HARLOWWWWW !!!!!!!!!
ok. truth is, i was back 1 and a half day ago but i was sooo busy i didnt have the time AND chance to go online.. school's started and guess what it feels like high school all over ( even tho im attending mandarin classes in a uni.. ) !! :O
i have to get up at 5.30 in the mornin !!!!!! and leave house by 6.30 or ima gna get rotten late -..-
i'll be goin to school alone tmr, my first trip out alone here in tai wan :oP
school starts at 8am and these days ive started applying make ups again so i need more time for my beauty makeover lol :oP
i'm a mini professional now !!! ha ha ha unlike the past where i only needed a mere 15 minutes to get my make up done :oP now i need close to 40 minutes :oP
i've started adding new ingredients to my new make up kits namely : mattifying cream, eye shadows ( yes in SG no much ppl put on those thingamajgs but here in TW is the opposite !!!! :O ) panda eye concealer and brightener and brow wax.
i've decided to go back to bobbi brown..
newly discovered brand chic choc !!!!! affordable and good ! i recommend the eye shadows and the eye make up remover !!!!!!! the eye make up remover is SOOOOOO gd it's unbelievable !!!!!! :O
my neutral colors. im startin off w colors more dull cuz im a newbie :oP n no, the pink is the blush :o) the yellow looks really yellow in here but on skin it's au naturel, like the color of ur skin tone except glittery :oP this is my self-customized kit. u can buy the cover ( only around 200 TW$, approx 10ish SGD ??? pardon my math. ) and then add in any palettes u like :o) each palettes cost only 550 TWD, approx 20SGD ??? pardon my math. the eye make up remover's arnd 300TWD if my memory doesnt fail me :oP approx er.... im lazy to use my mathy brains ! -..-
new brushes !!!!!!!! pouch was given by CC.. pink so isnt me.. is KK. HA HA HA !
new kits !!!! wahtever BB cream i dont use anymore..

check out my new cute mushroom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 !!!!
without make up : ( warning !!!!!!!!!!! ) keeps ur eyes far far far far away from e monitor !!!!!!!!
w make up :
i enjoy making up now lol cuz alllll my flaws are covered stroke after stroke :oP
my skin condition is extremely hopeless now but with the aids of cosmetic appliances, i transfrom from a rotten apple to a waxy red one instantly LOL -..-
ok so so so ! waitaminit !
im gettin called downstairs for dinner -..-
i'll probly UPD8 tmr cuz i have to sleep early tonight else ima gna be a L8 egg !
im soooo tired i havent caught enuf sleeps lately..... sigh.......... yawn...........