but anyway, i shall start with the things that are deemed M O S T important to me at the mo. i will break the big ass chunks into tiny little words and still make it detailed and comprehensible to u so . .
i have been transferred to normal acad.
you might be imagin zang lisa with the puffy eyes and runny nose but cut ! ha ha, i am still the same ol me ! a few months ago, i wuldave felt that me bein transferred down to normal acad is one of the worst things that can happen to me in my whole 17 years of life but now, in october, i feel this is one of the greatest things that i can ever get.
well you see. i only managed to scrape thru my english and chinese. i basically simply easily flunked the rest of the subz miserably. before i even sat for the papers or even before the major exams were on their way, i already knew i was gonna be dropped down so when this whole thing transformed into reality, i wasn't surprised whatsoev. thing is, if i were to be still in the express tream, i am so, so, so not ready for the O level that is startin in like what, 10 months' time ? i havent even gotten the fundamental ideas for any of the simple sums right yet let alone solve big mysteries so if i were to be escorted right up to express, it is the same as sendin me to the valley of hell. but if i were to be given the choice of attendin normal academic, i have 2 b i g years to go before the O's begin ( that is of cos if i do well for my N's. ) and i can have a total of so many million days to get ready for O's and not just sit for it last minit for the sake of sittin. i can go into the hall with confidence and do well. if i do well. IF. big IF. say if i fail my N's then i am never gonna study again and thats a big promise there. so any one second my intelligence ? ha ha ! i hope i am makin the right choice here. i know i am. but i still need some smart ass to talk to but sad thing is, i bloody well forgot my MSN password so i can't really talk to 'em. i messaged people i cared that i was transferred down. people like janelle, farah, cheese, lawrence and michael. i texted mike cos i just wanted to see how he was doin and all.
but anyway ! the major thing is, as long as i am not doin something daft which i totally don't think i am, i am satisfied. but i have to admit there's a really odd feelin deep in the depth of my heart. momsie flew here a few days ago just to talk to my principal which i think is really silly like i mentioned before. flyin all the way here just to talk for an hour or so. but anyway, i played truant, i skipped school, i came as late as i liked so the school wasn't happy with my conduct they decided to have a little talk with my mom. i failed, i disappointed her and all shit but she didn't scold me which is one of the major reasons why i am feelin odd. and sad and just . . . weird. it's indescribable. i imagined people tellin me what a failure i am, how much things i messed up but none of that came my way in fact after the really scrumptious lunch over at tiffany's cafe, momsie brought me to wheelock's to have my manes trimmed. no harms intended but i seriously think aunt s wants to be to ugly. she INSISTED i have a hair cut cos mrs tan said my hair was way messy which i dont understand since i pin up my fringe
A L L T H E T I M E.
so after lunch, we past by this really lousy ass lookin salon and aunt s again INSISTED i cut my hair there !! i freaked and INSISTED there is NO WAY i am gonna trust the shop given its appearance and she INSISTED it will do just fine since i am only trimming my hair but i INSISTED i am NEVER goin in to the shop and hand over my 2 years long of hair to a shop like that but she INSISTED they wont ruin it since it's only a tiny little cut but i FINALLY insisted there is only one place i am gonna hand my hair to and that's none other than salon j won.
so momsie and i together with jason took a taxi cab to wheelock's where i spent the rest of my evenin doin my hair. i initially only wanted to thinner my hair ( i friggin forgot the word culd u believ it. ) but after much consultation with the hair artist, he suggested i go for a straightening cos if i keep straightening my hair with the hair straightener, it is bound to spoil my hair one day so i asked my mom if i shuld and thats how my hair was done. it isn't re-born'ed. it's more to the semi-permanent straightening. momsie got bored of waitin she decided to go get her nails done over at snails. hey that friggin rhymes !!! ha ha ha !
anyway !! from 14 till 19, i was sittin there in the salon. first straightened my hair. i was piss ass urgent to piss so i ran to the washroom ( also another good xcuse to snap a picture. ) then i went back and did coloring. cos after the hair comes in touch with mechanical shit, the hair will turn semi-brown semi-black so i colored it all black to give it one tone. the outer hair is black while the inner is colored so " it will be very natural. this is the latest thing so when there's the sun, the colors will sip in from here, very natural. " quoted from the hair artist himself. but anyway ! after coloring, i went for hair treatment since my hair is hopeless and FINALLY, i went for a trim of my hair. it totally suck but i like it. ha ha, sounds ironic ? but it looks kinda matured so me likes it. momsie bought me a whole new set of kerastase shampooing kits again. i already had the chroma protect but momsie said it will run out one day so she got me the same thing with another 2 bottles of god knows what. the staffs there were,
" whoa, your mom dotes on u so much she even buys for you the shampoo to protect your hair. "
which made me really guilty all over again.
ha ha ha, i culdnt help gigglin to myself the whole time cos there were this 2 attendants and they well shit ass funneh ! one's Anthony who looks friggin thai but is actually a Malaysian and is totally hunky. my type hunky. ha ha okay details shall be concealed. but there was one bloody dang funny part. mom saw me and
" - gasp. - your face ! theres. . . - turns to take her handbag. - "
anthony " what's wrong ? "
mom " there's the chemical on her face ! "
- zang lisa looked at the mirror but couldnt spot ANY traces of chemical on her face. -
anthony then looked at my face while the other assistant went to grab some tissue form the shelf.
- mom turns back pointin to ZL's brows. -
- anthony then grabs the tissue too. -
- ZL looked at her own distorted brows and spotted the tiny chemical smaller than the size of her mole. -
both anthony and assistant #2 started wiping ZL's face gently. there were s few strand of hair on her face so they gently helped me picked them out of my forehead and onto my head then said " careful .. . "
ha ha ha ! ok i find that seriously funny. i mean, a bloody chemical SO SO SO small even a girl with perfect eyesights like none other than myself couldn't spot it have to be handled by 2 gentlemen helpin her pat her face and tuck in her hair. okok whatev lisa. fast forward.
ha ha, A is a really nice lookin lad. he has a darn cool hair style and isn't too skinny. he is a little short tho. as i watched him do my hair, i asked myself why didnt i feel any attraction for him ? and then of cos mr rome flashed back in my mind. A and i talked a little. asked me if i was in uni. U bloody NI. ha ha ha ha ! asked where i lived, where i am from all these things u gotta ask strangers. but anyway !! he is one rough ass when it comes to washin my hair. the other #2 was gentler. he knew i was sec 3. but how he knew is beyond my wonder. he just " sec 3 this year ? " " how long have u been here ? " but anyway, i kept swearing under my breath when A touches my face cos he was basically washin off my make-ups but when i looked in the mirror, i looked the same so i smiled. okay. these things shall be in my diary now skiiiiiip !
hottest babe alive man ! ha ha ha !

