hello. me messed up this post while updating with my pictures. my computer was so lag-y i kept clicking here and there slamming my mouse and fingers-stomping on my keys. but anyway. i got a late reportin again today for roll calling.
" hello ? "
" hi. whozit ? "
" this is NUS callin, where're you now ? "
" oh ! im acutally already walkin to the office now. "
" you're late for roll call. "
so when me went in, the lady told me it was already my 2nd time. if a third time happens again, i'll be issued with a letter of warning so i gotta " be careful. "
well me went to KK's fuzion night today. i knew it waz a special occasion. i happily put on my new undie and sprayed a whole load of moose on my head, messin my hair up. while me waz in the pantry, the cleaner came up to me with a radiant smile, greeted me hello ! and said good ! and looked me bottom up and gave me the thumbs up. her gestures kinda made me miss neh nah's words. like everytime before i leave home, she'll always be tellin me how good i looked and that i have to be careful out there yadee deedah. different people have different tastes. i like you but i dont like you. ye ged wot i mean. so anyway. me went into the lift and went outta the gate. me don't like walkin in and out of hostel cuz it is like me'z the only one that dresses up. them rest is just plain shorts and tees. me will be perfume flooding the lift with made up face whizzing around the hostel when me goes out or comes back home.
went to jurong east to have KK and i's ban mien. me loves ban mien ! it's so bloody nice to chew on. it has a mild flavour of sweetness and thickness which is what me always look forward to. i wasn't hungry aktuali. i already ate maggee mee at home but the taste of ban mien's real good. after that we went to vivo city to buy KK's shoes. ha ha ! KK's a real matured girl i been wanting to do a post about her. soon i promise !
well so from vivo c, we took the taxi all the way to jurong east to meet jaw. i hate sitting in lousy taxis cuz they so bumpy !!! i was juz tellin KK why waz it that these few days all the drivers we get drive so blardy recklessly. they don't drive smooth but they drive halt-y. like drive, and breeeeak drive and break until i fell off the chair okay ! no joke y'kno. i always sit sideways so that's why i could fall incaze u wonderin'. initial plan waz to fetch jaw at jurong east but by the time we got to JE, he waz still at admiralty ! and the driver didn't wanto wait so we had no choice but to get off his car. while waiting, me saw a mini pasar-malam outside of the mall. i got 4 eye lashes and a glue for 10 $ !! how cheap u tell me !!! oh. it's 4 boxes in caze you're wonderin if i got 4 STRANDS of lashes cuz that'd be really funny :oP
so jaw finally reached and we decided to walk there since it waz only a 7 minit walk. me estimated the time :oD we were like 1.5 hours late ! ha ha ! but it didn't really have nething special. like it waz a casual night thank goodness me didnt wear new year formal. mostof them people were clad in jeans and tee. anyways. me came home alone caz KK and her friends went to karaoke together why me no join ? caz me got time limits ! not to mention, me shy shy know :oP ok me really have to break the habit of " me. " ing. it's growing in my blood now. me me me. well so I went home and even tho me wasnt feelin hungry, me went to buy a pancake and a slice of cold cake to bring home and eat. me put me hot pancake and cold cake together without realizing that the cold cake wouldave melted. me in the tube had to let out a gasp when i realized it.
when i got home, me ate happily before going off to bed. thisis all bye bye ! please take note that there will be a lot of me pictures with the flawless skin and me acting cute. acting cute has a story to tell but it iz strictly priv8 so sorry matez ! KK and i h8 this guy so and well he had a point about me. okay i'll just say it. cuz it aint much of a big matter. well KK has a friend from myanmar so ye y'kno intro here intro there. when he went to my friendster, he had the fucking fat cheeks to say,
" wooo she's not my type wor. she never act cute. "
the woo and wor are not the englishy woo and wor. it's in myanmar chinese so dont get mistaken. englishly translated, he meant
" eh, she's not the type i dig ! she's not those cute sort ! "
waa me slap him with my cute mushroom slipper i tell you. i always get evil when i am camera groping half way. i will go, " KK, IS THIS HOW ME IZ ZIRPOOOOZED TO ACT CUTE ??? - opens eys wide till they droppped. - "
AND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
he doesn't look half as good oki ! and still he says about me like i am not like all them average girls trying to act cute in the pictures and becos i dont do that, he says i am not his type becos i dont act cute. you tell me ! where got this kindof people !!!? deserve to get slapped by a cute mushroom sipper !? hell no ! i uze lousy pok shoes slap him better ah. so you can see me acting veli veli veli ke-ai okae doke !? comments are welcome cuz they amuse me :oD oh ye. if you wanna know anything or everything, please comment me and not tag me. the space for me to type there is so little i can barely type out half of my words. plus, i reply to comments promptly :o) and comments are much more real than tags so.
oki. here's the pictures !
me like this pig. but effect iz a lil sucky.
i am sho cutex ! holy shit. are ya ready for the extreme flip of miss l's face ~!?
TA-DAAAAH !!! ha ha !! i look more like a freakshow than a bloody cute innocent doll.

me dont feel girls with big eyes are pretty ! me think people with small cat eyes and think dead lips are sexier ! have you seen any yet ? well, here's the perfect exapmle. she is so, so smexeh !

eyes-less but me likes :o)
gonna be 18s
yo yo.
da jia hao.

them competein for the mis infomatcis title.
KK and her friends !

eh !! KK !! i want act those hot office bitch. ( failed miserably. )
with the cup and bag not professional enof.
me is very curious about how me will look when me is slim. you too eh ! well brace yourselves yet again for miss L's transfomation !!!
TA-DAAAH ! boobless buttless tummyless skinny legs long legs. me still prefer the old happy chubby me :o) so meaty and full. HA HA !
can see gold already.

this is me in my #1 world most favorite bus. it is damn clean and quiet. plus, there're almost always no one else except me. it has great lightings and the air-con is damn cold. sadly, i only sit there for 4 stops.

