" good !! "
" good good ! "
" you catch up very fast ! good good good ! "
ha ha.
note to self :
atoms : a pure element.
compound : 2 or more atoms chemically joined togetha and cant be broken up by physical methods like filtration distillation crystalization blah blah.
mixture : a mixture. can be seperated with physical method. those metioned above.
ha ha ! smart not you tell me ! i had lunch like finally. and i realized that the food here're really great. like, the last time i ate dinner, they had this western set with the donno wot fish tasting so good i almost gobbled them up. today they served donno wot rice with the bab-koo-tey soup howev, you spell that and for dinner, i had speghetti which is goodie moodie. ha ha !
i slept after lunch for like 40 odd minits cuz i still had math and phy leZZon in the evenin with nandar. i swear i am THE smartest girl. ever. i woke up after repeatedly snoozing my alarm. i went to the bathroom, washed my face, answered the phone, searched for some pen, searched for some pencils, searched for exercise book, took my calculator, zipped up my pencil case, took the key, went outta my room, closed the door, locked the door, opened the g8, went to the lift, came out of the lift, unlocked my door, threw my key on the table, searched for my math book, grabbed my key back, went out of my room, locked it, went to the gate, went to the lift, get my thumb print scanned, walked along the snake-ish pathway, reached canteen, sat, looked around for nandar but couldnt find her so i called her, she told me she wuz at the gate and she couldn't come in to the canteen cuz she didn't have the access card, i got up, walked the ever so long pathway, get my thumb print scanned, to the lift, to my level, get my thumb print scanned, opened the gate, only to rememvber that i locked my room and the bloody key wuz left in the canteen ._.
the distance is damn long i tell you ! it's like, the distance between your class and the computer labs !! or the distance between your room and the stairs 7 levels down form yours !!! of cuz i wuz smart i called sandi and borrowed her access card instead. i had to take the lift back down, get my thumb print scanned, walk across the bencehes, walked across the office, then walk along the friggin long pathway, take a right turn, take a left , walk straight, and finally, to the canteen not only that !! i have to make my way to the bloody g8 ! and hehe i believe i juz typed out a whole load of trash and you juz read it :oP hehehhe.
okay dokeh. i am now still here online even tho i pretty much am gettin drowsy. will be meetin up with KK tomorrow at orchard. she still hasn't gotton her shoe and shirts settled. oh yippie !! did i tell you i will be goin to her prom night !!!? she has this absofuckinglutely smashing guy friend whom is so hot he can melt antarctica ? ( howev. you spell that. ) and has the greatest smile, ever, ever, ever has asked me to be his prom date !!!!!!!
ha ! ha ! i am only goin cuz KK's school can invite outsiders. actually itz not much of a prom night. itz more like, a dance night where all them groups of people will perform. kinda like a harmoniouz racial harmony. and of cuz we ain't gonna dress dress-y. i will only be wearing one of my old dress. dress as in those i wear till they can become parachutes. tho if it really is a special night, i will most probly be wearing back the boody red dress i wore on new year. i still regret buying them. i only wore them once !!!! wanyone wants a newly made parachute thatz used by lise once only ??? ha ha, okay but this whole thang ain't confirmed thatz why i'm not bothered to give a thot on wot to wear. KK's only goin if half of her class is goin. but anyway. this is why she's looking for shirties cuz " i'm so tired of my shirts !!! all are tee shirts ! " so yippie.
oh yes ! i have already bhot the new uniform which i will be using once school starts. i am not gonna use small bags anymore. i will be using the bigazz ripcurl. i have to uze it if not i will never use it. i am gonna be a geek. someone who loves studyin and doesnt care much about how she looks . . . . in school only of cuz !!! ha ha, cuz i realized that when you start to give a shit to wot you look like, you will keep thinkin about how you look and thatz when you pay more attention to the mirrors than to the texts. so.
okay. i guess thisis all for today. am gonna force myself to sleep oh !!! i dont kno why but i have been dying to get some facial piercings !!!! not nose. just somewhere totally rad. i dont kno. i am being too guy-ish i kno but wont it be so cold ( cool. ) !!? the only thing am scared is when someone aint happy with me, they'll go pull my stud out !!! and thatz def not something i fancy. i don't want tongue. i don't want brows, i want nose, i don't want lips but i'm thinkin of havin a pierce at the top corner of the lips which i seen some girls with. it's called a monroe piercing.
and it looks like,

pretty nice eh. i kno this picta doesn't make a good example for the cool piercing but it's almost all that i can get from yahoo. nose no need say cuz i will definitely be piercing. well okay and tho i highly doubt i dare do any crzy cool piercings.
this is pretty nice too aint i ?

ha ha, i still remember this lip pierce. it tells a story of brbakiwe. ha ha, farah, bus guy.