purse and it dropped to the lower flight of stairs. so i " OH DEAR !! " and snatched her newpaper and flung it aimlessly and IT DROPPED TO THE FIRST LEVEL !!!! ha ha ! oh dear ! my heart like kena pulled out. everyone started looking up and i quickly squatted down, pretending to pick up my purse. farah arah can still stand and pose and laugh.
the newpaper all one by one flow down like dried leaves falling in autum time. we were like still at the top of the stairs and everyone was looking up so i had to pretend to rush down. 2 steps at a time, queen ( pretended. t he he. ) to rush down. oh blast. the mrt sargeant ( sp ? and how to call them. ) came out of his little hut and i pretended to look nervos and quickly bent down to pick all the pieces up. waa alot. uhm. autum wind too strong already. farah came laughing towards me so i quickly turned to her and told her to look serious so it'll look like an accident and not foul play. cos afterall, who could scold someone for doing something carelessly right.
so ! i took the tube all the way to little tegah merah and transferred to little changi air pork. again, I DID IT !! ALL BY MYSELF ! hehe. actually farah told me. dang ! went over to meet junie and the rest at popeye to have dinner. sweet old saggy boob-ed flat chested ugly smelly noisy naughty aunty came and fetch me :o) ha ha ! just so you know, the more we insult each other, the more we love each other. AHEM ! we are .. . we are actaully . . . . .
les... . .
lesbi .. .
les straight !
har har ._.
you veli ugly today you no !? ha ha. our joke.
well it ended pretty fast so we parted our ways and farah and i went pigz taking. ha ha ! we played with the trolly. but had no chance to v-record it properly. then ! we talked all the way back to bukit batok and again, ugly shiet dropped with me :o) i don't know if you know that when i put a smiley, i really mean that i am smiling. let's just make this - :> the way i look now. ugly aunt stopped with me to accompany me :>>> ekk. too many smilies already. my lips not so saggy and droopy.
so then ! she stopped at her usual stop and took a taxi home to meet her mom at starbucks. oh ! did i mention that i'm on curfew now !? holy shiet ! this = a very big deal ! cos now lena kena fired to hell so left with neh-na and guardian don't plan to get another maid and furthermore, i'm 17 so she said i should be independent and this = packing my own room, getting up on time ( for this, she bough 3threethree33thr33 alarm clocks !!!! ha ha ! ) and just, being tideh and responsible. no more calling for maids when things go missing.
but .. . . .. . but why does the stupid curfew thang have to be included !? life issszszs zo unfairz ! ( okay. i'm whining. )
i wanna go pack my secondary 3 camp stuff. goo nine ! oh yes ! hehehhe. i'm in love ! with my own self %_% ( ha ha ! this is obviously not a well-known smiley. ithe % looks like a dreamy eyez so. ) i enjoy solitary and i adore walking home now cos !?
farah knows why :>
so so ! after math tuition, which i thought was a simple 1 hour, i updated the vidz to kw and i's day out. i just noticed that the last few vidz are muted !? i go re-upload them later. our faced looks piak. effects a little lousy. what to do. lousy handphone. ha ha !! omg ! today, i was replacing my " OMGOD ! " with " oh dear ! " cos it's offensive to the christians right ? so sorry. i had absolutely no idea. so i'll purposely throw my purse down and practice my " oh dear ! " in public. ha ha ha ! practice too much. when reached bukit batok station, we were walking down the stairs, when farah really flung my purse and it dropped to the lower flight of stairs. so i " OH DEAR !! " and snatched her newpaper and flung it aimlessly and IT DROPPED TO THE FIRST LEVEL !!!! ha ha ! oh dear ! my heart like kena pulled out. everyone started looking up and i quickly squatted down, pretending to pick up my purse. farah arah can still stand and pose and laugh.
the newpaper all one by one flow down like dried leaves falling in autum time. we were like still at the top of the stairs and everyone was looking up so i had to pretend to rush down. 2 steps at a time, queen ( pretended. t he he. ) to rush down. oh blast. the mrt sargeant ( sp ? and how to call them. ) came out of his little hut and i pretended to look nervos and quickly bent down to pick all the pieces up. waa alot. uhm. autum wind too strong already. farah came laughing towards me so i quickly turned to her and told her to look serious so it'll look like an accident and not foul play. cos afterall, who could scold someone for doing something carelessly right.
so ! i took the tube all the way to little tegah merah and transferred to little changi air pork. again, I DID IT !! ALL BY MYSELF ! hehe. actually farah told me. dang ! went over to meet junie and the rest at popeye to have dinner. sweet old saggy boob-ed flat chested ugly smelly noisy naughty aunty came and fetch me :o) ha ha ! just so you know, the more we insult each other, the more we love each other. AHEM ! we are .. . we are actaully . . . . .
les... . .
lesbi .. .
les straight !
har har ._.
you veli ugly today you no !? ha ha. our joke.
well it ended pretty fast so we parted our ways and farah and i went pigz taking. ha ha ! we played with the trolly. but had no chance to v-record it properly. then ! we talked all the way back to bukit batok and again, ugly shiet dropped with me :o) i don't know if you know that when i put a smiley, i really mean that i am smiling. let's just make this - :> the way i look now. ugly aunt stopped with me to accompany me :>>> ekk. too many smilies already. my lips not so saggy and droopy.
so then ! she stopped at her usual stop and took a taxi home to meet her mom at starbucks. oh ! did i mention that i'm on curfew now !? holy shiet ! this = a very big deal ! cos now lena kena fired to hell so left with neh-na and guardian don't plan to get another maid and furthermore, i'm 17 so she said i should be independent and this = packing my own room, getting up on time ( for this, she bough 3threethree33thr33 alarm clocks !!!! ha ha ! ) and just, being tideh and responsible. no more calling for maids when things go missing.
but .. . . .. . but why does the stupid curfew thang have to be included !? life issszszs zo unfairz ! ( okay. i'm whining. )
i wanna go pack my secondary 3 camp stuff. goo nine ! oh yes ! hehehhe. i'm in love ! with my own self %_% ( ha ha ! this is obviously not a well-known smiley. ithe % looks like a dreamy eyez so. ) i enjoy solitary and i adore walking home now cos !?
farah knows why :>
terminal tree !
i was being rather self obsessed. got new hair of course must take lah right ! furthermore, i was a bowl of noodles remember ?