why can't i live my life even if i don't succeed and make mega bucks !!!!?
i can still be contented and have money, even if not so much. i dont wna have extra $$$$ to buy my own bags and clothes. all i want is money sufficient to get 2 houses and the rest to my children to live comfortably.
i dont need money for myself cos errrrr. my husband'll have to take care of that.
HA HA HA HA !!!!
i only want enuf cash to buy houses, baby clothes, and everything my children and a pet dog'll ever need. i only wanna stay home and paint. or even do the gardening.
i've thot about it all.
i dont wna work my ass off just to content my materialistic world. i want to live peacefully and very happily, where i can see my plants grow from puny seeds to beautiful flowers and from beautiful flowers to sweet fruits. where i can paint nothing but everything . . just splashes of colors and fingerprints.
i can even take up sewing !!!!
there're sooooooo many things i can do !!!!!
all without having to study my tired ass off for a bright future cos bright future ??
i dont want it.
i want something that no one has.
where it hasnt been planned.
not just graduate, job, filty rich, kids, die.
i want graduate,
bring children to school and ballet classes,
love family,
see children married
THEN die.
all these money and more money is gettin a little too cliche it's sick.
first, i will want to earn enough money for houses because one is for my family while another one is for my mother to live near me permanently and also for my brothers to drop by and have BBQs and late night gossips about their own families. AND ALSO FOR THEIR CHILDREN TO BUNK IN !!!!!
second, i will want money to travel all around the 3rd world countries. i will need 80% more money for this segment because i want to buy blankets and clothes for the children there. i am plannin to visit africa. and i will bring my children along cos the one thing i expect my children to have is compassion and a kind heart, just like my mother.
thirdly, i want money for a really fab house with swings ( HOW ROMANTIC !!! ) and a really beautiful garden where no gardeners are needed to tend it for me cos i will take up a class on gardening myself ( more money on this. ) and see the weeds are plucked out professionally and the trees grow healthily without the help of the woodpeckers.
lastly, i want money for my kids. where they can get everything they want.
yes. that's the map of my life.
lastly, er. i forgot i need a little more money to buy a lot of books to keep me accompanied and also some more to buy bikes and skates.
yes. that's what i want.
and i'll strive towards that :o)
the beauty in simplicity - that's what i need.
i had to take my time off resizing the stupid board until the
" Smilies. " option slowly appeared -.- and isnt my ninja cute !!!!!!? ^^ )