sent mom to orchard ( she had a lips appointmebet at 11 am. ) before i made my way to harbour front to meet janelle, pei hui, michelle and li wen. when we finally made it to go over early so we could sun tan, the weather chose today to be moody. no sun, no nuttin. we actually reached at like, 13 ? and played in the sea till like 19. ha ha ha, when the strong waves come crashin in, we'll get flushed around, makin the bikini almost do a back flip. the whole time was spent playin in the water, making a master piece of a sand castle tho to be brutally honest, the master piece sand castle is janelle's TOILET BOWL. not some fairytale sand castles. ha ! ha ! pork's frisbee got sucked in by the sand. got the kidz' spades ( sp. ) and started makin this really deep well of a toilet bowl. okay, here're the pigs, enjoy !
well anyway. today's my last outing till school actually kicks in. i have to calm myself down and surround myself with alphabets, numbers and formulas for the following days to come. it's high time i should find time for the holiday assignments. ive set my mind to really work hard and no ones gonna obstruct that. i shall make them teachers happy. ha ha ! my mid term resos is to
> not be late for school again
> rest early so i have the enegy for school.
> not spend money on unwanted stuff. and save 40 $ a week. at minimum.
> get my concession card replaced. A-SAP !
> bring books home to reivse !
> go back home right after school. no more spendin time out.
> brush up on math and science.
> sing.
> learn a dance.
> cut my nails.
> trim my brows.
> clip up fringe whenevr it gets in my eyez.
> snack on fruits.
> buy a new shoe.
> start using the bigazz ripcurl bag again so i will carry books home.
> be responsible ( if the situation is under my reach. )
> not to surf. limit to thrice a week.
> get up early on weekends.
> swim at least once a week
okay if i go on, im afraid ill do a reso to keep myself slim insteada improvin my studies. oh mian. it's like left with how many days only till scholl starts again ?? i half anticipates and half dreads it. i anticipate it coz i wanna learn new stuff again. i dread it coz i hate the ungodly hour of wakin up. i dread it coz i hate to walk back home coz it's so, so, so, so warm in the noon !!!! i dread it coz the school deosnt have air-cpon. i dread it coz i hate the warm ambiance i dread it simply cos it's warm. oh bloody hell. learn to be matured, lia. do not, do not complain. nurses take everything willingly. they work in tents filled with mosquitos, with oh wait. im not talkin 'bout field trip to africa nurses now am i ? i forgot im talkin 'bout air conditioned hospitals :oD whoa mian. i so love it doh doh. no perspirin, no using sheets of papers to fan myself, no need to use my mouth to blow wind out to cool my face. hehehehe. I WILL STUDY HARD !!!!! ok that doesnt seem seriouz.
well well well. my eyes are gettin really heavy no ? im gonna sleep past noon tomorrow. i couldnt care less. my body is talkin to me and i have to listen. bye ! enjoy wots left of the mid year holidays !
presenting .
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with li wen.
thinkin' of a pose.
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