good evenin y'all ! i've just finished editing the pics for today so yep, here goes !
oyea. praise me. i was the earliest in class today, arriving at 8am, i dont kno how i managed tt and guess wot !? today was my teacher's turn to be L8 ! ha ha ha she got there at 8.30 !!! LOL ! looks like luck is on my side but let's not busk in this glory cuz karma bites n B4 u know it, it's gna be my turn to be L8 again n tt aint somethin i like yo ! so oki. that's probly all !!!!!!!
nothin much to UPD8 on,,, still have to take a bath after this entry im on a time rush..
woke up so early this mornin ( 5.50am. ) i had ample time applying make up properly and also cam-whore a little :P
how the world looks like wehn u lazy pigs r still snuggling in beds :oP

( wuz gettin a little sleepy by then... PS lousy fail hair.. thineed it too much im regretin now =C )
i look like im on a liquid diet but trust me im not !!!!! im on the journey of tryin different drinks every day.. PS the passion fruit's a disgrace. it's so sweet :S
was eating my roll -..-
B4. after gettin home. it was so humid outside walkin was an absolute torture :O
bought this dress\long dress while i was in KS.. i like it !!! havent had the chance 2 wear it yet tho :\
( guess what pudding H8s me now -..- every time she sees me whip out my camera, she snorts ( yes she can :O ) and runs away B4 i have the chance to even grab her -..0 i've turned violent now in order to take a pic w here... )
hair's growin out pretty fast,,,
the mags i got a few days ago but im so BZ i havent got the time read them :O !!!! plus they're in chinese so i'm tryin to avoid em AFAP.. ( as far as pos. ) ^^
zahzahzah im gna have to struggle to pass thru this :'o(
oyea !!! i've created a twitter account ! ha ha, noob tryin to be cool here.. i just dont like spammin my FB shout-outs w my random thots so i thot of creatin a twit acc lol,,, i dont know how tt works yet tho ! my username is joyzhanzy i think, i cant rmb it if's s or z....