undergoin some changes in the cubicle !

pardon the repeat'tation.
( second time i needed to piss urgently. )

ta dling dling ! before i cut and do treatment.

ha ha ha ha ! a true zombie with the smoke to die for.
after hair-do and nails-done, it was close to 20. went over to isetan, brought the usual fruits and ate there before i took the cab home since i was already wayyyy late for roll call.
today, i went to westmall myself after school and bought a new top. it isn't the nicest but i just felt like spendin some cash.
P\S my hair looks really thin and it makes me look like a " virgin. " as quoted by a rabbit. hehe.

i will be wearin it tomorro. other than that, oops. 2nd thing.
i told mom i dont feel like livin there again cos i wanna stay alone. so the plan is, i will be livin in there till this year is over. if i manage to find someone willin to take me in, also stayin close to bukit batok so i wont hav probs goin to skool on time, i can move out but if not, then i can kiss my chubby ass goodbye to livin alone in a house till after i graduate then i can rent a condo and stay with myself. thats why i need help !!! should i stay in bukit timah till my O's are over or should i just move out and stay with someone different ? i am confused. i will talk to someone about it but then again, my friggin MSN is cock. did i tell ja what happend to the friggin passoword ?????
joshua told me my account might have been broken into since i kept gettin kicked outta MSN so he suggested i change my password. but i was BZ at that time and i was mildly annoyed with the bloody stealer for hackin into my account so i set the password to -
wait, before we hit that, here's the thing.
there's a stupid problem.
i friggin' forgot which vulgar i used.
is it
i can't remember - ! i dont even kno how many exclamation marks there were. i just typed till it officially ran outta space. and i didnt pay attention to the password cos my PC auto save my passwords but now that it has died . . .
SOZzZZZ !!! if u are damn free, pretty please help me get my password back.
email's the same. possible words used for password -
1) thief
2) stupid idiot
3) !!!!
4) fucker
5) bitch
6) stealer
peeks of lunch day.

king of fags was eating S A LA D ._. while i was eatin meat, meat and more meat.

in the name of fags, here're a few shots of jason.

who is this idiot !!!!!!!? ha ha. check my fringe out. it's totally different.
pope idiot white boy white monkey.

with love, washboard-straight-hair me.