hey ya ! me skipped sku to go out with KK to buy the camcorder she been wantin
at city hall. i didn't wanto skip sku intentionally tho. i juz happened to gat up late and i didn't wanto go to sku cuz i don't like it when i go in to the class and people start thinkin, oh my, so late still wanna come, makes me look like an attention sicker. not seeker but SICKer. so i bathed and got ready ya dee dee dah, chilled the whoe beautiful day out. i like going out on weekdays more than weekends cuz me feel like an adult when me isout on weekdays ! ha ha ! me is havin this odd habbit of sayin " me. " insteada " i. " so anyway ! after the whole day out, we were blardy tired. not to mention the 2 heavy azz bags we had to carry. took the taxi home. KK sent me all the way in to the hostel. she wuz like, where'z the handsome guy ??? so when we were driving past the canteen, i kept a cloze lookout for him but didn't see him
.......UNTIL THE CAR DROVE TO THE PATHWAY CONNECTIN THE OFFICE !!!! ha ha ! KK said he looks like a thai superstar. but to me, he looks like a sweet ol' thai boy. so me went down to have " diner. " i wasn't hungry really. i ate veggies today ! only veggies ! the person asked me,
staff 1 : " why don't you try the meat ? it's very yummy ! "
lise : " ha ha, i not hungry today. "
staff 2 : " are you a vegetarian ????? "
i called birdie's momma today. i shouldave known i suck at consollin people.
lise : " shmei niang don't be sad me and bird will be by your side. "
SMN : " how to be not sad ??? someone you love just died all of a sudden. "
lise : " mmmmmmmmm "
SMN : " he was still perfect. he seemed good. but when he stood up, he just collasped and died instantly. "
lise. " ooooorh, mmmm. ooooh. "
see. me damn sucky at speakin one. anywayz. here're the pictures. me have puffy eyez cuz me slept too much. worse than little pigges. oki. me agree thiziz a veli bad post. totally.
ghor hao xiang bu you na mo xi huang level 7 lor ah. xiao bu de si zor mo. ying gai shi ying wei wo zhar kang bu jing ta lor. xiao bu der lah. ta ye bu shi wo xi huan ne na zhong. wo zhi shi xiang geng ta zuo peng you ying wei ta shi yi guo tai gor ren guai.
.......UNTIL THE CAR DROVE TO THE PATHWAY CONNECTIN THE OFFICE !!!! ha ha ! KK said he looks like a thai superstar. but to me, he looks like a sweet ol' thai boy. so me went down to have " diner. " i wasn't hungry really. i ate veggies today ! only veggies ! the person asked me,
staff 1 : " why don't you try the meat ? it's very yummy ! "
lise : " ha ha, i not hungry today. "
staff 2 : " are you a vegetarian ????? "
i called birdie's momma today. i shouldave known i suck at consollin people.
lise : " shmei niang don't be sad me and bird will be by your side. "
SMN : " how to be not sad ??? someone you love just died all of a sudden. "
lise : " mmmmmmmmm "
SMN : " he was still perfect. he seemed good. but when he stood up, he just collasped and died instantly. "
lise. " ooooorh, mmmm. ooooh. "
see. me damn sucky at speakin one. anywayz. here're the pictures. me have puffy eyez cuz me slept too much. worse than little pigges. oki. me agree thiziz a veli bad post. totally.
ghor hao xiang bu you na mo xi huang level 7 lor ah. xiao bu de si zor mo. ying gai shi ying wei wo zhar kang bu jing ta lor. xiao bu der lah. ta ye bu shi wo xi huan ne na zhong. wo zhi shi xiang geng ta zuo peng you ying wei ta shi yi guo tai gor ren guai.
me went to meet KK with my hair done like this !!!!
ha ha as is i would. tho im gonna do that one day. wait till my hair's longer. i will be out to greet the world hello with little " tendrils. " growin in my hair :oD
this is me at springfield where KK got her jeans.
we went over to MC's to spend our evening. ha ha ! this is the best MC's i been to. they have like little pathways which lead to dofferent " sections. " with different decos. we went to the one lookin like a house. there were pieces of art hung on the wall and big pieces of mirrors too.