learnin' life the hard way as sandi the perfect is tellin' me to.
it's funny. the only way i stop cryin is only when i start to take pictures. the more i think about the whole situation, the more tears they fall. i donno. i am gettin' so sick and tired of sandi the great. but i shan't post about her anymore, i realized there're many hate mails piling up in my blog posts which is bad. i shan't be an eveil witch. i talked to fatih. which is a real pleasure thank you to A and to F :o) today, koh wei asked me if i am sick of life. i replied no to her but now, i am so sick of my life WITH sandi the wonderful around . .
i made up to farah today ! :o)
fatih sent me a song which i been listenin to on repeat for more than 12 times. it's gonna be my official blog song but only after again and again. now, my mood is more to A&A than the new song oh well.