" hello ? "
" hi. whozit ? "
" this is NUS callin, where're you now ? "
" oh ! im acutally already walkin to the office now. "
" you're late for roll call. "
so when me went in, the lady told me it was already my 2nd time. if a third time happens again, i'll be issued with a letter of warning so i gotta " be careful. "
well me went to KK's fuzion night today. i knew it waz a special occasion. i happily put on my new undie and sprayed a whole load of moose on my head, messin my hair up. while me waz in the pantry, the cleaner came up to me with a radiant smile, greeted me hello ! and said good ! and looked me bottom up and gave me the thumbs up. her gestures kinda made me miss neh nah's words. like everytime before i leave home, she'll always be tellin me how good i looked and that i have to be careful out there yadee deedah. different people have different tastes. i like you but i dont like you. ye ged wot i mean. so anyway. me went into the lift and went outta the gate. me don't like walkin in and out of hostel cuz it is like me'z the only one that dresses up. them rest is just plain shorts and tees. me will be perfume flooding the lift with made up face whizzing around the hostel when me goes out or comes back home.
went to jurong east to have KK and i's ban mien. me loves ban mien ! it's so bloody nice to chew on. it has a mild flavour of sweetness and thickness which is what me always look forward to. i wasn't hungry aktuali. i already ate maggee mee at home but the taste of ban mien's real good. after that we went to vivo city to buy KK's shoes. ha ha ! KK's a real matured girl i been wanting to do a post about her. soon i promise !
well so from vivo c, we took the taxi all the way to jurong east to meet jaw. i hate sitting in lousy taxis cuz they so bumpy !!! i was juz tellin KK why waz it that these few days all the drivers we get drive so blardy recklessly. they don't drive smooth but they drive halt-y. like drive, and breeeeak drive and break until i fell off the chair okay ! no joke y'kno. i always sit sideways so that's why i could fall incaze u wonderin'. initial plan waz to fetch jaw at jurong east but by the time we got to JE, he waz still at admiralty ! and the driver didn't wanto wait so we had no choice but to get off his car. while waiting, me saw a mini pasar-malam outside of the mall. i got 4 eye lashes and a glue for 10 $ !! how cheap u tell me !!! oh. it's 4 boxes in caze you're wonderin if i got 4 STRANDS of lashes cuz that'd be really funny :oP
so jaw finally reached and we decided to walk there since it waz only a 7 minit walk. me estimated the time :oD we were like 1.5 hours late ! ha ha ! but it didn't really have nething special. like it waz a casual night thank goodness me didnt wear new year formal. mostof them people were clad in jeans and tee. anyways. me came home alone caz KK and her friends went to karaoke together why me no join ? caz me got time limits ! not to mention, me shy shy know :oP ok me really have to break the habit of " me. " ing. it's growing in my blood now. me me me. well so I went home and even tho me wasnt feelin hungry, me went to buy a pancake and a slice of cold cake to bring home and eat. me put me hot pancake and cold cake together without realizing that the cold cake wouldave melted. me in the tube had to let out a gasp when i realized it.
when i got home, me ate happily before going off to bed. thisis all bye bye ! please take note that there will be a lot of me pictures with the flawless skin and me acting cute. acting cute has a story to tell but it iz strictly priv8 so sorry matez ! KK and i h8 this guy so and well he had a point about me. okay i'll just say it. cuz it aint much of a big matter. well KK has a friend from myanmar so ye y'kno intro here intro there. when he went to my friendster, he had the fucking fat cheeks to say,
" wooo she's not my type wor. she never act cute. "
the woo and wor are not the englishy woo and wor. it's in myanmar chinese so dont get mistaken. englishly translated, he meant
" eh, she's not the type i dig ! she's not those cute sort ! "
waa me slap him with my cute mushroom slipper i tell you. i always get evil when i am camera groping half way. i will go, " KK, IS THIS HOW ME IZ ZIRPOOOOZED TO ACT CUTE ??? - opens eys wide till they droppped. - "
AND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
he doesn't look half as good oki ! and still he says about me like i am not like all them average girls trying to act cute in the pictures and becos i dont do that, he says i am not his type becos i dont act cute. you tell me ! where got this kindof people !!!? deserve to get slapped by a cute mushroom sipper !? hell no ! i uze lousy pok shoes slap him better ah. so you can see me acting veli veli veli ke-ai okae doke !? comments are welcome cuz they amuse me :oD oh ye. if you wanna know anything or everything, please comment me and not tag me. the space for me to type there is so little i can barely type out half of my words. plus, i reply to comments promptly :o) and comments are much more real than tags so.
oki. here's the pictures !
TA-DAAAAH !!! ha ha !! i look more like a freakshow than a bloody cute innocent doll.

me dont feel girls with big eyes are pretty ! me think people with small cat eyes and think dead lips are sexier ! have you seen any yet ? well, here's the perfect exapmle. she is so, so smexeh !

me is very curious about how me will look when me is slim. you too eh ! well brace yourselves yet again for miss L's transfomation !!!
TA-DAAAH ! boobless buttless tummyless skinny legs long legs. me still prefer the old happy chubby me :o) so meaty and full. HA HA !