but anyway ! janelle reached too early so she told me to take a taxi there. she'll pay half the price :oD so off i went flying.
" going shopping ah ? " greeted the driver.
but this time whoa, y'know usually when i sit in a cab, i go so easy my mind will be in a state of perfect tranquility, all rest in peace while my eyes shut themselves and enjoy the ride but this time ah ! shit man i was there glancing at the money metre ( sp ? ) ALT WHICH STANDS FOR ALL THE TIME. whao i have never felt so nervos like those crawling ants i find on my sink while i'm brushing my teeth before.
but anyway ! i reached and we caught definitely, maybe. pretty good cos i'm once again inspired to get smexeh legs. ha ha ! ye i know i've been repeating this sentence like an automated machine but shiet. i'm seriuoz this time AE. ha ! ha ! it just seem right :oD joycy what a copycat.
but anyway ! met alan teo wee wee today ! ha ha he hasn't changed a bit. character face everythango mango. i was doing the ge ge thang to janelle.
" wo shi lisa jie jie. janelle mey mey ni hao. lai, wo men qiu zao alan dee dee hai you jaw ge ge hao mah ? " i just visited steven lim's site if you wanna know thats why.
i wasn't condemning no i wasn't. as whatever as it may sound but i actually pretty much like SL. he's pretty good looking. no don't puke or go omgah is she nuts but think about it. do you SERIOUZLY hate him or are you hating him just becos everyone seem to be ? i tagged over at his board if you can find me, i'm lyse ! ha ha. it's really humorose, no actually it's really disturbing when i read fucking shit like " you're such a disgrace to singapore ! " like man shut up lah. isn't it funny why just becos he's so entertaining he goes to the extend of over doing considered as " retarded. " " xiao. " like whatever. becos I think he's cool just the way he is so stop picking on him whoever the fucker is shit. i don't know why i'm blogging about this. i'm such a busy body but hey. one thing is clear : i don't hate SL final. so moving on ! where was i ? oh ye ! the ge ge mey mey thang.
anyways ! jannie and i were acting those kinda not happy scenes. like i'll walk past her and bang her shoulders had then we both will stare at each other with silent but deadly fiery killing eyes. so after eating lucky prata once again, we were walking out so i walked slowhy behind. while she was walking ahead of me, i ran up to her, swung my handbag at her, delibrately hitting her hard. she wanted to revenge, so she took off her bag and swung it EXCEPT SHE MISSED ME so she did a turn over and the bag landed right on a man's chest. ha ! ha ! ha ! omgoodness. we were laughing so friggin hard we had to stop at the smokin area for fresh oxygen. and then there i saw pretty sw nabilah and we exchanged a very quickie of hi ! ha ha today is a very wrong day to wear school uniform y'know why ? cos after sighting SWN, i went down to get the fruit juice at the fruit juice stall when i heard " joyce ! " i turned around but couldn't see a familiar face. then alan was like telling me " cheeky. " so then i turned back once more and there i saw cheeky with his flight of people. ha ! ha ! i'm using flight of people cos whoa it's like a whole flight of people !? one by one they stand facing. but anyway, after movie oh i forgot my point. i see the schoolians in school uniform. they all looked good excpet the bimbo. ha ha ! called hweekoon see if she wanted to join us but it was too late by the time movie ended !!! ah the stupid movie is too damn long !
okay after movie was so funny. we were like shit. isn't it boring just reading what i did ? ha ha bare with me ! we were in the lift and janelle's biggezt popcorn was like still left with 3 quatres at the endda the show so suddenly, jaw grabbed the popcorns and threw it in the air ( lift. ) and alan and him started trashing popcorn at jannie. ha ha !
went to newton to have dinner. walking we were shooting popcorn bullets at each other. oh yes ! i forgot. today is really really unlucky. y'know just friday i was like putting in 2 padz cos i was afraid i would have mense without any warning right. but today when i went out, i didn't remember to so then as i was in the toilet, shit. ketchup greeted me a sly hello. girls would understand guys will just whyever will she feel so concerned ? anywayzzzz ! kind sweet souled darling dear guardian picked me up after dinner slash supper with JAJ. it was like 22.30 so she said she'd pick me up. she was driving on her way home too y'see.
" joyce why're you wearing school uniform ??? "
" heh. "
" today got school meh ? "
" ha ha cos these few days i become very fat. and no clothes to wear already. "
" but i thought you have a lot of pretty dresses ? "
" ye but now too fat to wear. "
" oh ! then you can't fit is it ? "
" yah lor. i don't know but these few days i can't shit. "
" you have to eat more vegetables !! "
chriselle - ha ha ! i still have the prune juice !!! you can drink it cos i'm okay now.
" ha ha ! really ? okay cool. "
" ya then you just drink it one glass everyday so you can shit. "
yep so i shall end here. oh ! i have a new math tutor now !! who's great ! i forgot to ask for his name.
" no. "
" uh-huh. "
" ha ha ! ye i do. "
" all the time ^^ "
" HA HA HA HA ! "
caps locked are to differenciate him and i. goo nine ! btw CHECK OUT ROBYN'S LATEST ALBUM !!!!!! IT TOTALLY ROCK !!!!!!!
* be mine.
* shouldhave known.
i can't seem to load into imeem.
hoohoo. it's 2 minutes to 1.45 in the morning and i just did a mssive photo taking session with my camera. ha ha ! i will go update now.
lucky prata.
we did a 7 dangerous road crossings without any traffic lights.
pok left mid way to meet her parents.
back homme !
in life there're many smiles that says something yet means another.
( i is cool. i is very cool. i is very very cool. )
ha ha really ah. ( please god please please wherever my dimples is, let them appear even though i know very wel i aint got none but please. . )
ha-ha dont you loves miss swan ?
ha-ha-ha very funny ! ( i goofed up !!! )